My uncle was healed of AIDS


Registered Member
My uncle was healed of AIDS by Jesus. I have no reason to lie to any of you. How can you explain that? He was already in the late stages of it and was confined to a wheelchair, than my wife prayed for him from 5 states away and the Holy Spirirt told her he was healed. She called the next morning and he had woken up that morning and was better. Without God that is humanly, physically, scientifically impossible. God has shown himself to me in many more ways than one. I actually used to be an aetheist, but when i was filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time (when by the way i was just sitting in a room as sober as can be, without prayer or any type of outside influence from anyone or of any kind) there was no way that what i felt, saw, heard or knew that night could ever be denied. It is a feeling and experience i cannot put into words at all. Millions of people have felt the same thing, and the thing is is that we dont ask for it or expect it, he just moves because my heart was hungry for TRUTH. I asked from my heart and the depths of my soul if there was a god than i want to know if he was real and that if he was, i would live my life for him. I meant it, and He knew it, so he revealed himself to me, just the way that it says he did to the people in the Bible, before i ever read about it. I cant deny Him.
Is this a free call to mock you, don't you get mocked enough by your wife, family, and friends that you are seeking on public internet site.

Anyways, enjoy the pain, I'll have no part of it but the warning.
wow! congradulations hippocampus! well.. i am going to assume that your uncle really is cured of aids so i am happy for you.. but how do you know it is a direct result of the prayer? well let's drop that for now and go on to the important stuff..

your wife must have some great connection w/ god because her prayer was answered so fast.. would your wife do me a favor? i don't believe that god exists but if he does since he cured your uncle.. would he cure my mother? she is disabled from her 3 major herniated discs in her lower back.. she has tried everything for years from physical therapy to surgery.. it isn't helping.. she is in pain constantly.

oh and btw have her throw in a prayer for the other billion people or so suffering from painful life threatening incurable diseases

yes i know sarcasm.. but look hippo... if your story proves true it means 1 of 2 things

1. god is all mighty but at the same time is unfair to let some suffer and some not

2. your uncle was very fortunate (amazingly fortunate to say the least) and was cured of aids but not by god
Wow, i dont really know what to say to all of you. I used to be a lot like all of you. I didnt choose for God to reveal himself to me. How was i supposed to know that He was gonna be real? Im gonna tell you something that happened to me personally that really opened my eyes to Him. I used a lot of drugs from 7th grade up to my freshman year in college. Pot, shrooms, LSD, acid, ecstacy, a few others, i was just stupid and lost. I had severe depression, and i actually got to the point where when i went into public i would kind of freak out. I lost a lot of my "friends" because of this, they thought i was super weird and they just stopped talking to me. I would get overwhelmed sometimes with anxiety to the point of having a panic attack, or anxiety attack, if anyone has had one, you understand. I would get really dizzy, begin to hyperventilate, and go into a seizure and my muscles would tense up, causing my face and hands to remain in a deformed and demented state until it passed. I could go into far more detail but that would just be a waste of time. I had never believed fully in miracles at this point, i had never seen one. Id heard of them but i never thought that God would want to heal me, or that it was even possible. So basically my point is that my brain and body chemistry were really messed up because of drugs and i didnt believe he could heal me. I used to sit at this youth group ( i was 18 at the time) and i would always look up to the leaders in that place, i wanted to be able to be into God the way that they were, i wanted what they had. I was sitting by myself literally thinking about how i wanted to be more like them. My friend Charles came up to me and said that he had a word from the Lord for me and he asked if he could pray for me. He told me everything that i was thinking and he told me that I needed to look up to Jesus, not any of them. Now, i was in a back row of this thing, and never once did Charles look back at me to see what i was doing, so he never saw me looking at him or any of the other leaders up in the front of the worship center, ok, he didnt read any look on my face that said i envied them or anything, I didnt talk to him at all about it either. One minute he was up there praying, the next he just turned around and walked up to me. Well i let him pray over me and i just sat there on a bench while he prayed. He told me that God wanted to heal me. He didnt tell me that God wanted to heal me of anxiety attacks or depression or anything specific. Than he told me to just sit and recieve, just to concentrate of the face or hands of Jesus. So i did. I was stuck in a weird position that is of no significance and i just tried to concentrate on Jesus' face. I did for about 10 or 15 minutes, it could have been more but i wasnt keeping time, when He (God) told me to open my eyes. When i opened my eyes I saw the world in a way i had never seen before. I had a peace that surpassed all understanding, it was literally as if scales had fallen off of my eyes and my mind, you cant fully understand. It is a peace that i feel to this very moment. Now this was about one year ago and i have not had one anxiety attack or one bit of depression since than. God had taken away all of my anxieties and all depression and all doubt of His existence. I, myself, have been healed.
It would be cool if you had a news clip of your uncle or maybe you can scan up some pics of your uncle's before and after medical reports.

