Name a single universally prohibited act

Ever hear of assasins? We employ quite a number of them for murdering foreign political enemies.

Do you consider that to be moral?

Also "murder" is practically a meaningless term as it is redefined locally by people so that it allows the killing they approve of and disallows the killing they don't aprove of.

Perhaps so, but nevertheless there are circumstances where it would be universally agreed that killing is immoral.

Oh and since we are defining terms "universal" would mean all peoples throughout history.

I assumed you were talking about the present day.

It's not really a very important statement you're making, is it?
James R
see you lost it, while you stuck to murder you were correct but as soon as you drift into "killing is wrong" you are wrong

Even if we look at a biblical view the mistranslated phrase "thou shall not kill" actually means "thou shall do no murder" which is a compleatly different statement

Killing in some circumstances could be argued to be morally required, war for instance, euthanasia to relive suffering, an ectopic pregnancy (if you view a fertalised egg as alive)
Perhaps so, but nevertheless there are circumstances where it would be universally agreed that killing is immoral.

Well, sure. Killing or murder within ones own tribe is relatively universally wrong. But by the same token, in those same tribes/societies, killing people outside of that tribe is considered a good thing, a heroic thing. (See the definition of "terrorist" for examples)

The problem with your statement, James, is that you've attached "circumstances", which would change the whole concept that "killing is universally wrong".

Baron Max
Doing the broad jump from the surface of the Earth to the Moon is universally prohibited by the laws of physics for any person on the planet.
I'll knock off a few standard ones: murder, cannibalism and incest all have cultures which allow them.
all of these things were acceptable, even encouraged, by some cultures.

Murder was part and parcel of many cultures.
Cannibalism was accepted as part of the funeral rite in many cultures.
Incest kept royal blood lines blue from Egypt on through the ages.

The only truely universally prohibited act is when you compare some situation to Hitler to make your point on an Internet debate site ... what's that called again? someones law or something???
Paedophilia is another slippery term. Certainly there are modern cultures who go as early as 7. Whether or not there is a universal too young, I do know, I'll see if I can find out...Well there are certainly societies which practice what others concider pedophilia, a certain religious institution comes to mind as well as ancient Greece and Persia, but I can't see that any research has been done to see if there is always low end to the age which is seen as "pedophilia" by those peoples.

On lying, they usually redefine intentionally deceiving another person as being polite, etc.

You are correct JDawg.
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Some interesting sex factiods from

Its interesting to read factoids about sexual standards of other cultures, it throws into perspective how narrow our views tend to be in western culture!

The Australian Aborigines temprarily exchange wives as a gesture of friendship and goodwill at the ceremonies where puberty rites are held for their youngsters. The wives often initiate this, enjoying the change of ''scenery'' as well.

Homosexual relationships are accepted practice among the men and boys of the Siwans of Africa. The few who do not participate are considered peculiar.

Lesu children are premitted to watch adults, other than their parents, copulate.

The Ila people of Africa encourage their children to fully develop their sexual capabilities, permitting them any form of sexual expression they wish to partake in. It is claimed there are no virgins older than age 10 in this society!

Upon reading puberty, boys of Mangaia (one of the Cook Islands) are given sexual instruction - including many details of positioning, cunnilingus and delaying their own satisfaction so that their parter women may experience multiple orgasms.

In a survey in 1949 of 849 societys, 75 percent were found to permit premarital intercourse.

Of course, in America in 1988 the stats showed that 70 percent of married American women had indulged in premarital intercourse as well . . . they are just supposed to feel *guilty* about it here!

Some Hindu sects require a preist to deflower a virgin before she consummates her marriage with her husband.

The most common universal form of marriage is actually Polygyny - one husband with two or more wives. Of those 849 societyes, 70 percent are polygynous.

The least prevelent form is polyandry (one wife with two or more husbands), only 4 of 849 societys practice this.

Polynesian societys have no words for "obscene", "indecent'', "impure'' or the like. Sex is never considered a source of shame or embarrassment.

Because eating and intercourse each involve entering bodily orifices, the Aweikoma of Brazil use the same term for both activities.

The inhabitants of Bali, and the Lepcha of Sikkim have no exlaborate rituals or practices of seduction. If sex is desired, one only need ask for it - this is true for both men and women.

If a Goajiro woman of Colombia successful trips a man during a ceremonial dance, he is required to have intercourse with her.

Pacific-dwelling Marquesan men have acquired the ability to prolong their erections indefinitely until their parter is fully satsified. It is considered normal for the women to exeprience at least 3 orgasms.

During the latter stages of a Hidatsa womans pregnancy, her husband is allowed intercourse with her sister.

Its not uncommon for the Aranda of Australia to copulate three to five times nightly, sleeping for short intervals in between activity.
James R
Do you consider [asssasins] to be moral?

My moral opinions aren't the topic. Assasination is permitted by our society and it is clearly murder.

Perhaps so, but nevertheless there are circumstances where it would be universally agreed that killing is immoral.

We are discussing whether it is permitted/prohibited, not whether it is thought to be immoral.

It's not really a very important statement you're making, is it?

I didn't realize importance was a requirement. But since you bring it up, I find it very important to realize the chasm which exists between what people assume to be universal standards and what is actually the case.
On lying, they usually redefine intentionally deceiving another person as being polite, etc.

And, of course, it's the liars who've done that "redefining". I know of no one who willingly accepts being lied to, being intentionally deceived, as "proper" and/or acceptable behavior.

Baron Max
Ok, so no-one addresses my post.


I'd be genuinely interested to know what human culture sees sex with animals as acceptable and right. As it stands, I know of none who do.
Bestiality. I'd be genuinely interested to know what human culture sees sex with animals as acceptable and right. As it stands, I know of none who do.

The term is used because there actually IS such a culture in real life. In fact, I've seen porno videos of men fucking animals. In Mexico, I once saw a woman sucking off a donkey!

Admittedly, the "culture" or "society" is small, but that's not the point, is it?

Baron Max
Eating shit, eating rocks, eating razor blades, eating glass all would be universally prohibited I'd think.
Eating shit, eating rocks, eating razor blades, eating glass all would be universally prohibited I'd think.

I don't know about that. For example, there was a news story not too long ago about an Indian who made money eating glass. And the people just loved watching him do it.

There was also a story about a kid in southeast Asia who ate dirt. So....?

Baron Max
the "but" clause negates the "......and accepted"

Mea culpa. I was trying to be diplomatic. ;)

I may be misreading the title of the thread, but I didn't take "prohibited" to mean strictly "illegal". I saw it as more of a moral issue. Maybe I'm wrong about that...

And I'm not sure how many folks honestly want to debauch an infant.
I did take prohibited as being illegal, and paedophilia is about having sex with minors, which at law is children, not just pubescent children.

Its not about folks motivations, its how its portrayed at law after the fact, which is why it is prohibited before the fact and rightly so, methinks, universally.