My personal theory of the UFO/EBE controversy


Registered Senior Member
Here is my own personal theroy of the UFO controvesy. I have been working on it for quite some time now, and it all seems to fit. I myself do not beleive in the ETH(extra-terrestrial hypothesis), but something simpler and more complicated in one. These "greys" as we know it, are our cousins. When the dinosaurs were wiped out, however, a certain species were able to avert the disaster, possibly by going in the ocean. They then adapted as we humans have, by becoming smarter. We as a civilization have only been around approx. 10,000 years. They have been around 65 million years. Imagine how advanced they are now. This "branched evolution" is supported by one palientologists drawing of what a dinosaur would look like if it survived. It definetly resembles a "grey", only with scales. They developed space travel, traveling to outer reaches of our solar system and possibly beyond. They most likely had colonized beneath the surface of each, evidenced by pyramids on the moon and Cydonia, Mars. They then began to experiment, on us. This explains abductions and the like, and their "secrecy" about us. Pardon me if this sounds conspiricy-ish, but they are implanting various genetic parts of them into select humans. They already tried once, which i will explain later. First I would like to hear anyones comments or questions with my theory, so please ask. I will continue this.
that would explain the thought vehicles going underwater. but waht about our senors, i understand that they do not reach the very bottom of the ocean, and the greys probobly have jammers of a sort. anbd mabe that would explaine the bermuda triangle... but u have to realize that that is not the way a speicies would evolve underwater... humans evolved from mamals, small rodents, they evolved from 'dinasours' they would have different attrabutes, and wouldnt look so humanoid, evan though they are from teh same planetr, if the evolved from uderwater, i am sure that they would have fins.... or something...

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
True, if they evvolved underwater, things would look different. But my theory was that at one point they were. There were tablets found at an ancient ruin that depicted a "god" with 4-fingered hands with webbing between. I think that they just de-evolved their original characteristics naturally once they had developed a more cushy life-style, or genetically engineered them.
so, why would they wanna change so that they wer'nt perfectally suited for there envirement??? what would the motive be for that??? or why would they de-evolve, things evolve to fit there envirement, not to go back to what they came from...

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
sorry, i said that wrong. What happened was that they didn't need it anymore, webbing and scales & the like, so they got rid of it over time. Kind of like us "de-evolving" our tails.
ok..... but why wouldnt they need there scales and webbings??? there still underwatter.
and do u ahve icq, aim, aol or yahoo INSTANT MESSENGER so we can have a more detailed debate?

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
Thats kinda the point, they're not underwater anymore. They started out there in their adolenscence, but now they use UFO's, possibly some kind of complexes, or live in other reaches of our solar system and beyond. The species has moved beyond it's primal roots. Sorry for not making it as clear before.
Shadowflame-Is there a place I can see this picture of the web-fingered god? petroglyphs and ancient carvings are a fascinating subject for me. I'd like to learn more about it and what culture it came from.
Sure, i can't bring up a picture, but i can tell you more about the culture. it comes from a city called Tiahuanaco, which is located far from anywherre, 13,000 feet above sea level.It has huge stone blocks weighing 100 tons, and 60-ton blocks for walls. there also are lots of water conduits scattered about. There is a courtyard with many sculptures of strange-looking heads, some with helmets. The strangest thing a a huge "gate of the sun" a gate carved entirely out of a single block The legend is that a golden vessel that came from the stars, with a woman named Oryana (great mother), who only had four fingers, which were webbed, and gave birth to 70 children, and left. There are rock drawings of this, and their age cant be verified. The city itself has never been mentioned in ancient history, and has been in ruins for however long we can remember
Your parallel evolution theory for aliens evolving from an aquatic environment or more precisely never leaving the environment from which all life originally evolved out of (according to the theory of evolution), is an interesting one. If I understood it correctly, while other creatures started evolving more and more into the various terrestrial animals of which we are part of, the alien line/lines evolved aquatically until they progressed to the point where they could leave the confines of their world much as we have only recently been able to leave the confines of our own with our relatively young space program. I guess that the proposed aquatic alien line of evolution would be older than the terrestrial lines of evolution since perhaps they were better able to survive some of the natural calamities that seemed to have befallen the terrestrial lineage e.g. the calamity that wiped out the dinosaurs, the various Ice Ages, etc. The only problems that I see with your theory is that I would have thought that such a parallel species with high intellect despite where they evolved out of, would have left more evidence behind or even some relic populations behind indicative of their existence here, be it on terra firma or under the sea. A good analogy is from one of the "Planet of the Apes" films (can't remember which one) where the apes enter the old subway system to discover an advertisement on the subway wall for the city zoo. The apes were none too pleased to see their image behind the zoo bars with the "far inferior" humans looking in on them. It reversed their world-view on things. One would expect a higher species to have left evidence behind of their existence here on Earth if they indeed evolved here at one point in time; evidence which would be as damning to us as the zoo advertisement was to the apes in "The Planet of the Apes." Still, perhaps we just haven't come across our own "old subway system" yet and thus can still remain comfortable in knowing that everything is the way it is supposed to be i.e. the world is flat and everything still revolves around this planet called Earth. Just my twelve pence on the matter.
Maybe the reason there is no real solid evidence of such people is because they used biodegradable objects. There is nothing left because it all deteriorated. This is my argument for not making everything biodegradable in our civilization today. If it all wastes away to nothing, how will the future ever remember us?
Good point, but I also think that these subway stations are all around, only with us not taking much notice to them. Examples of such are the Great Pyramid(s), of which normal humans could not have built, the great city at Zimbabwe, with no history to speak of it and strange stone construction, pyramids on the moon, pyramids on Mars, lots of other various mysterious stone cities found above & below water, lots of other various things. It seems to me these guys seem to have some kind of thing for stone. Just a thought

