My recent personal experience wit a unsolved mystery.!!!


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
After screwin the lid back on i set a clear plastic container of salt down on the counter… an about 30 seconds later while i was usin a kitchen scale on the same counter the salt container “slid” on the counter at least 1 ½ inches. It was about 6 inches beyond the scales i was usin an easily wit-in my field of vision. I just stared at it for about 10 seconds -- thankin how fuggin weird that was.!!!

I have a plastic mug i use for hot cocoa an if the botton is wet it almost always slides about an inch when i set on the glass top of the kitchen scales… an sometimes (annoyingly) just as im about to poor some milk in it… so im used to that an expect it to happen.!!!

I carefully looked at an felt the counter for wetness an it was completely dry… an for good measure i also thoroughly examined the bottom of the salt container an it was also completely dry… an also the counter top is very nearly level.!!!

Ther was other items on the counter at the time an nuthin “slid” but the salt container.!!!

I then reinacted settin the salt container down several times like i had done originally an waited about 45 seconds after settin it down… but the container did not move at all.!!!

I then put a film of water on the counter an on the bottom of the salt container to see it woud move after settin it down… but each time zero movement.... even after pokin at it to see if i coud get it to move -- but still coud not get it to move on its own.!!!

I then put a puddle of water on the counter an set the container down on that… an about 20% of the time it woud move on its own about ½ inch.

I am still puzzled how it slid 1 ½ inches on the dry counter 30 seconds after i set it down the first time.???

Paranormal you say.???
If it was a more complex situation i coud more easily blow it off as not knowin all the facts... but ther ant a lot of variables to consider an i thank i exhausted the possibilities thru experiments... ???
It was dry and moved once but not again. When wet it would not move. When in a puddle it would move about 20% of the time.

Why didn't it move in the puddle 100% of the time? Were ghosts keeping it from sliding 80% of the time?

Are there any possibilities other than ghosts? Small earthquake, you inadvertently bumped into it without realizing it, was there someone in the room giving you the evil eye and they moved the salt instead, did a unicorn run across your backyard thus setting up a vibration that moved the salt?

Maybe aliens in an UFO flew overhead and the attractive force from their spaceship moved the salt?

Why do you think ghost were messing wit it?
After screwin the lid back on i set a clear plastic container of salt down on the counter… an about 30 seconds later while i was usin a kitchen scale on the same counter the salt container “slid” on the counter at least 1 ½ inches. It was about 6 inches beyond the scales i was usin an easily wit-in my field of vision. I just stared at it for about 10 seconds -- thankin how fuggin weird that was.!!!

I have a plastic mug i use for hot cocoa an if the botton is wet it almost always slides about an inch when i set on the glass top of the kitchen scales… an sometimes (annoyingly) just as im about to poor some milk in it… so im used to that an expect it to happen.!!!

I carefully looked at an felt the counter for wetness an it was completely dry… an for good measure i also thoroughly examined the bottom of the salt container an it was also completely dry… an also the counter top is very nearly level.!!!

Ther was other items on the counter at the time an nuthin “slid” but the salt container.!!!

I then reinacted settin the salt container down several times like i had done originally an waited about 45 seconds after settin it down… but the container did not move at all.!!!

I then put a film of water on the counter an on the bottom of the salt container to see it woud move after settin it down… but each time zero movement.... even after pokin at it to see if i coud get it to move -- but still coud not get it to move on its own.!!!

I then put a puddle of water on the counter an set the container down on that… an about 20% of the time it woud move on its own about ½ inch.

I am still puzzled how it slid 1 ½ inches on the dry counter 30 seconds after i set it down the first time.???

Paranormal you say.???
There is the chance you hallucinated. But I'm guessing you have never experienced anything like that before. Correct? Assuming a yes, then from your admirable account of careful scientific style checks - I'd say paranormal indeed best fits the account. Have you dabbled in any occult stuff like using ouiji board 'games' before? That kind of thing anecdotally at least tends to invite repercussions. But some evidently just get targeted for no discernible reason. It's a very complex, diverse arena. Don't live in fear!

PS: You could try taking some of that paranormal energized salt out of that container - and throw it over your right soldier. RIGHT SHOULDER! Very important:
Or would that only encourage another paranormal pushing round?!:eek::eek::eek:
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[...] I am still puzzled how it slid 1 ½ inches on the dry counter 30 seconds after i set it down the first time.???

