my personal experience with flying saucers


Registered Member
I have had a personal experience with flying saucers and want to know if others have had the same experience.
ok... we may have had the same experience... but we dont know... casue we dont know what kinda of experience you had

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Sighbertrek-Many of us here have had experiences with UFOs (I deign to call them "flying saucers"), and some of us have even gone through the "abduction experience". While we're still beating our heads silly against the walls trying to figure out what's going on, it doesn't hurt to compare notes.

Post your experience, but be ready to have it picked apart and questions asked of the pieces. You won't agree with everybody's opinion, but you'll get a lot of feedback. Most of us here are pretty intelligent, and more than a few of us are well-versed in our particular aspects, be it the "they're angels", "they're demons", "they're messengers of light", or "it's all in your head" school of thought. Just remember, all you're getting here is people's opinions. You have the option to ignore those you don't agree with.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
In the summer of '76, (sounds like a song??)I was getting ready for the 7th grade. I was walking home from visiting a friend, it was just past full dark and the streetlights were on. I love to look att he stars and so was walking with my eyes up, just looking. I saw a very bright light that caught my attention. I was standing allmost directly under it. I wondered what it was. It was to close, big and bright to be a star, but above the street light level. It was quiet except for the nose of the dog barking at me. As I watched I heard the roar of jets, and watched as two smaller sets of lights came towards the object. When the jets got close the object seemed to stretch (away from jets) and then was gone. Just a blur of motion across the horizon. As fast as I could move my eyes to track, it was gone. The jets continued to the point where the object was, turned around and went back the way they came. PERSPECTIVE The object was about the size of a large pea at arms distance. The jets (2) were about the size of a heavy dot. THe jets consisted of more than one light, it's been awhile but I think it was 3. When the jets got about 8 - 10 inches away from the obect it took off. The jets turned in towards each other as they turned. That is flying side by side with one trailing, one turned right and the other left. I also bleieve that I had a telepathic message at that time. Also for a few minutes I could not hear the dogs barking. Why I don't know. That's my story, been my story and will continue to be my story.
If you don't mind sharing could you tell us what the message was you received?
NO I don't mind at all!
I wanted very much to go with them. To explore the stars... THe reply I got was;
"wait, grow, watch and learn, when the time comes we will be back."
SO real earth shattering huh? ;)
But that was the message and I took it to heart. Have been waiting, watching, growing and learning. Now I think I finally understand WHAT I was suppose to learn and watch, and why the wait and grow was so important.
Grow - I was young, and am only now coming to understand the difference between childish wonder and desire, and the wonder and desire of an adult.
Learn - About who I am and who ~you~ are. As young teenagers our outlook is seriously impared by the desire to escape from our parents and become our own person. Other people seem to be so trutworthy even when they are not, it takes time to learn how to deal with other humans at an adult level. (NO THROWING THINGS!) Imagine a child caught up in an alien world with out the adult they can trust.
Watch- How the world works, not nature, but the world of people.
Wait - The hardest one of all. Each step taken toward "TRUE" adulthood seems like the last you need, until the next one trips you. I still trip every now and then. Mostly when dealing with my children. But I can see where I am better prepared to deal with an alien contact now than I was all those years ago.
IMO they were the good guys - told me what I needed to do, in a way I could understand.
Long post - sorry - Didn't have time to write a shorter one.
Hi Flash,

Good to see you back and posting, especially in a topic close to your heart.

Jester, thanks for being open and honest. Can't say I agree with your views of these guys but I'm sure if you search for the truth it will be made clear to you.


Tony H2o
Thank you for sharing that! Wow, so they haven't tried to contact you at all since then?
Sounds like you have kept your focus in a positive way regarding the waiting, watching, growing, and learning. Hard lessons, huh? :)
IMO it doesn't sound like they meant you any harm.
Again, thanks for sharing!