That is really awesome that God healed you. There are a lot of pessimistic people that don't believe you and won't believe you because it hasn't happened to them. I believe you though and know what it is like to have the scales lifted as it is. The part people have a hard time with is, Why did he choose you and not the next guy you know. I believe that he chose you and I believe that there was a reason, but people here believe that they should have the same equallity as you. Although all of us that are plagued with the original sin aren't worthy of anything but death and hell. We are all equal in that sense, but I don't think people will understand that Gods System is different then mans. Thanks for sharing the testimony though.

So, is your uncle is out of the wheelchair now? Completely cured? Is that what you're saying?

Is this confirmed by the doctors who were treating him?
Originally posted by James R
Is this confirmed by the doctors who were treating him?
Along this vein; what was his CD4 count and HIV viral load before and after the healing?
These, along with secondary infections, are what determine the classification (asymptomatic, HIV, AIDS).

Originally posted by Hippocampus
... I used a lot of drugs from 7th grade up to my freshman year in college. Pot, shrooms, LSD, acid, ecstacy, a few others....
Hmmm.. . .. . . ... I have a number of friends that had really hard drug tripping lives that found god in a big way once they hit about 25. I personally think there is a connection - either the drugs or the personality (most liikely both).
If someone was cured of aids, wouldn't this kind of thing be published? What state was he in?

Welcome to sciforums.

My uncle was healed of AIDS by Jesus.
You will have to answer a great many questions before such an assertion could be considered seriously.

I have no reason to lie to any of you.
If you have any facts then your integrity need never be an issue.

How can you explain that?
Since there is no proven precedent then it seems highly probable that you are seriously mistaken. But it is your claim so we would expect you to prove it.

He was already in the late stages of it and was confined to a wheelchair,
Can you define late stages? And late stages of what? Please quantify the details. Can you quote statements from responsible doctors?

than my wife prayed for him from 5 states away
So here is my first issue with your claim.

I assume he had been ill for some time since he is now in the ‘late stages’. Why would your wife only start to pray now near the end? Was there no concern for this probable outcome much earlier in the illness? How many times did she pray over how many days, weeks, months? How many times did she pray and the prayer wasn’t apparently answered?

and the Holy Spirirt told her he was healed.
How did this announcement manifest itself? What proof can you offer of such an event?

She called the next morning and he had woken up that morning and was better.
What drugs and treatments was he using? Can you be certain that none of these contributed to his improved condition? Stating he was ‘better’ is hardly a remarkable claim since many such patients undergo temporary remissions and days when they feel improved. Much of which can be attributed to optimism and hope.

Did she make the claim clearly and openly that the Holy Spirit had contacted her before making the call? Or did she make the call, hear that he was improved, and then conveniently remember that during her prayer the previous night she felt more hopeful and contribute that to an alleged Holy Spirit?

Without a clear chain of documented/witnessed evidence your claim will lack credibility. And typical of religiously emotionally charged claims accuracy is rarely considered and exaggeration of events is almost always present.

Without God that is humanly, physically, scientifically impossible.
This claim is of course out of proportion to the weak claim. But having an event that is unexplained does not indicate that a god was involved. You haven’t shown causality.

God has shown himself to me in many more ways than one.
This weakens your case and your claim since you now appear to be disposed towards believing events allegedly involving a god.

I actually used to be an aetheist, but when i was filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time (when by the way i was just sitting in a room as sober as can be, without prayer or any type of outside influence from anyone or of any kind) there was no way that what i felt, saw, heard or knew that night could ever be denied.
But then the brain is very fascinating. I obtain many of my creative inspirations when I am sitting quietly and resting. I can quite believe you experienced something but to attribute it arbitrarily to something supernatural reflects more an ignorance of how the brain works.

It is a feeling and experience i cannot put into words at all.

Millions of people have felt the same thing, and the thing is is that we dont ask for it or expect it,
It is indeed very natural and if you want to know more then take a course in neuroscience.

he just moves because my heart was hungry for TRUTH.
What does ‘heart’ mean in this context? Your heart is a blood pump. This term more accurately means that you were emotionally charged and emotions are notorious for not offering a mechanism for determining any type of truth. It is also far more likely, like most people, that you want answers, and you hope that such answers are truthful. But the determination of truth requires objectivity, preferably without the cloudiness of emotionalism. Assuming something is true because you experienced an alpha wave inspiration and then became excited is hardly a basis for claiming the existence of a supernatural event.

I asked from my heart and the depths of my soul if there was a god than i want to know if he was real and that if he was, i would live my life for him.

I meant it, and He knew it, so he revealed himself to me, just the way that it says he did to the people in the Bible, before i ever read about it. I cant deny Him.
Sorry but that is not you speaking, that is Christian indoctrination, probably from your friends.

