mysterious crop fields........[help!!!!!!!!]

Since no man can tell me how to make these small woven centers maybe a monkey can. If you can please do.
He did it. Hahaha. Just look at him practicing...(what ever)
simply 99.9% of crop circles are manmade (With the odd exception based upon tornadoes, but they are rarely circular as they put waste to the whole field)

However I'm not saying that 99.9% are made with a plank of wood, there are varying different methods. Some use some real state of the art equipment (Which produces a higher than normal electromagnetic background which has been recorded by such groups as the Rockerfella Institute).

You can see the difference in the quality of work too, the plank of wood method produces limited primatives like circles, where the equipment method produces large snowflakes, 4-dimensional representations and other bizarre shapes.

One theory for such hoaxers was that people working on particular equipment thats in a "hush hush, ever so secret" facility, behind all the paperwork that comes with secrets, do these hoaxes as a form of protest for their work not being recognised outside of their "hush hush, ever so secret" facility.

However no facts have been submitted for that arguement.
Said it before and I'll say it again. Channel 4 in the UK done a documentary about the actual circle makers,, and the cerealogists in about 2000. The damning bit was after the circle makers done their bit the cerealogists declared the circle to be real as 'nodes' in the wheat where bent, not snapped, there where anomalous EM/magnetic readings etc.

Later, the cerealogists where asked if the crew could attend a nights camp out to try and capture circles being made. They told the circle makers where to be, they arrived and made a humunguous circle (with flash lights and all) only a few hundred meters from the camping (oohh err) cerealogists. No one saw or heard a thing so the video tape was sent to them later. They where not amused.
spookz said:
i am afraid that is not good enough. in lieu of cash, the monkey demands nekkid pics

Good job Spookz you just scared her away... and just before she was going to give us the picture to!