My uncle was healed of AIDS

Originally posted by phlogistician
I've heard wild claims like this before, and when proof is asked for, it always ends up with the proclaimer flouncing saying 'proof wouldn't convince you anyway'.
Hey, i dont know how in the world i am supposed to get a hold of his medical records, i just got married two months ago and he lives in Texas, so i have never met him. All i have been able to do so far is ask my relatives here and they said that that night he went to bed with i think it was a low (or high, whichever one AIDS causes) stem cell count and when he went to the doctor the next day after he talked to my wife it was miraculously much higher (or lower) and i guess it was without any medication, so it really was unexplainable, and as far as i know he was negative for HIV. I only know what i am told, and the source may not be credible in your eyes but that is more your problem than mine, so sorry. I dont know much about AIDS, i am sure you do. And as far as why he answered my wife's prayers, i dont know why, God does a lot of things we dont understand, but nonetheless he still does them. And again, what about Biblical prophesies, the hundreds that have already come true? Historically they have already been proven true. And i am not talking at all about the book of Revelation, either. I have given you an account of a healing that changed my uncles life and i have also given you for the most part my own testimony. Also, i just want to end this with a few more comments. Einstein himself said that the more he studied the stars the more he believed that there was a creator. Darwin also said that creation was a far more likely and acceptable theory than evolution, he even went so far as to completely abandon all that he had claimed about evolution. And also, light is a miracle in itself. It is made up of both waves and particles which is a physical, scientific impossibility. The light on earth here is made up of 2 impossible elements and the light in heavens light is, even more miraculously, made up of 3. Also if you would look at the number 7. There are 7 continents, 7 musical notes, 7 wonders of the world, 7 seas, 7 pure colors, 7 days of the week, many many many more 7's are everywhere. 7 is the number of completion, perfection, its God's own signature and it is all over this earth. None of you have thoroughly studied the Bible, maybe instead of passing judgement on it you should seek to understand it more. King Solomon put it best: " A wise man seeks understanding while a fool is only concerned with voicing his own opinion." Until you completely understand the Bible, the word of God, i would restrain from passing any judgement because you are completely missing the whole picture. I am out of here. I pray that the Lord would open the eyes of your heart and minister your souls as you walk every day of your life. I know also that many of you at some point in your life are going to have the same encounter with God as i have and i thank the Lord in advance for answering your prayers. Oh, one very last thing, to anyone who finds it odd that a lot of drug addicts find Jesus faster than others or more frequently, its because we've literally lived hell and have been to our rock bottom, we just knew when it was time to look up. You cant be healed unless your broken. Peace.
Hippo, I am a person who's life was transformed by the healing love of Isis. Both of my parents were in the late stages of brain cancer, and I was broken and had lost hope. Then, one stormy night, I prayed to Isis and offered her all I had: my possessions, meager though they may be in Her eyes, my happiness, my soul, my knowledge, everything I had. She came down to me and touched my brow, and reassured me that they would be alright. This is proof that Isis does exist. All of you unbelievers and infidels, please come and beg forgiveness of Isis, for She is merciful and loving to all of you.

Now give me proof that your little speech is any more credible than my little speech. :rolleyes:

I am out of here.
Does that mean you are not coming back? I notice that as we began to see more of the details of the incident that your claim was definitely beginning to weaken. Are you leaving because you know you don’t have a case or are you frightened that the truth might not be what you have been led to believe? You’d certainly gain enormous respect if you admitted that your claim was premature and mistaken.

But just in case you come back and read this -

Hey, i dont know how in the world i am supposed to get a hold of his medical records, i just got married two months ago and he lives in Texas, so i have never met him.
So your fantastic claim is all based hearsay, and you haven’t verified anything personally.

All i have been able to do so far is ask my relatives here and they said that that night he went to bed with i think it was a low (or high, whichever one AIDS causes) stem cell count and when he went to the doctor the next day after he talked to my wife it was miraculously much higher (or lower)
It seems there are many things that can change between tests. Tests can vary according to time of day, current infections, lack of sleep, stress and other biological factors. Variation in the laboratory used, as well as how quickly the test is performed after the blood is drawn, can also affect test results. Therefore, it is very important to look at overall trends and not be alarmed or pleased by any one individual test result. The claim of a miraculous cure does seem very premature here since there are many factors involved.

and i guess it was without any medication, so it really was unexplainable,
Guess? You don’t know then?