Hello Hippocampus, that is quite an extraordinary event you
described (the one about your Uncle). I am quite interested in
verifying it for my own personal knowledge. Please don't take this
communication as a skeptical desire to put you into the internet
spotlight. I am only interested in the Truth. If you would be so
kind to answer the following questions I would really appreciate

A) You mentioned:

She called the next morning and he had woken up that morning and was better

Does this mean your Uncle's body was rid of the HIV virus?
If, so has it been medically verified by the same doctor who
diagnosed him with HIV? If not, then simply acklowelge the
fact and further questions will come.

B) What is your religion / sub-religion?


Re: Hippocampus

Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
Does this mean your Uncle's body was rid of the HIV virus?
If, so has it been medically verified by the same doctor who
diagnosed him with HIV? -CC

Yes, the HIV virus was gone. I dont know if it was verified by the same doctor, sorry. I am also sorry that i dont have any written or picture proof, i should have thought of this before. Let me look into this more. I never felt the need to see actual written and documented proof and I understand that it would be incredibly and amazingly hard for anyone to just "trust me." I should have thought of this before and i should have prepared some sort of hardcore proof for you skeptics, and for not doing just that i am sorry. I want everyone to read this story, though, it is of another man who was healed of AIDS, and it is documented and everything. here is the link:

This kind of stuff happens every day, all you have to do is look. Go to google or some search engine and look up documented miraculous healings. There are hundreds, most likely thousands of them. But I need to tell you something else as well. It wasnt believing an experience that someone else went through that made me truly believe, it was my own personal experience that did. Jesus does it for everyone who asks so that they know that he IS the one true God. God said so himself in his word that he will reveal himself to ANYone who seeks him diligently with his whole heart. It might not be some miraculous healing, but it will be in a way so that YOU know it is Him.
Everything i have said is true. I came here only hoping to make some of you think twice about what you think you know. Im only 19 years old. You can take what I said for what I meant it as. If none of you atheists were lost, you wouldnt be searching for whatever it is your looking for. I was broken and desperate, i just wanted to literally kill myself. I wanted to know if God was real, and if he was i wanted to know the truth about who God is. Than he came to me and healed me. Thats it. People are healed every day. Nothing you can ever say or argue can deny the fact that i have been healed and Jesus is the one who healed me. I am only going to ask one question for all of you: what about all the Bible prophecy's that have already come true? There are hundreds of them. Just look them up since you are all wonderful at researching and asking questions. Look them up and find out for yourself, its not that hard. Oh, and i just want to say this because its eating away at me: To the guy who replied to the section of my post about God revealing himself "to those who diligently seek Him" and your comment about how that was just christian doctrination, or just my friends, i just want to say this: I didnt have any friends who were christians and i had never had a Bible study in my life, it had nothing to do with anyone except God and Me. And i still dont know much about the "christian doctrine." You are probably one of those people who knows everything about that Bible except what it really says.
Maybe he isn't ill anymore but I bet he still has the virus inside him which WILL destroy his immune system.

and he can still pass it on.

Yes, the HIV virus was gone. I dont know if it was verified by the same doctor, sorry. I am also sorry that i dont have any written or picture proof, i should have thought of this before. Let me look into this more.

Would you mind if I spoke with your Uncle? You could ask
him if this is ok with him and then PM me a phone number.
Of course I'll provide you with mine.


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This has happened before Hippocampus! I saw a programme about a woman who had cancer of the throat (I beleive) and she was dying, and doctors said there was nothing that could be done for her. Within a matter of days (or weeks, I forget which) it had disappeared! Doctors and no one else could explain it, and scans showed the cancer had completely disappeared. I think she, or someone in her family, had been praying for her and that's what she put it down to.

Is this a free call to mock you
Why should a beleiver be mocked, but not a non beleiver? In the currect social climate is this not a sign of a decline in morality??

If none of you atheists were lost, you wouldn’t be searching for whatever it is your looking for.
Or that our standards require proof rather than emotional fantasies.

Nothing you can ever say or argue can deny the fact that i have been healed and Jesus is the one who healed me.
But it isn’t fact; it is only your personal belief.

I am only going to ask one question for all of you: what about all the Bible prophecy's that have already come true? There are hundreds of them. Just look them up since you are all wonderful at researching and asking questions. Look them up and find out for yourself, its not that hard.
But there are none that can be shown to be true and all have alternative and more credible explanations. None point to an alleged god as a necessary cause.

However, you can prove me wrong by showing just ONE claim with appropriate scientific proof.
Hippocampus, why did god let your uncle get AIDS only to have him cured?

Why didn't your uncle pray for himself?
Does he not believe?

If not, why would god cure a non-believer because a believer asked?

OR if he is a believer, why were the prayers of a third party required?

I've heard wild claims like this before, and when proof is asked for, it always ends up with the proclaimer flouncing saying 'proof wouldn't convince you anyway'.

Well, that's exactly not the case. So evidence, please.