naked babies

This thread hurts my head with stupidity.

I'm going to find some diaper ads and go masturbate.
I just dont understand why they can show kids naked, and not show adults naked without it being blurred. Whats the difference?

Ugly things evoking sexual emotion- which one does not get from a baby.
(retarded fucks aside)
A nude baby on television is nothing to images of 3 year old meat getting poked in the rear by an adult which forms the bulk of child pornography, so this idea you have of it provoking pedophilia is as inane as your use of the word 'degenerate'.
Pointing it a risk for pedophilia provoked by that watered down medium is as absurd as saying the color of my blouse may provoke the violence of a rapist.
Asguard said:

one thing you said there

that children arnt portraid as sex objects
as wrong as it is thats not correct

have you SEEN some of the things people dress there kids in now?
i mean G-strings for toddlers
The issue in this post was about nappy and baby wipe ads. If you look at those ads and see them as somehow sexual or that they portray a child as a sex object, then just make the statement in public and let them beat you to death.

I am well aware that many children are treated as sex objects because of their parent's fucked up sense of fashion and also because of the child wanting to be just like someone airhead they saw in a music clip. I have an 8
year old little cousin who refuses to wear anything that does not show her belly button and who threw a fit when her mother refused to buy her a g-string and let her pierce her belly button. But that was not the point of this thread.

like it or not (and im SOOOO on the not) children ARE portraided as sex sybols and objects now and that is the sickest thing.
Yes they are. But they are not portrayed as sex objects in a baby wipe or nappy ad. Again, if you see something sexual in a baby wipe ad or a nappy ad, then refer to above.