Thanks, I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things posting at exo.
Take care
Sometimes I wonder about the motives myself. I certainly wouldn't appreciate being abducted, poked and prodded and returned to bed with no/little idea of what had happened. Would a friend slip you a little something to make you dopey, drag you to some unknown spot and strip you naked, then make you forget it ever happened. (except for the pictures they took?) But I don't know that all ET's are doing this, don't know if the ones I saw did that or do that. Not all people are nice, so I would suppose that not all aliens are nice either. I don't think there has been any contact since, but since they can take us without us remembering it makes it hard to know. But if they take us and don't want us to remember, then it raises some serious questions. What are they up to? and Why can't I remember? I have tried to keep positive although I have days when I almost wish I had never begun the search and remained "IN THE DARK AGES". But the search will go on, whether I want it to or not. How could it not go on? Is that not what life is? A quest? Sometimes grand and sometimes mundane, but the day we quit looking is the day we die. (and maybe not even then.)

[This message has been edited by courtjester (edited April 27, 2000).]

Full marks for wisdom. Yes I agree a friend, a true friend would never put you through such things.

From your post it sounds like you are searching for answers to what has happened to you. I think it only fair to forewarn you that I have some pretty set views on what has occured. Flash who is also talking with you will vouch for this. It may pay you to look back through some prior discussion Flash and I have had to get an idea of what I think. After you read them you may not want to talk to me, reason being that if we seriously dig into what has happened to you it will probably turn out rather traumatic or upsetting. Not trying to scare you off talking about things, just letting you know I have a view that is probably not widely accepted and more often than not scoffed at.

Basically to put you in the picture I'm a Christian, I have had some encounters with God that are difficult to explain to people. I believe that your encounter with said beings was more than likely a spiritual one with spiritual beings rather than aliens. If you want to discuss in more detail then I am willing to listen to what you have to say. I may not agree with it all and you will find that I may question some of it, but at the end I will try to offer hope and the truth.


Tony H2o

PS. Flash has had similar encounters and can probably relate well to what is happening with you.

[This message has been edited by Tony H2o (edited April 27, 2000).]
I agree that there are indeed "bad" aliens out there...but, I also believe that there are good ones as well. However, I'm not so sure just because one is not able to recall the things that have happened to them means the aliens have bad intentions.
As much as I respect Tony ..I must be honest in that I do not believe that aliens are evil spirits. I believe aliens are just that..aliens. Just like there are people who have good and bad intentions... so do aliens. I will admit that there is much to weigh regarding their one has to proceed with caution and pay attention to motives etc...

youmakeamegrinlotsa again!

Well done buddy, keep testing them and their motives. The truth will be revealed by the Spirt of all Truth, the Holy Spirit. But lets not confuse good as being from God. Anyone can pretend to be good to get their own way and to dupe someone. The real test is in how they react to the name of Jesus and the character and nature of God the Father being built into us by the Word and the Holy Spirit. I would be bold enough to hazard a guess that they won't like it much at all and will try to dilute it in some way by denial of who Jesus really is.

John 16:13 and when He may come--the Spirit of truth--He will guide you to all the truth, for He will not speak from Himself, but as many things as He will hear He will speak, and the coming things He will tell you; - YLT

John 16:13 However, when he, the Spirit of true knowledge, has come, he will be your guide into all true knowledge: for his words will not come from himself, but whatever has come to his hearing, that he will say: and he will make clear to you the things to come. - BBE

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. - ASV

Yeah I know there I go again quoting scripture. There are many more versus I could bring up but I'll leave it at that for now.



John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but what things soever he shall hear, these shall he speak: and he shall declare unto you the things that are to come. - ASV
:) hahaha...I'm glad you smiled...
You brought up some valid points. I realize that the abduction scenario is a bit different..but follow me anyway.
Do you stay away from others who aren't christians? Do you have any non-christian
friends? In other words...if an alien abductes someone, and they aren't a christian, this doesn't make them an evil spirit. Follow?
I realize the test thing is important...but, I'm not quite sure how to judge it. Ask any non-believer how they feel about God/Jesus and you may get variety pack of reactions...same as with the aliens. So would a person be able to tell if it is an alien or indeed an evil spirit?
Originally posted by Flash:
You brought up some valid points. I realize that the abduction scenario is a bit different..but follow me anyway.
Do you stay away from others who aren't christians? Do you have any non-christian

No I do not stay away from non Christians, in fact I probably spend more time with non believers than I do with believers. As to the friends question, snif snif I don't have any friends :( . Seriously I only have my wife as a close friend, there are a lot of Christian and non Christian people I know but I could not seriously say we are like close friends. Why do you ask???

