My theory on telepathy, as of yet incomplete but still interesting


I believe, humbly that information is related to memory and processing is related to information. Information or sensory overloads are then to be accepted in certain cases. My point here though is only that information, in a telepathic sense, is something that can be transmitted, and is transmitted, throughout a group. The telepathy of personal sharing, or a comming to terms with what is a natural sharing of information, is something important to realize in certain cases, especially given light to the fact that they are entirely normal situations and such. Perhaps if they are "entirely normal situations" then to begin with they should not necessarially be considered for normal situations.

This gives light to the whole issue of telepathy. What it is and things. I believe that telepathy exists; because information sharing exists at deep levels. This is my theory on telepathy.

But information theory as I call it is the idea that information is spread throughout groups. Exactly how human nature works as of yet I am uncertain but figure that it should be something that not too often does one find oneself figuring out human nature instead he or she is simply living it..

I know this is tedious and boing but it is to be expected from me to once again post about telepathy and hopefully get some good information.

So, my idea is that telepathy exists because information sharing between groups exists.
Will powers subject each other to each other and these things are easily recognized in certain cases.
I always thought of consciousness as a 'sea' in which individual consciousness are created and exist but not independent and still connected via this universal conscious. I always thought telepathy was just tapping into this sea of information.
I always thought of consciousness as a 'sea' in which individual consciousness are created and exist but not independent and still connected via this universal conscious. I always thought telepathy was just tapping into this sea of information.

Interesting. Of course the people who talk to us about this however will naturally--- tell us that it is not shown to exist via evidence. ... What gets me down about this is that telepathy is something that is not properly described and hasn't been described using proper words for quite some while on this forum. So in my opening post I clarified a little bit about that, mentioning also that most people do not have a natural awareness of it, and also that it is an entirely natural phenomonon. That it is greatly discredited imo. That I am the leading spokesmen of it and yet get no replies to my thread.

So why not dump my garbage here?

Telepathy exists.... It's just a matter of proving that it exists to people such as James Randi and having his foundation more science oriented than critic oriented.
Interesting. Of course the people who talk to us about this however will naturally--- tell us that it is not shown to exist via evidence. ... What gets me down about this is that telepathy is something that is not properly described and hasn't been described using proper words for quite some while on this forum. So in my opening post I clarified a little bit about that, mentioning also that most people do not have a natural awareness of it, and also that it is an entirely natural phenomonon. That it is greatly discredited imo. That I am the leading spokesmen of it and yet get no replies to my thread.

So why not dump my garbage here?

Telepathy exists.... It's just a matter of proving that it exists to people such as James Randi and having his foundation more science oriented than critic oriented.

Also see this from the other thread:

Whatever, I'll get to you in a second.


I guess I will eat your post first.
Individuality?! Where, please tell--- once, did I mention A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-GGG remotely SIMILAR to "INDIVIDUALITY"???

I had said the mind is capable of amazing things and the best you come back with is that individuality" (sic) is something best left IN, the discussion of telepathy? PLEASE!!!

'hive' - 'mind' (used together) "is as close as we can get to telepathy and only an "if" hey? You guys sure are ignorant, and if anything whatsoever Read_Only must also be suprised!!!!
Ignorant fools!
The point is only that you cannot underestimate the potential that an individual can and will suffer if given inadequate protection from other individuals or any other relevant point arounding or "surrounding" this subject.

I would dare to say that y ou don't understand any of the core issues presentable to telepatahy much less able to present something infavour of it that doesn't deal with "there is no hive mind".

Please. A "hive" mind and "(shaman)has yet to be proved that others can examine the potentiality of others ability of thought" (how accurately worded this is), is pathetic--- if asked I would gladly prove it to the world as controling manipulation is a task that would be best proved by me apparently.

Irregardless I ask you fools who do not understand my arguement in this post to read it over at least 30 times.
I thought telepathy was a left over parlour trick and something that was a later put down to an effect of mental illness-Schizophrenia

Schneiderian classification
The psychiatrist Kurt Schneider (1887–1967) listed the forms of psychotic symptoms that he thought distinguished schizophrenia from other psychotic disorders. These are called first-rank symptoms or Schneider's first-rank symptoms, and they include delusions of being controlled by an external force; the belief that thoughts are being inserted into or withdrawn from one's conscious mind; the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast to other people; and hearing hallucinatory voices that comment on one's thoughts or actions or that have a conversation with other hallucinated voices.[12] The reliability of first-rank symptoms has been questioned,[13] although they have contributed to the current diagnostic criteria.

