my personal experience with flying saucers

hello everyone again!!!!!!!
I had to respond on this one as it did strike a bit of a nerve.Annoyance. Let me remind you people the Bible is not complete there are scrolls never added as the to add them would take the power away from the vatican as in Stigmata...excellent movie by the way. Look at the Nephilim, Ezekiels Wheel etc. Nowhere does it as it is written, describe any demon/alien connection. Everytime something enexplained comes up it is seen as a demon....there is a pattern here and im sick of it. Opinions are opinions but when it gets beat into the ground it starts grating ones nerves.....Show the proof in the bible describing aliens as demons..I dont even believe in your bible but will read it to see where you stand. Im with Flash here that..yes there are good and bad aliens but have nothing to do with the fundies and christian form of God.They are a seperate life form in the universe which predate us face it...nothing dramatic..not from lucifer..not from god...another life form.
Enough said. How ya doing Flash and H-kon?
wheres my email? lol

Eric Cooper
hello eric, havent seen you here in a wile...
but i do agree that the demons in the bible are aliens, as are the angels and possibly jesus. just think about the whole birth thing, remind u of typical abduction??? it does to me...... and then the little star above the place were he was born??? could it be a star, or a ship??? and about all those people going into the sky??? dont aliens have tractor beams and shit? and all those clouds that move, and charriots of fire??? i mean could it be some great force in the universe, toying and playing with us for some master plan, not reiveiling himself too us...... or could it jsut be possible, that out of all those trillions of gallexies, with trillions of stars wich each have some form of planet!!!! now ur telling me that there is not intellegent life out there??? i mean come on.....

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Hi everyone,

I would like to comment on the sometimes rather byzarre similarity between religious experiences (like appearences of the vergin Mary) and ufo sightings.
The story of courtjester could for example be compared with the biblical story of Paul coming back from Damascus when he was stricken with the hand of god.

We like to think we are all rational people who don't believe in magic and faeries but actually these stories are still very much part of our culture. There is almost a continuum from prehistorical believes to modern day stories about ufo's and such.
Christianity has tried to extinguish these believes by calling it superstitions immanating from the devil but actually it succomed to it by adapting saint cultusses and accepting miracles as acts of god.

The reason why dexter can easily replace the stories in the new testament by alien visitations is because they are ultimatly the same kind of stories. They find their origin in a deep sense of magical believe that pervades the entirity of humanity and has been with us since the dawn of times.

I wouldn't exactly call it a bad thing cause it is to closely linked with originality and fantasy. Without it we woudn't be humans but computers who stay consitent at all costs. We only have to be careful if it dominates our lives, our ancestors lived in a much darker and freightning world then we do...

I err, therefore I exist !
ummm......are you guys actually serious??? I mean, really???????????????? Now, promise me you werent smoking any 'illegil substances'....... :D

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
patriotSTORM-With a name like that, I bet you'd do good in the World Affairs forum. There's a gun-control debate going on. (Last time I checked, it was still civil.) Just curious, what country are you a patriot for? Being from America, I rarely hear the word "patriot" associated with any nationality other than American.

While I can't answer for anybody here other than myself, I don't believe that the average UFO sighting or Abduction Experience is drug-induced. Of the people who have actually gotten into hospitals after an experience, I know of very few who were found to have illegal substances in their systems. (I had a doozy of an experience once, but it was brought on by extreme doses of sinus, cold, and flu medications topped off with a bottle of Newcastle Ale... ;)!)

I believe that a majority of the UFO sightings are more properly called MFO's, or Mis-identified Flying Objects. The Abduction Experience is more often linked to stress, nervous breakdowns, or subconcious memories of an earlier trauma translated into an alien abduction, which is more socially acceptable than to admit that your father/brother/uncle/mother/sister/aunt/whatever molested you or raped you. There is an uderlying feeling that the victim believes he or she could have done something to prevent it. By transferring the situation to something unknown, such as aliens, the loss of control is more easily justified to the mind of the victim. It's a sad situation, and not only sexual molestation and the sort can bring it on.

As I said, the Abduction Experience is an unknown, and I'm not about to say that every one reported is caused by something other than alien abduction. I am, as I have said often enough on this board, exhausting the terrestrial possibilities before going for the extraterrestrial.

(Hey, man! Don't bogart the Pepsi!) :D

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited May 28, 2000).]
Oxygen, Hi how are ya....good I hope .... question what is your story??? why are you posting on here so much..?? have you had some kind of "encounter"?? or are you like me and just want to know is there life out there!?? :)
Well Oxygen, I was trying to slam your post (in a nice way, of course) but I can't find anything that is worth slamming (ain't my vocabulary great?). I don't believe that their are such things in alien abductions, and I believe that UFOs are just that - objects that are not identified. But I do visit this board with an open mind, so go ahead and debate.

As for my name - patriotSTORM - it is my net alias. Sonce I thought it up I have matured and would no longer call myself a patriot. Patriotism is dangerous, it starts wars, causes violence and can be utilised to harm others. You become someone elses puppet. Someone once said that "patriotism is the last refuge for a scoundrel". I am a New Zealander, and I love my country for what it is. I love the fact that we don't have shootings in schools and that we are relatively pollution free. I do not believe in my country, but I do believe in what my country stands ofr - democracy, human rights, free speech, equality, etc. To everyone I am sorry this got so off, what is this about all the aliens, eh?

[This message has been edited by patriotSTORM (edited June 09, 2000).]
I have a personal flying saucers. no no StarShips :)





It is more of a fleet hehehe :)



Who Are You?

What Do You Want?

Why Are You Here?

Where Are You Going?

Do You Have Anything Worth Living For?

Who Do You Sever And Who Do You Trust?

[This message has been edited by chad (edited July 04, 2000).]
Nice fleet Captin Chad, say where did you pick it up?? Second hand power rangers web site? ;)

Do you seriously want answers to your questions? Or are they just a mind bender?


Tony H2o