Quote Flash:
In other words...if an alien abductes someone, and they aren't a christian, this doesn't make them an evil spirit. Follow?

Ummmm.....No, sorry slow uptake speed probably due to the wet weather. I've read it through about ten times and kinda think I might see what you mean but I'm sure I've missed something real basic here...sorry.

Quote Flash:
I realize the test thing is important...but, I'm not quite sure how to judge it. Ask any non-believer how they feel about God/Jesus and you may get variety pack of reactions...same as with the aliens. So would a person be able to tell if it is an alien or indeed an evil spirit?

mmmmm..... Variety pack, my favorite.....mmmmmm.....very ummy.

Ok be serious mode.

You know the first thing that comes into my head is something I think Boris did to Lori ( I may be wrong on who here). A similar thing was asked and it was stated that an evil spirit or a person who was subject to the spirit of anti-Christ could or would not confess Jesus as Lord. Well Boris just plain jumped in and did exactly that as if to prove there was no such a thing as evil spirts etc. What a riot, I got a laugh out of that at first but then I felt heartbroken for Boris. Sure he had confessed with his mouth (keyboard in this case) but he never believed in his heart what he was saying. Sure he made a good statement but he never made it from his heart which is the place that the Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit rules from in the lives of those that confess Jesus as Lord. Now if we truly believe the statement then we live the life and let the Lord rule in us. In other words its not just the word we speak but the actions we live that show Gods nature and character in our lives.

People can say anything, I can say a multitude of words and people will form an opinion of me by my words in this place, but do they portray the real me? Do the words show you my character and nature? Words alone can not do this, this is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God will always work together to reveal and glorify the character and nature of God the Father in us. Some refer to this as fruits of the Spirit, sadly even a cunning enemy can for a season mimic this and appear as an angel of light. The true test is in praise and worship. In praise and worship of the Lord we lift Him up and exalt Him, we place Him in the rightful place above all else. The evil one will never do this, he schemed to set his place above Gods and failed and he will never praise or worship the Lord of all Glory with all of his heart. We can only judge from the surface, we can only see from without but God see right to the heart of all and knows the full and truest intentions of our hearts. Aliens, spirits, demons whatever you want to call them will mimic, but they will never ever ascribe greatness by laying face down at the throne of grace in worship and praise.

Flash anyone can claim anything, its what they mean and where they stand in their heart before God that counts.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

2 Corinthians 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Luke 18:10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.
11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Its a matter of the heart Flash and people, spirits, demons etc are masters at hiding their hearts. It is only by the Spirit of truth that these things can be discerned and tested.

Hope some of this helps.

See you next week.


Actually I have no idea whether or not I am being visited. I don't believe that all things seen in the sky are evil demons. I do know that the CHURCH (organized religion) has done everything in their power to keep people subjegated to them. The CHURCH is just now apologizing for the wrongs they did in the past, and are now admitting that there are aliens out there and that they are in contact with the gov't of the world. Yes there is a GOD/CREATOR but careful research will show that RELIGION is just a population controll. The true light of GOD is within everyone - your soul. There are those alien groups who claim that we have given permission for these things to happen and that we understand them at the subconscience and 'soul' level., I say what a bunch of stinky ****!
If "I" don't know, then "I" haven't and could not give permission. Does my soul have the right to drag me into agreements not made with my conscience thought? Not as far as I'm concerned!
more to come in new post!!
I apologize for not getting back with you on this sooner. I had all the intentions of doing so after I had given it some thought..then..well..I kind of forgot about it... oops :eek:

No I do not stay away from non Christians, in fact I probably spend more time with non believers than I do with believers. As to the friends question, snif snif I don't have any friends . Seriously I only have my wife as a close friend, there are a lot of Christian and non Christian people I know but I could not seriously say we are like close friends. Why do you ask???
First, I find it hard to believe that you do not have any close friends..I believe's just hard to digest because you are such a nice person.
Ok, the only point I was trying to make in the prior post was just because someone isn't a christian and doesn't confess Jesus to be Lord of their life doesn't make this person a demon. I feel like you are doing this when it comes to the topic of aliens. I just do not understand why you can't view aliens in the same manner as you do humans in regards the the demon or not demon theory you have.