I had a friend who was sectioned years ago who claimed to be telepathic, claimed he and his girlfriend could communicate with each other in their heads :scratchin:yet they were both suffering from the onset of schizophrenia.....
So after about 1 year in the soft-walled big house he comes home so I go round and play chess with him,relax,chill with him and he seems OK.then after a while (weeks)he seems frustrated, he puts his music on (which was utter crap not my cup of tea) and every so often he starts sighing, puts his music up and shakes his head in a sort of "yes do you get me type way" initialy I was a bit confused as there was no conversation that would warrant that kind of acknowledgement....then it dawned on me that he was using his music as his thoughts and because I was there listening he was getting frustrated at me not acknowleging his "telepathic thoughts" but he was just playing cruddy tunes, so as he was pressing play he thought he was sending his thoughts telepathicaly to my head via the speakers and my ears. The fact that he had no control on what he was trying to get across apart from which tape to put on, he used to at times put on a tape for about 10-15's,then change it and repeat the process and in doing so thought he was communicating a conversation but it can across as mumbo jumbo....
I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first and set about half a dozen task's where by he had an oppotunity to prove it's manifestation in reality yet he failed them all--
conclusion mental illness
"the belief that thoughts are being inserted into or withdrawn from one's conscious mind; the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast to other people; and hearing hallucinatory voices that comment on one's thoughts or actions or that have a conversation with other hallucinated voicesthe belief that thoughts are being inserted into or withdrawn from one's conscious mind; the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast to other people; and hearing hallucinatory voices that comment on one's thoughts or actions or that have a conversation with other hallucinated voices"

He also thought he could make music in his head,(yet we can all hum a tune),and that the government were after him trying to take his

I don't see any proof for telepathy, the "hive mind" isn't that based on heat,smells,pheromones,sound and touch not thought transferal from A-B
I thought telepathy was a left over parlour trick and something that was a later put down to an effect of mental illness-Schizophrenia

I had a friend who was sectioned years ago who claimed to be telepathic, claimed he and his girlfriend could communicate with each other in their heads :scratchin:yet they were both suffering from the onset of schizophrenia.....
So after about 1 year in the soft-walled big house he comes home so I go round and play chess with him,relax,chill with him and he seems OK.then after a while (weeks)he seems frustrated, he puts his music on (which was utter crap not my cup of tea) and every so often he starts sighing, puts his music up and shakes his head in a sort of "yes do you get me type way" initialy I was a bit confused as there was no conversation that would warrant that kind of acknowledgement....then it dawned on me that he was using his music as his thoughts and because I was there listening he was getting frustrated at me not acknowleging his "telepathic thoughts" but he was just playing cruddy tunes, so as he was pressing play he thought he was sending his thoughts telepathicaly to my head via the speakers and my ears. The fact that he had no control on what he was trying to get across apart from which tape to put on, he used to at times put on a tape for about 10-15's,then change it and repeat the process and in doing so thought he was communicating a conversation but it can across as mumbo jumbo....
I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first and set about half a dozen task's where by he had an oppotunity to prove it's manifestation in reality yet he failed them all--
conclusion mental illness ....

He also thought he could make music in his head,(yet we can all hum a tune),and that the government were after him trying to take his

I don't see any proof for telepathy, the "hive mind" isn't that based on heat,smells,pheromones,sound and touch not thought transferal from A-B

Whatever. :p

Schizophrenia is a highly controversial disease and the causes are not yet proven either.
More later perhaps.
I believe, humbly that information is related to memory and processing is related to information. Information or sensory overloads are then to be accepted in certain cases. .
Information overload I thought was a cause of schizophrenia.......?

Whatever. :p
Schizophrenia is a highly controversial disease and the causes are not yet proven either.
More later perhaps.

Its quite easy to tell Schiz/telepathy apart with a few simple tests it's seems more plausible that telepathy is what the suffer may think he has (a gift) as mental illness is hard to accept.....
And the hive-mind I would think is based more on body language etc, given rise to a movement on mass rather than intellectual mind induced one.....

Don't get moody its only my opinion as i've seen people claim telepathy before.
Just a searching question here in my despare, a quick one:

You believe telepathy / schizophrenia is caused by "sensory overloads (sic)". Right? Is not this a natural occurance that anybody with a sane mind can experience and live through? --Just a question you know.

In every case it would appear that it would be a natural phenomonon and that telling the two apart from each other in a test would be like comparing apples with apples.
Just a searching question here in my despare, a quick one:

You believe telepathy / schizophrenia is caused by "sensory overloads (sic)". Right? Is not this a natural occurance that anybody with a sane mind can experience and live through? --Just a question you know.

In every case it would appear that it would be a natural phenomonon and that telling the two apart from each other in a test would be like comparing apples with apples.

Yes it could happen to anyone but whether you are a sane man after the overload would be debatable schizophrenics are perfectly sane before Schiz and if they know they have Schiz they can ignore the delusion's and come through the other side adapted to their thought voice(or whatever the prob was) knowing that it is a reflection of their thoughts and surroundings....
The same man with the same problem who believes he or others are comunicating with him who does not seek help will just sink internaly deeper into his delusionary state.
It would be quite simple to test really and all apples taste different/look different and can easily be classed as different. it would be easy to point out that the subject is either A or B.