I only know what i am told, and the source may not be credible in your eyes but that is more your problem than mine, so sorry.
Isn’t it your problem if you want to be believed? But isn’t it also your problem for your own sake so that you can know for sure that a miracle has occurred as opposed to a more credible natural remission or the more common testing error?

I dont know much about AIDS, i am sure you do.
Then you aren’t qualified to judge whether this is miraculous or something less fantastic.

God does a lot of things we dont understand, but nonetheless he still does them.
Not quite. There are many claims that God does things, like your claim, but there is no proof, like yours, that he does anything or that he even exists.

And again, what about Biblical prophesies, the hundreds that have already come true? Historically they have already been proven true.
And you still haven’t demonstrated just one of them.

I have given you an account of a healing that changed my uncles life
But you haven’t shown that the cause of the cure, if any, was divine intervention. You have only made a largely baseless assertion.

Einstein himself said that the more he studied the stars the more he believed that there was a creator.
Can you quote the reference please.

He also said –

I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. (Einstein on the Mysterious)
And –
I cannot accept any concept of God based on the fear of life or the fear of death or blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him I would be a liar. (Einstein's Last Thoughts)

Darwin also said that creation was a far more likely and acceptable theory than evolution, he even went so far as to completely abandon all that he had claimed about evolution.
LOL. Excellent Christian propaganda. You also need to quote the reference for that piece of creative writing. Perhaps this quote from his autobiography might be helpful –

....During these two years (March 1837 - January 1839) I was led to think much about religion. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality. I suppose it was the novelty of the argument that amused them. But I had gradually come by this time (i.e. 1836 to 1839) to see the Old Testament, from its manifestly false history of the world, with the Tower of Babel, the rain-bow as a sign, &c., &c., and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindoos, or the beliefs of any barbarian....

....Thus disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but was at last complete. The rate was so slow that I felt no distress, and have never since doubted for a single second that my conclusion was correct. I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so, the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother, and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished.
And this is a damnable doctrine....
You should also realize that Darwin graduated from Cambridge University with a theology degree, although he was never ordained, the journey of the Beagle deflected that path.

And also, light is a miracle in itself. It is made up of both waves and particles which is a physical, scientific impossibility. The light on earth here is made up of 2 impossible elements and the light in heavens light is, even more miraculously, made up of 3.

Also if you would look at the number 7. There are 7 continents, 7 musical notes, 7 wonders of the world, 7 seas, 7 pure colors, 7 days of the week, many many many more 7's are everywhere. 7 is the number of completion, perfection, its God's own signature and it is all over this earth.
Ah but the number 2 is even more powerful – a binary digit has 2 states, man has 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, the earth has 2 hemispheres, and 2 surface areas of land and sea, the day has 2 states of night and day, there are 2 ends of a journey (start and end), everything electrical has 2 states of on or off, one is either alive or dead, and gosh there are many many many more 2's everywhere.

None of you have thoroughly studied the Bible,
Wanna bet?

King Solomon put it best: " A wise man seeks understanding while a fool is only concerned with voicing his own opinion."
Right, so you have admitted understanding nothing about AIDS but have expressed your very strong opinion that someone has been miraculously cured, although only based on the opinions of others, and of course you have been unable to shown any proof. So who is the fool here?

Until you completely understand the Bible, the word of God, i would restrain from passing any judgement because you are completely missing the whole picture.
You realize you have just passed the judgment that we are missing the whole picture. Your restraint didn’t last very long.

Originally posted by Zero
Hippo, I am a person who's life was transformed by the healing love of Isis. Both of my parents were in the late stages of brain cancer, and I was broken and had lost hope. Then, one stormy night, I prayed to Isis and offered her all I had: my possessions, meager though they may be in Her eyes, my happiness, my soul, my knowledge, everything I had. She came down to me and touched my brow, and reassured me that they would be alright. This is proof that Isis does exist. All of you unbelievers and infidels, please come and beg forgiveness of Isis, for She is merciful and loving to all of you.