Tony, I see what you are getting at when you say that demons will never be able to confess Jesus as Lord etc... I do not dispute this. You are right in that people can fool us by words and even in action at times... although I think it is important to be aware..I also think that there is a fine line in there to not let it consume one to the point of paranoia... ya know? I'm not saying you are paranoid, ok? :)

I guess what I'd like to know is what exactly makes you think that aliens are demons? Yes, I realize the Bible says that Satan can even appear as an angel of light etc... But, just because he has the ability to do this doesn't mean he or his demons are running about trying to pull the deception game in relation to alien abduction.
uhhh...I'm I'm just gonna shut up for now... :)
Take care,

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited May 10, 2000).]

First, I find it hard to believe that you do not have any close friends..I believe's just hard to digest because you are such a nice person.

:D Thanks for the ego massage. :D

Friends, friend I have no friends :(
Seriously though it probably sounded worse than I meant it, my brothers in law and I are fairly chummy as well as my father in law. However when I say friends I'm talking someone you have no hesitation in sharing your wildest dreams with, someone who you can tell anything and know that they will hold it in confidence. I only have one friend like this and his name is Jesus. I tell him everything and anything, and why not he knows my heart through and through. He shows me my motives and reasons for the things I do and he teaches me the right way to act and react. He soothes my deepest sorrows and tames my wildest desires. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.

There are friend that pretend to be friends but their is a friend who is closer to me than a brother, Jesus.

Perhaps that's why I say I have no other real friends? My expectations of myself are fairly high, I kick myself big time when I stuff up and man alive do I every stuff up. But my God is good and my friend is forgiving, if I can learn from Him how to be the same then He has built His character and nature into me. Some how I think this will take a while yet :D

Ok, the only point I was trying to make in the prior post was just because someone isn't a christian and doesn't confess Jesus to be Lord of their life doesn't make this person a demon. I feel like you are doing this when it comes to the topic of aliens. I just do not understand why you can't view aliens in the same manner as you do humans in regards the the demon or not demon theory you have.

Everyone's full of demons Flash, don't be fooled they are everywhere.

OK OK I'm not that paranoid. Just because someone does not believe in Jesus it does not make them full of demons. They are however not subject to God's will and as such place themselves in the camp of what is commonly referred to as the spirit of Antichrist. This is getting into somewhat serious theology Flash, we by way of our fallen nature are all subject to this spirit.

This is why we so often see Jesus admonishing His disciples to walk in Gods will. This is why we always see Paul in the book of Romans especially exhorting us to die to our old natures and live in Christ and by the Holy Spirit. Read through some of ISDA's Friday nighters on Romans, he touches on this.

Demons are a different kettle of fish again. I have related to you previously my past experiences with shadowmen, so I wont dwell on that. The level of a persons involvement in that which is in direct opposition to God and His Word is determined by choice and influence. We as individuals have a choice as to how we respond to these beings. The bible teaches that those without the authority of Christ can be by involvement in occult, witchcraft, spiritualism etc, that they can be held in subjection by demon possession or oppression. When I speak of the authority of Christ I'm not talking about just using His name like a band-aid fix or a charm against such things. The authority of Christ is established in us as we enter into the Kingdom of God. Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven basically means "God we by an act of our choice desire to obey Your Word and live according to you will in subjection to Jesus Christ our Lord. And as such we give our lives over to You for You to achieve Your will and to
Your glory.