Paranormal you say.???

Given the situation and environmental circumstances of the home environment, the explanation for the sailing stones of Death Valley moving can surely be ruled out.

And after exploring and potentially discounting all the subtly beguiling, remaining effects of room humidity and electrostatic causes being responsible... No doubt experts will simply conclude that you're lying, delusional, leaving out that you moved it yourself, or erroneously conveying the impression that you're the sole, nearby living organism or technological agent of action available for moving the object. Or being exclusive of other descriptive details.
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I am still puzzled how it slid 1 ½ inches on the dry counter 30 seconds after i set it down the first time.???
I've seen several sliding jars and glasses in my time.

They are critically dependent on the shape of the bottom of the container as well as the conditions of temperature and moisture, which can change rapidly at first.

(In this case, it was salt, so I doubt you took it out of the fridge. )

Normally what happens is, a tiny bit of moisture (condensation) makes a seal, trapping a tiny volume of air in the concave bottom. The air is initially contracted because of the cold jar, but quickly begins to warm up. It expands and creates a "hovercraft effect", allowing the jar to scoot around.

Because the conditions change rapidly, the moisture may be smeared out and evaporate, the jar may warm, the air may no longer get cold and then warm and expand. So the experiment may not be repeatable.
Normally what happens is, a tiny bit of moisture (condensation) makes a seal, trapping a tiny volume of air in the concave bottom. The air is initially contracted because of the cold jar, but quickly begins to warm up. It expands and creates a "hovercraft effect", allowing the jar to scoot around.
I've had that happen to me several times. A hot pot lid set on the counter will hovercraft quite nicely.
It is only paranormal if you willed it to move.
If it moved on it's own it is just weird.
There is the chance you hallucinated. But I'm guessing you have never experienced anything like that before. Correct? Assuming a yes, then from your admirable account of careful scientific style checks - I'd say paranormal indeed best fits the account. Have you dabbled in any occult stuff like using ouiji board 'games' before? That kind of thing anecdotally at least tends to invite repercussions. But some evidently just get targeted for no discernible reason. It's a very complex, diverse arena. Don't live in fear!
PS: You could try taking some of that paranormal energized salt out of that container - and throw it over your right soldier. RIGHT SHOULDER! Very important:
Or would that only encourage another paranormal pushing round?!:eek::eek::eek:

It woud have been my first hallucination… as far as i know.!!!
I used a ouiji bord when i was around 10… an i was involved wit a few seances around the same age… but so far i ant livin in fear.!!!

Given the situation and environmental circumstances of the home environment, the explanation for the sailing stones of Death Valley moving can surely be ruled out.
And after exploring and potentially discounting all the subtly beguiling, remaining effects of room humidity and electrostatic causes being responsible... No doubt experts will simply conclude that you're lying, delusional, leaving out that you moved it yourself, or erroneously conveying the impression that you're the sole, nearby living organism or technological agent of action available for moving the object. Or being exclusive of other descriptive details.
Im glad they fingered out the cause of the sailing stones sinse i can only manage one mystery at a time.!!!
If somebody else had told this salt container story to me i woud agree wit the opinions of the experts.!!!
Humidity was about 60 in the house… not lyin… delusional is a possibility… i have no idea what caused the bottle of salt to move an didnt leave out any helpful details that i know of.!!!

I've seen several sliding jars and glasses in my time.
They are critically dependent on the shape of the bottom of the container as well as the conditions of temperature and moisture, which can change rapidly at first.
(In this case, it was salt, so I doubt you took it out of the fridge. )
Normally what happens is, a tiny bit of moisture (condensation) makes a seal, trapping a tiny volume of air in the concave bottom. The air is initially contracted because of the cold jar, but quickly begins to warm up. It expands and creates a "hovercraft effect", allowing the jar to scoot around.
Because the conditions change rapidly, the moisture may be smeared out and evaporate, the jar may warm, the air may no longer get cold and then warm and expand. So the experiment may not be repeatable.

The bottom of the container is concave much like my plastic mug which almost always slides on a wet countertop or the glass surface of my kitchen scale if its wet.!!!
The salt container an the countertop both woud have been at room temp which woud have been around 72 degrees.
Ive been usin this container for salt for around 15 years on the same countertop an this was the first time it has moved on its own.!!!
So far i file this case in a folder labeled SAM… (Still A Mystery.!!!)
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It woud have been my first hallucination… as far as i know.!!!
I used a ouiji bord when i was around 10… an i was involved wit a few seances around the same age… but so far i ant livin in fear.!!!