Now give me proof that your little speech is any more credible than my little speech. :rolleyes:

Hey, I think you may be on to something! I've read a little bit about Isis. Some think Mary Magdalene may have been of the cult of Isis. There's some interesting correlations between Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and Isis, Horus and Osiris.
if your uncle was actually cured by aids from jesus and you support this claim i promise 100% i will provide you with proof i have eaten my sweaty socks,

heres a teaser to what you can look forward to if you provide proof,see attached
Boy, how does your uncle rate such favoritism?

What about this poor kid?

From The Onion: "God Answers Paralyzed Little Boys Prayers; No, Says God"
"An incredible, booming voice said to Timmy, 'I am the Lord thy God, who created the rivers and the mountains, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon and the stars. Before Me sits My beloved child, whose faith is that of the mustard seed from which grows mighty and powerful things. My child, Timmy Yu, I say unto you thus: I have heard your prayers, and now I shall answer them. No, you cannot get out of your wheelchair. Not ever."
Haha no says god,that was a well written very very funny joke that basically goes along the lines of my thinking.

Actually the joke is god,the whole idea of god the way religous people see him/she/it
Very sad situation,
Christians the world over are celebrating his story as a stirring testament to the power of faith

The Lord has answered a little boy's plea to know if he would ever walk again, and that answer was no
. Yeah, just great, so god’s basically an arse-face.

Anyway, we (in the real world) are doing some remarkable work with stem cells located in the spine. If it is ever in our power we will fix Timmy and he won't even have to beg. And of course we'd never say no. Although it wouldn't surprise me if some nutter Christian tried to prevent any therapy - as that would be against gods wishes ...
Originally posted by Michael
Hmmm.. . .. . . ... I have a number of friends that had really hard drug tripping lives that found god in a big way once they hit about 25. I personally think there is a connection - either the drugs or the personality (most liikely both).

Yes, you are right, because God is the ultimate high! There's no pill you can pot, or plant you can smoke that compares to what the lord jesus christ will do to you!

Maybe it's just that religion is also adictive, hehe.
Originally posted by Michael
Hmmm.. . .. . . ... I have a number of friends that had really hard drug tripping lives that found god in a big way once they hit about 25. I personally think there is a connection - either the drugs or the personality (most liikely both).

The desperation, perhaps.
(not a joke, in case you were wondering)

People that have a difficult time with life and need something to turn to often turn to drugs.
After the drugs run their course, they are still the same weak people that require a crutch to get through life.
They have a personality that is drawn to remove themselves from responsibility and place it on drugs, Jesus, excuses, other people in their lives, whatever avails itself to them.
Religion in general (and Christianity in sepecific) fill this need perfectly.
Ummmmm am i missing something?

You started off by saying how you were an athiest like us until your uncle was cured of his terminal disease and a holy spirit came and said hello but then on your next post you state you found god while with your buddies who made you stare at an image of jesus in a church.

i dont follow....

Futhermore, as a former athiest you would be well aware that evidence is of paramount importance.

This has happened before Hippocampus! I saw a programme about a woman who had cancer of the throat (I beleive) and she was dying, and doctors said there was nothing that could be done for her. Within a matter of days (or weeks, I forget which) it had disappeared! Doctors and no one else could explain it, and scans showed the cancer had completely disappeared. I think she, or someone in her family, had been praying for her and that's what she put it down to.

Mucker: I once saw a tv programme about some south american tribal people. There was a woman with cancer and the medicine man rubbed his hands up her body and then rubbed his hands on a tree and when tested the woman had no cancer. Strange things happen. The shaman didn't pray to jesus, the holy spirit or god- instead he did a funny rain dance thing.
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You started off by saying how you were an athiest like us until your uncle was cured of his terminal disease and a holy spirit came and said hello but then on your next post you state you found god while with your buddies who made you stare at an image of jesus in a church.

Contradictions can be beautiful sometimes no?
I really am an atheist, I just did that to see if he responded. So far I see no intelligent reponse from the theist side.