I don't know if I've made this very clear Flash so I'll summarise:

1. Humans have fallen natures due to sin.
2. Fallen nature means we do what we want and not what God wants.
3. Subjection to the cross of Christ and obedience to the risen Lord will help us in dealing with our fallen natures. "Crucified with Christ daily." "If any will follow me let them take up their cross".
4. Without the cross of Calvary we can only react to sin and wrong with the basic safety device God has built into us all, our conscious If we ignore this than we can risk searing it as Paul clearly spells out in one of his letters. Our conscious do not cause us to do God's will. He, that is the Spirit of God will lead us into all truth, not our conscious. We are still subject to the spirit of Antichrist regardless of how good we attempt to be in our own strength and for our own ego's. Read up on how Jesus spoke about doing the Fathers will and what motivations are behind what we do. People say and do things that appear to be for God on the surface but are in actuality done to applease their own conscious and ego. I to fall prey to this on numerous occasions, its part of my old nature and Dutch pride. Without the cross we are subject to Antichrist.
5. Demons are real beings who live in the realm of the spirit and can materialise into our realm in any form they choose. How, why, where and when I do not pretend to know. But I do know to test. Having never meet a little grey guy, reptilian being, insectoid, Vikings type being etc face to face I can not say exactly what they are with absolute authority. My experience has been with the shadowmen of my youth. But I am by training of God cautious, this again is the test part. If such a being should confront me I would treat them with absolute caution and test their stance on what I know to be true. I would test their character and nature.

I would do this assuming they don't stun me with a ray gun or something :D ZAP

Well so much for a summary I got lost in my own words and it looks longer than the initial explanation.

I also think that there is a fine line in there to not let it consume one to the point of paranoia.

Yeah I know, us Christians do come across as a paranoid bunch some times. No sweat I didn't take it toooo personnel.

I guess what I'd like to know is what exactly makes you think that aliens are demons? Yes, I realise the Bible says that Satan can even appear as an angel of light etc... But, just because he has the ability to do this doesn't mean he or his demons are running about trying to pull the deception game in relation to alien abduction.

Well I think it come down to what do they seek to achieve and how do they go about it?

Your probably closer to this than me Flash but from everything I've read it don't come across to sweet. Abduction against will, impregnation, molestation, mutilation, confusion, paranoia, fear etc. Even in cases of so called friendly contact their motives need to be fully realised and checked. If they claim a knowledge of the teachings of Christ and claim He was a teacher or prophet with a message for mankind and then in their own actions go against His teachings about selflessness etc......well you judge it by what you see and what you experience. So far none of it comes close to what Jesus really taught mankind.

I'll leave it at that for now, I'm sure I've managed to create more questions than I've answered. Sorry about that.


Hey, Tony :D LOL That was quite a post!
I thank you for your response..and might I add you replied more quickly than I :)

I'll leave it at that for now, I'm sure I've managed to create more questions than I've answered. Sorry about that

Created more questions??? UH-HUH..BIG TIME LOL! Do not be sorry about that, really. I'm just glad you are aware that I'd have them.

Ego massage??? LOL! For what it's worth I was being wayyyyy sincere.
Friends, friend I have no friends
Seriously though it probably sounded worse than I meant it, my brothers in law and I are fairly chummy as well as my father in law. However when I say friends I'm talking someone you have no hesitation in sharing your wildest dreams with, someone who you can tell anything and know that they will hold it in confidence. I only have one friend like this and his name is Jesus. I tell him everything and anything, and why not he knows my heart through and through. He shows me my motives and reasons for the things I do and he teaches me the right way to act and react. He soothes my deepest sorrows and tames my wildest desires. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.

There are friend that pretend to be friends but their is a friend who is closer to me than a brother, Jesus.

Perhaps that's why I say I have no other real friends? My expectations of myself are fairly high, I kick myself big time when I stuff up and man alive do I every stuff up. But my God is good and my friend is forgiving, if I can learn from Him how to be the same then He has built His character and nature into me. Some how I think this will take a while yet
Hmmmmm...You know I guess I never thought about it like that before...It ..well.. makes sense. Lots of food to digest on there, buddy.

Everyone's full of demons Flash, don't be fooled they are everywhere.

OK OK I'm not that paranoid.

I must say I haven't had such a good laugh as this in a long time..THANKS! :D

Ok, as you say...serious mode now :)

Just because someone does not believe in Jesus it does not make them full of demons. They are however not subject to God's will and as such place themselves in the camp of what is commonly referred to as the spirit of Antichrist. This is getting into somewhat serious theology Flash, we by way of our fallen nature are all subject to this spirit.

