My Religion (Faith)

Are you good or evil

  • Im not sure.

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Valued Senior Member
My story is simple. God is the mind of the universe. He created himself through the realization of self, and other. He created angels from his own self. Faith, Hope, Knowledge, Contempt are all angels, along with many others. These were all traits that God had in himself, and he extracted them as angels to a place called Heaven. There he saw what his mind was really like. Good out numbered Evil and the Good made Heaven great, and Evil tried to tear it down. The Evil were so Evil that one of the generals of God, Lucifer (Knowledge(Not me)) rebelled when he was uncertain that God would take care of these Evil angels. He said to Michael (Faith), rebel with me. Michael inquired why, to which Lucifer sighted ugly things like Temptation, and Deception. Michael was responded "No. God says he will make all perfect in the end, there is no need to rebel, have faith Lucifer." Lucifer responded to this "I do have faith, but I must be certain they meet their demise. I hate them so much, they are not perfect." So he rebelled and took those evil angels (greed, perversion) with him to earth out of Heaven.

Then, God ordered all sons of God to go to earth as a test of Faith, and the true goodness of all his sons when they had no Knowledge of God. Through the incarnation of Adam (Faith), and Eve (Hope) He created a holy bloodline to which Jesus, and the rest of the 144,000 faithful are born. I am saying we were all born as angels in Heaven a long long time ago, since then there was a constant war of Good and Evil leading up to Lucifer's rebellion for the certainty of the destruction of Evil. To be good does not mean to have faith, use common sense, are you a good man, or are you not? You can answer this question with the slightest bit of integrity. Does good and evil exist?

Don't sight the bible as a whole, you may use passages to counter me, but no Christianity, Islam, Judaism, deities, or any religion as I believe in all of them equally. That being, I take bits and pieces as knowledge, and bits and pieces as known lies to deceive.
Whaaaa? I don't lie, im not a pervert, and im far from greedy. I don't see the slightest bit evil in my reflection.

Lying, greediness, and being perverse. If you are not these things you are good? Where do you get this from? Surely these are SOME of the things in the Bible that count as evil, but certainly not all. Why do you think that? The thing is, doesn't the Bible say all men are wicked? Not 1 is without sin. The only man who walked the earth that didn't sin was Jesus. So you cant be all good if you believe in the Bible.
Because I don't like being stared at, and a perverted man will stare anyways. It is against the law of me not smashing your face in, unfurtanatly God does not want me to do that to an extent either. Its commons sense Garbanzo.
My story is simple. God is the mind of the universe. He created himself through the realization of self, and other. He created angels from his own self. Faith, Hope, Knowledge, Contempt are all angels, along with many others. These were all traits that God had in himself, and he extracted them as angels to a place called Heaven. There he saw what his mind was really like. Good out numbered Evil and the Good made Heaven great, and Evil tried to tear it down. The Evil were so Evil that one of the generals of God, Lucifer (Knowledge(Not me)) rebelled when he was uncertain that God would take care of these Evil angels. He said to Michael (Faith), rebel with me. Michael inquired why, to which Lucifer sighted ugly things like Temptation, and Deception. Michael was responded "No. God says he will make all perfect in the end, there is no need to rebel, have faith Lucifer." Lucifer responded to this "I do have faith, but I must be certain they meet their demise. I hate them so much, they are not perfect." So he rebelled and took those evil angels (greed, perversion) with him to earth out of Heaven.

You thought all this up? Lol. One wild imagination. You story is all fine and dandy, but there is just 1 problem. Where in the Bible does it say these things? You cant just add things to the Bible as you please. You either write your own inspired book like Islam, Mormons, Jews, etc. Or you interpret Biblical scriptures. This story does not interpret scriptures. If so, then cite your scriptures.

But just for the lulz, I will pick apart your religion anyway. If God is the mind of the universe, who created the universe? And who created the universe's mind? Who gave God characteristics such as Faith, Hope, Contempt, etc.? Its really much easier to say that God is Almighty powerful and immortal. There was nothing before him. There is no way to explain how everything got started. It is a logical fallacy. Anyway, now that that is settled, let us continue:

God hates Lucifer, why would he still be good? (I suppose you mean Lucifer is good since he hates Evil.)