1 Man kills another because he is constantly talking to him in his he a schizophrenic murderer or is he correct and his mind has been violated against his will....No court in the world will go for the later for obvious reasons
Right. He'll plead out with insanity and go to a frikkin nut house for 30 years or some such until mentally capable. In which case his delusion or so called will eventually resolve.... Odd case.
Right. He'll plead out with insanity and go to a frikkin nut house for 30 years or some such until mentally capable. In which case his delusion or so called will eventually resolve.... Odd case.

So he would be a Schizophrenic not a victim of a telepathic force at all....

I gave my friend plenty of oppotunity to prove his 'gift' and even made myself look stupid to those who did not know...yet he did not even pass the simplest of telepathic tasks...and I wanted him to be telepathic as no-one wishes their friends to have mental illness
This wasn't my meaning. Sorry. I should have said, "Right. He'll plead out with insanity and go to a frikkin nut house for 30 years or some such until mentally capable. In wh ich case his delusion or so called will eventually resolve.... Odd case."

Never mind. I said it perfectly. :p
This wasn't my meaning. Sorry. I should have said, "Right. He'll plead out with insanity and go to a frikkin nut house for 30 years or some such until mentally capable. In wh ich case his delusion or so called will eventually resolve.... Odd case."

Never mind. I said it perfectly. :p

so he wouldn't be a victim of telepathic forces, so when does a side -effect of a mental illness become an abnormal gift...

"the belief that thoughts are being inserted into or withdrawn from one's conscious mind; the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast to other people; and hearing hallucinatory voices that comment on one's thoughts or actions or that have a conversation with other hallucinated voicesthe belief that thoughts are being inserted into or withdrawn from one's conscious mind; the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast to other people; and hearing hallucinatory voices that comment on one's thoughts or actions or that have a conversation with other hallucinated voices"
The descriptive above would be someones belief at telepathic influence internaly yet the external view is completly different....
We have proof of mentaly ill people suffering auditory delusions but none of actual transferance and understanding via thought or mind to mind.....

When adverts are put on between kids shows promoting toys that they must have,every child needs or can't go with out are they using telepathic influence (someones mind channeled through the tv to a recipient who then asks for the toy)to make children pester there parents for them, or are they just using means of influence to push the recipient in a direction that they want........
I can't see cause to believe in telepathy
Also see this from the other thread:

Whatever, I'll get to you in a second.


I guess I will eat your post first.
Individuality?! Where, please tell--- once, did I mention A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-GGG remotely SIMILAR to "INDIVIDUALITY"???

I had said the mind is capable of amazing things and the best you come back with is that individuality" (sic) is something best left IN, the discussion of telepathy? PLEASE!!!

'hive' - 'mind' (used together) "is as close as we can get to telepathy and only an "if" hey? You guys sure are ignorant, and if anything whatsoever Read_Only must also be suprised!!!!
Ignorant fools!
The point is only that you cannot underestimate the potential that an individual can and will suffer if given inadequate protection from other individuals or any other relevant point arounding or "surrounding" this subject.

I would dare to say that y ou don't understand any of the core issues presentable to telepatahy much less able to present something infavour of it that doesn't deal with "there is no hive mind".

Please. A "hive" mind and "(shaman)has yet to be proved that others can examine the potentiality of others ability of thought" (how accurately worded this is), is pathetic--- if asked I would gladly prove it to the world as controling manipulation is a task that would be best proved by me apparently.

Irregardless I ask you fools who do not understand my arguement in this post to read it over at least 30 times.

Brent, you had better watch your step! You've clearly called ME a fool here as well as other people. Do you really want to be reported and get yourself banned?

Getting back to your topic, I've told you more than once that people with mental defects are the biggest believers in this stuff. And you, yourself, have mental problems - we all know it because, for heaven's sake, you've told us about it enough times already!!!!

So with your mental abilities admittedly malfunctioning, you are hardly in a position to tell the world how telepathy works!

The real truth is that it does NOT work - you just want it to, that's all. Period.
You fool.

I thought you and I were friends.
Irregardless madness is sometimes the gateway to knowledge. You are hardly in a position yourself to justify my position on telepathy. Why you would suggest such a thing is beyond me,-- or anybody,-- for that matter.
madness is sometimes the gateway to knowledge.
Poss' very true....
You are hardly in a position yourself to justify my position on telepathy. Why you would suggest such a thing is beyond me,-- or anybody,-- for that matter.

For telepathy you need 2 people at least..........or its not telepathy you would just be talking to yourself....y/n