This is why we so often see Jesus admonishing His disciples to walk in Gods will. This is why we always see Paul in the book of Romans especially exhorting us to die to our old natures and live in Christ and by the Holy Spirit. Read through some of ISDA's Friday nighters on Romans, he touches on this.

YUCK, YUCK, YUCK! I SEE your point...I's just not always that you say we are human..BUT, I do understand the importance.

1. Humans have fallen natures due to sin.
2. Fallen nature means we do what we want and not what God wants.
3. Subjection to the cross of Christ and obedience to the risen Lord will help us in dealing with our fallen natures. "Crucified with Christ daily." "If any will follow me let them take up their cross".
4. Without the cross of Calvary we can only react to sin and wrong with the basic safety device God has built into us all, our conscious If we ignore this than we can risk searing it as Paul clearly spells out in one of his letters. Our conscious do not cause us to do God's will. He, that is the Spirit of God will lead us into all truth, not our conscious. We are still subject to the spirit of Antichrist regardless of how good we attempt to be in our own strength and for our own ego's. Read up on how Jesus spoke about doing the Fathers will and what motivations are behind what we do. People say and do things that appear to be for God on the surface but are in actuality done to applease their own conscious and ego. I to fall prey to this on numerous occasions, its part of my old nature and Dutch pride. Without the cross we are subject to Antichrist.
5. Demons are real beings who live in the realm of the spirit and can materialise into our realm in any form they choose. How, why, where and when I do not pretend to know. But I do know to test. Having never meet a little grey guy, reptilian being, insectoid, Vikings type being etc face to face I can not say exactly what they are with absolute authority. My experience has been with the shadowmen of my youth. But I am by training of God cautious, this again is the test part. If such a being should confront me I would treat them with absolute caution and test their stance on what I know to be true. I would test their character and nature.

Hard stuff, man.... moving right along... :)
I get your point...I do.

Well I think it come down to what do they seek to achieve and how do they go about it?

Your probably closer to this than me Flash but from everything I've read it don't come across to sweet. Abduction against will, impregnation, molestation, mutilation, confusion, paranoia, fear etc. Even in cases of so called friendly contact their motives need to be fully realised and checked. If they claim a knowledge of the teachings of Christ and claim He was a teacher or prophet with a message for mankind and then in their own actions go against His teachings about selflessness etc......well you judge it by what you see and what you experience. So far none of it comes close to what Jesus really taught mankind.

I agree totally with your first sentence.
I know that many abduction experiences do vary..that's for sure.
I do not really know how much you know about mine...not that is's just.. well, all I can say is you know how you just KNOW something? I just KNOW that some aliens are good period. Don't get me wrong....I'm not going into things blind.. I will be careful...
For me it boils down to this. If they speak against God..then yeah, I know...I've learned from that experience...but, other than that..well, I'm rambling..LOL I guess I'm just zoned or something...LOL
I'll end this mixed up and whacked out reply of mine with this... I will give what you say a lot of thought...again, thank you for your reply.
Take care,
Hi Flash,

Just a couple of points.

Please don't take everything I say as 100% full on correct. I get things wrong.

I do know however that the theam of what I have paraphrased is found everywhere in the Word of God. Its in the words of Jesus, the letters of Paul, the Old Testament, everywhere. Its a common theam throughout and if you want to understand these things it takes the whole counsel of God and not just particular portions to suit our undrstandings. After all we are humans with limited understandings. I would encourage anyone and everyone who wants to try to understand God or these theams in greater detail to go to the Bible and find our for themselves. Sorry there's not any one spot in there that lays it out in point form, we have to read through the entire thing to understand and I recon that's pretty cleaver of God so that we get His whole counsel.

Keep reading Flash it will bring life, rivers of living waters from a well that never runs dry.


Tony H2o
What????????? Tony not always 100% correct??????? :confused: uhhh... ;) LOL
Hey, do not have to worry about that...REALLY. I'm fully aware even you, yes you, are human too. :D I am simply trying to understand your point of view... I also know that you do have some good wisdom..yes, I realize where your wisdom comes from...and I ..well was just curious as why you feel the way you do. That's all..but I appreciate the concern.
I'll keep reading... ;)
have a good one!