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
I have a picture of the city you spoke of, it's located at Peru's Machupichu, or something like that. Just give me the html codes, so I can put it up on the board.
The site is called Machu Picchu. It is located in Peru.
Machu Picchu...excites wonderment because of its dramatic, barely accesible Andean location and the absence of any reference to it in early Spanish accounts. Only rediscovered in 1911 and since reclaimed from forest overgrowth, its baths, drains, fountains, and administrative buildings attest to an exceptional building effort. It was probably a small but elaborate Inca town, seasonally used by the Cuzco elite but occupied yearlong by their retainers and local farmers.--Mysteries of the Ancient Americas, 1986 The Reader's Digest Association

The lack of mention of it in any Spanish texts can be easily explained by the inhospitable location and the probable lack of willingness on the part of the Conquistadores to cavort into the overgrown jungle where the natives would have the definite advantage in combat. However, any theory about who built it and how (forget why) is still only speculation.

I agree with the idea of the city being only seasonally occupied by a select group, maybe even priests who used the low oxygen levels (gasp!) to enhance visions. Normally, I try to avoid the typical "religious use" explanation for things, but for now I can think of no other reason to build a city (which may have been built more as a temple complex than a city) where the air is so thin.

Many of our modern temples occupy architectural structures that are often compared to small cities in themselves. Think of the Vatican and Monte Cassino and compare their sizes and structures to Machu Picchu. I think Machu Picchu was a self-sustaining temple complex. (Either that or the next Pokemon critter! ;))
I'm confused, are you talking about Tiahuanaco? Or the city in Zimbabwe? Just asking.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Junior Member
Posts: 29
Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 14, 2000 08:18 PM
Sure, i can't bring up a picture, but i can tell you more about the culture. it comes from a city called Tiahuanaco, which is located far from anywherre, 13,000 feet above sea level.It has huge stone blocks weighing 100 tons, and 60-ton blocks for walls. there also are lots of water conduits scattered about. There is a courtyard with many sculptures of strange-looking heads, some with helmets. The strangest thing a a huge "gate of the sun" a gate carved entirely out of a single block The legend is that a golden vessel that came from the stars, with a woman named Oryana (great mother), who only had four fingers, which were webbed, and gave birth to 70 children, and left. There are rock drawings of this, and their age cant be verified. The city itself has never been mentioned in ancient history, and has been in ruins for however long we can remember

OK, in the words of the famous Mr. Paul Harvey.....And Now You Know "THE REST OF THE STORY"....

And so you shall!!
Here it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>
an interesting story on the internet about a man who claims to have traveled through a doorway into another world using an ancient method located within the Hayu marca mountain region of southern Peru.

PERU - Stargate, dimensional gate or simply carved rock? This question has arisen in the minds of Peruvian Ufologists recently... I wrote the following brief article a couple of months ago for publishing in the British TruthSeekers Review, and thought that it might arouse the curiosity of some in this newsgroup. I first heard of it while in conversation with a Peruvian UFO researcher. What follows is the compilation of information that was subsequently sent on to me after I spent much time ringing contacts around Lima.

A huge mysterious door-like structure has recently been discovered in the Hayu Marca Mountain region of Southern Peru. Hayu Marca, 35 kilometers from the city of Puno has long been revered by local Indians as the "City of the Gods," and has never been fully explored because of the rugged mountain terrain.

Here's a direct link to the post:

FOLLOW UP........
And the following links show detailed photos of the site.


I too have often contemplated that there is a link, (or perhaps several of them) between our ancient ancestorial origins, and extraterestrial, interdimensional beings.
Have you ever noticed the distinct resemblance between the ancient Peruvian city named "Sacsahuaman", and the name of our species "Human"???? Coincidence? perhaps.

Here is some more info, to add to the mystery..... Enjoy
There is a real interesting photo of this ancient city at the "Steiger's" website, note the enormous size & structure of the surounding walls; given the extreme altitude, and the fact that most of the elements used to build it with, were imported from elswhere, it really leaves much for thought as to how such a primitive culture could have done this themselves, without the potential of assistance provided from another advanced race from "outside" of our known planet, we call earth?????????????????????????????xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On expedition in the ancient city of the giants, Sacsahuaman, high in the Andes of Peru. Remarkable archaeological discoveries and the unearthing of startling anomalous finds are presented, along with numerous mind-boggling photographs of unexplained phenomena, in Mysteries of Time and Space.

Inspirational accounts of the Steigers' exploration of sacred spaces around the Americas is offered to all serious seekers in Indian Wisdom and Its Guiding Power.


*Mysteries of Time and Space
by Brad Steiger

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
In Mysteries of Time and Space, incredible photographs of unexplained phenomena and many eyewitness accounts relate events that are just too intriguing to ignore. Steiger goes beyond the events, however, and shows evidence that man himself is able to alter his own reality and experience, for example, insensitivity to a bed of nails and self-healing of blindness - in short, create whatever reality he believes in. Can he evolve his awareness of this creativity to include the unexplained artifacts and UFO's?

Shadow World by Brad Steiger
The Rainbow Conspiracy by Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger
Alien Rapture: The Chosen by Edgar Rothschild Fouche, Brad Steiger
The Alien Intent : A Dire Warning : The Truth Behind the Cover Up? by Raymond A. Robinson
I'm not sure about the details of "Your" Story Shadowflame; But my editorial does fit into this category of "Aincient Mysteries" we are discussing here. Let us know if you find out anything more about your story.
Interesting pictures, but I don't know. The footprints seem to be hopping and seem to lack the variety of depth that should be there for actual walking, especially with a portrusion like the one shown. The "power line" picture is a split in the photograph. Either that or Mars has some bizarre geology that allows rocks to clone themselves.