My theory on telepathy, as of yet incomplete but still interesting

IMHO telepathy works, but proving it will be difficult. May be one of these days I can build a brain wave amplifier and see if that works 100%. That is the best way to find works during an alpha wave period, but holding that state is very difficult for normal people. A bunch of us did the test when we were students of electrical engineering and used the lab equipment to test that.
The OP makes no sense. It's scratching the surface of describing a meme, yet it's positioned as a theory of how telepathy works, and yet there is no evidence provided that a phenomena called 'telepathy' actually exists.
I agree.
What the OP seems to relate is merely the reading of body-language.
I can often tell what my brother is thinking by looking at him, even if we're talking to different people on opposite sides of the room.
But this is not telepathy.

As far as I understood TELEPATHY, it is the ability to communicate without using the senses - any of them - i.e. to be sensorily isolated from the person.

If you wish to define telepathy differently to include other phenomena, feel free, but don't expect others to accept existence of that phenomena as proof / evidence for telepathy as classically understood.
As far as I understood TELEPATHY, it is the ability to communicate without using the senses - any of them - i.e. to be sensorily isolated from the person.

this is how I percieved the descriptive of telepathy to be and you can't (i you could) do it on your own you will need 2 or more people to know if it were possible
I agree.
What the OP seems to relate is merely the reading of body-language.
I can often tell what my brother is thinking by looking at him, even if we're talking to different people on opposite sides of the room.
But this is not telepathy.

As far as I understood TELEPATHY, it is the ability to communicate without using the senses - any of them - i.e. to be sensorily isolated from the person.

If you wish to define telepathy differently to include other phenomena, feel free, but don't expect others to accept existence of that phenomena as proof / evidence for telepathy as classically understood.

Actually the opening post is a bit different than that. I was doing something that I usually do in my posts and trying to make somewhat of a difference. The point here is that I believe I did make a difference. See the fact that information is skattered between each individual mind, and that ... well, I wouldn't dare go about describing "information theory" here. But the fact that I believe that I experience telepathy on a daily basis and that I am ... how to say it. Not a weak member of sciforums and despite the fact that my mental health a bit weak that does not matter. I know enough to know the difference between telepathy and what is not telepathy. I know the difference between information theory and non information theory (at least a certain part of it that I have learned to call information theory).

It hasn't the least to do with body language.

As far as I understood TELEPATHY, it is the ability to communicate without using the senses - any of them - i.e. to be sensorily isolated from the person.

Thanks for clearing that up.
You see, in the past, when you said this, I thought you meant there is no possibility of telepathy using the senses whatsoever (an impossibility).

Communication without any of the senses is what I experience every day.

Care to take this a bit personally for a while, instead of obtusely?

I was thinking about you and do so sort of often.
Irregardless it was about doing that exact thing.
I don't at the moment feel like doing so but I promise that one time or another in every which case I eventually will do so. If it takes until the end of today, so be it.

I will though respond to everything else posted. Until then.
First of all, take notice here, sarkus, that, it is evident that information theory is correct and true. I would posit it as proof of ability to telepathy due to information theory. Take the fact that, if we walk into a home, we are "haunted" by different sorts of presences. Take the "presence" of other people and the memories and vainglory so to speak that is put into that house and the presense you get of that house is uniquely of that house. And not a different house that one may venture to go into.

It is very obvious then that "information" theory suggests that there are various different types of information which can present themselves to us.

And that this information is subject to other peoples influences and other peoples minds.

This is simply relationship connections I feel, or, as has been discredited before in the past (it gets into some concepts of philosophy actually and goes relatively deep, thus, "parapsychology"). . . .

But alas, is not relationship connections telepathy? Is not the ability to read others minds and thoughts telepathy? Is not a destruction through to other peoples presenses telepathic force? Is nto the ability to read others minds in this fashion telepathy? What sort of presenses can be given off by the individual? How scary can someone truly become? These are important questions, to me at least, as I fight this very thing. Infact the world has a lot to learn from me.
In most cases people filter out an enormous amount of information from their thoughts and experience. The amount of information out there is essentially infinite, most of which is mundane but some of which is exceptional. When a person experiences an opening or awakening to telepathic information it is in managing that information that proves the greatest obstacle to self comfort and sanity.
Not many can maintain a sane postion in the flood of information in fact so far no human has managed to survive adequately enough or long enough to prove the reality of telepathic communications.

Telepathy means "no wires attached" or communication that transcends existential sensory perception. It is essentially and inner sense or introspective sensory perception. [That appears externally derived]
To survive an awakening requires enormous courage and perserverance, as paranoia is ever present and physical effects [tactile] of telepathic causation can be somewhat disconcerting and sometimes extremely traumatic.

With understanding and simply hard sufferance and most importanty personal integrity and discipline, a person can I believe achieve stability in this flood of information and start to see a greater reality that by many factors of magnitude exceeds the reality that most take for granted.
A challenge indeed!
Just some thoughts on the subject