If Lucifer is knowledge, wouldn't he know if God can deal with Evil, since, well, he is KNOWLEDGE, lol. Apparantly he would know all.

If God wanted to destroy Evil, why did he not do so?

Why would Lucifer say he has faith and then he goes on to say, "I just want to be certain." Obviously he did not have faith, then.

Why did God create Earth?

Then, God ordered all sons of God to go to earth as a test of Faith, and the true goodness of all his sons when they had no Knowledge of God. Through the incarnation of Adam (Faith), and Eve (Hope) He created a holy bloodline to which Jesus, and the rest of the 144,000 faithful are born. I am saying we were all born as angels in Heaven a long long time ago, since then there was a constant war of Good and Evil leading up to Lucifer's rebellion for the certainty of the destruction of Evil. To be good does not mean to have faith, use common sense, are you a good man, or are you not? You can answer this question with the slightest bit of integrity. Does good and evil exist?
Umm... why would God order all sons of God to earth as a test of faith when they had no knowledge of God, only to tell Adam that he is God?????? LOL

Who the fuck is Jesus? What significance does he have?

There is obviously more than 144,000 people on Earth....

If the Angels were sent down to Earth why does the Bible say Angels are living at the same time as humans. There are many time Angels help out humans and even Jesus.
Because I don't like being stared at, and a perverted man will stare anyways. It is against the law of me not smashing your face in, unfurtanatly God does not want me to do that to an extent either. Its commons sense Garbanzo.

Its Garbonzo. And its obvious to be that you are either trolling, cant type proper English, or just stupid. More than stupid, more like mentally ill. And I say that in a respectful way. I have no prejudice against mentally ill or stupid people. Its not meant to be an insult, just my opinion.

The reason being is because what you said makes no sense, what does you not liking being stared at have to do with anything at all? Why did you say a perverted man will stare anyways? What the hell does this have to do wolith anything????? LOL. The rest doesn't make sense, either. "It is against the law of you not smashing your face in" doesn't make sense, and what does this have to do with anything? What do you mean God doesn't want you to so that "to an extent"? Its either he doesn't or he does, there is no inbetween. To an extent? Wtf. That's like saying "I'm half pregnant." Lol.

What does common sense have to do with anything??? Wtf.
Oh, and I polled NO because we are all greedy, whether you like it or not. There is nothing you don't do which isn't because you think it is in your best intrest. Nothing. Even people who volunteer for chjarity all day acts on their own self interest. They believe it is the right thing to do. That is acting on your own self intrest. You eat because you want to live. You act on your own interest. Many are religious because they want a good afterlife. Self intrest. Others because they "love God". Self interest. So we are all greedy.
Might I point out that your poll is meaningless. For those who are truly evil, by your definition, are deceptive. Therefore, being deceptive, are never held to account for their actual answer. Some may tell the truth, some may not. It is in their nature to deceive. Count on them to give false positives. :D

In fact, knowing this, I would posit, only a person of evil would entrap people to take such a meaningless poll, for it would only serve to reveal who the just are so that they may be more efficiently be persecuted by the evil if they were not wise enough to avoid falling prey to the snares of the tricks and traps of the foul denizens. :eek:
Might I point out that your poll is meaningless. For those who are truly evil, by your definition, are deceptive. Therefore, being deceptive, are never held to account for their actual answer. Some may tell the truth, some may not. It is in their nature to deceive. Count on them to give false positives.

In fact, knowing this, I would posit, only a person of evil would entrap people to take such a meaningless poll, for it would only serve to reveal who the just are so that they may be more efficiently be persecuted by the evil if they were not wise enough to avoid falling prey to the snares of the tricks and traps of the foul denizens.

Are you saying this was all a trick by the Devil?!?!?!?! Oh my! And I fell for it... :bawl: :rolleyes:
Garbanzo, I went through a mental health facility for 28 days the last month. Not only was my mind superior to other patients, but I left every doctor, and nurse dumb founded when they couldn't pin point my illness. I was kept for such a long stay for refusing to take the medication, I do not have a mental illness. Are you saying being a pervert doesn't make you a bad person. I will gather my scripture from all Holy books, and beliefs.

Im a agnostic theist. Unless you believe in telepathy, then God has proven to me that I am a prophet, and son of His.
I was just wondering what incident triggered it. I had a friend who went through a similar experience.