Im glad they fingered out the cause of the sailing stones sinse i can only manage one mystery at a time.!!!
If somebody else had told this salt container story to me i woud agree wit the opinions of the experts.!!!
Humidity was about 60 in the house… not lyin… delusional is a possibility… i have no idea what caused the bottle of salt to move an didnt leave out any helpful details that i know of.!!!

The bottom of the container is concave much like my plastic mug which almost always slides on a wet countertop or the glass surface of my kitchen scale if its wet.!!!
The salt container an the countertop both woud have been at room temp which woud have been around 72 degrees.
Ive been usin this container for salt for around 15 years on the same countertop an this was the first time it has moved on its own.!!!
So far i file this case in a folder labeled SAM… (Still A Mystery.!!!)
So after all the feedback given here, you are still no closer to an answer? Surely you must have some 'least implausible' theory - other than SAM?
It is only paranormal if you willed it to move.
If it moved on it's own it is just weird.
No. 'Willing it to move' comes under the sub-category of 'telekinesis'. Paranormal covers that and a whole lot more. Including apparently 'moving on its own' aka (one example of) poltergeist activity.
Just Google the relevant terms.
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No. 'Willing it to move' comes under the sub-category of 'telekinesis'. Paranormal covers that and a whole lot more. Including apparently 'moving on its own' aka (one example of) poltergeist activity.
Just Google the relevant terms.
You've just agreed with Candy. Candy says it is paranormal if you willed it to move and you agree that telekinesis is paranormal so your response she start with "Yes".
You've just agreed with Candy. Candy says it is paranormal if you willed it to move and you agree that telekinesis is paranormal so your response she start with "Yes".
I have to respectfully disagree. Please take note of the ONLY word in candy's post #9, and what it's meant to convey. Capiche?
PS - It's almost invariably the case respondent's replies are strongly colored by their typically rigid, inflexible ideological positions. I'm assuming that in your case that means an absolute commitment to materialism i.e. there CANNOT be a supernatural realm beyond the physical. You don't have to respond but it's always helpful to know other's committed beliefs.
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Im glad they fingered out the cause of the sailing stones sinse i can only manage one mystery at a time.!!!
If somebody else had told this salt container story to me i woud agree wit the opinions of the experts.!!!
Humidity was about 60 in the house… not lyin… delusional is a possibility… i have no idea what caused the bottle of salt to move an didnt leave out any helpful details that i know of.!!!

Salt can animate a droplet of alcohol so much that the latter will move through a maze toward it, when both are placed in water. (Alcohol also does not have to be consumed by a human viewer to induce the observation.)

But even if salt in an alternate reality could generate a gradient on a countertop for a container to move along -- the latter is plastic, and the salt and container are not separated by distance.

So after all the feedback given here, you are still no closer to an answer? Surely you must have some 'least implausible' theory - other than SAM?
This is perty much my curent list.!!!

1. SAM --------------- 99.99 %
2. Delusion ----------- .009 %
3. Paranormal -------- .001 %

Salt can animate a droplet of alcohol so much that the latter will move through a maze toward it, when both are placed in water. (Alcohol also does not have to be consumed by a human viewer to induce the observation.)

But even if salt in an alternate reality could generate a gradient on a countertop for a container to move along -- the latter is plastic, and the salt and container are not separated by distance.
No drankin or drugs involved but the salt-alcohol video was neet :)
This is perty much my curent list.!!!

1. SAM --------------- 99.99 %
2. Delusion ----------- .009 %
3. Paranormal -------- .001 %

No drankin or drugs involved but the salt-alcohol video was neet :)
The following is excerpted from a posting in another forum:
"Took a while to find it, but a strong clue as to who or rather what you're possibly really up against:
Drop down to heading where it starts: Synopsis for "I Know the Secret of...."
See an obvious parallel? Pretty scary huh. This is no ordinary forum, staffed by ordinary 'people'. if that's even the right word to use."

So, have you been contacted & visited by a 'person' matching the general characteristics revealed in that amazing expose!? Someone possibly 'worth their salt'?