My Perciepions of Religion by an Atheist

The city of Seven pillars, the city of Irem.. I feel my research is complete but I cant help but get the feeling yours is only beginning... It has been said that man once walked with the Angels, and was made mighty from our illicit exchanges. Yet due to the unrestrainable ambitions of those who had been blessed with more power than they had sense, the devastating attention of Heaven itself rained down upon all mankind, and the world was forever altered. Our time as giants was ended by the Flood, a shift in our consciousness which marked the beginning of mankind's forced experience of the Soul, and we were cut off from the earthly presence of our divine benefactors.

Follow the path of the Fallen Angels, and do not allow Truth to be subverted by and lost within mere Reality. For it is said that the only Truth that we really have is to be found in the choices that we make.

Do you have reference material for any of this or are you just making it up as you go along?:bugeye:
"And I proceeded to where things were chaotic. And I saw something horrible: I saw neither a heaven above nor a firmly founded earth, but a place chaotic and horrible. And there I saw seven stars of the heaven bound together in it, like great mountains, and burning with fire. Then I said: 'For what sin have they been bound, and on what account have they been cast in hither?' Then said Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me, and was chief over them and said: 'Enoch, why dost thou ask, and why art thou eager for the truth? These are the number of the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and are bound here till ten thousand years, the time entailed by their sins, are consummated.'"

Read your bible and other faiths bibles, including the Tohrah and the Quran a bit more carefully. Then draw your own conclusion.

Research old boy:D
You've done a lot of research into something all right. It wasn't christianity. Not sure what it was.
Little research.. I have looked through both the Bible and the Quran niether has the answers to the questions I would like to phrase.. But perhaps if you can introduce me to god on a personal level, without sacrificing a goat or a sheep and leaving my soul intact in my mortal coil I might concede in his existence. Oh sorry no I forgot he dosnt do personal appearances as we would be struck blind by his brilliance. But wait no, that cant be right, surely being blind and a believer is better than being blinded to the truth.

What are your questions and what would you value more if you had to choose... truth or emotional satiation?
Well when you go looking for god, you find yourself looking in some funny places. Including the inside of a tomatoe by all accounts!
Truth. Emotional Satiation, not sure, I would say Truth over emotion, what emotion could I possibly have, Joy or Dismay, I would be Joyous to find God or Dismayed by his lack of existence? I wouldn't really be either. . Just happy to know the answer!
Perhaps happy is the wrong word as that expresses emotion, pleased at knowing the truth sounds a bit better!
Uriel told Enoch he wasn't ready for the truth, but 6000 years later I think we deserve to know. It would sure put an end to all the squabbles over which faith is the correct faith wouldn't it and perhaps we could all just learn to get along with one another instead of killing each other.:rolleyes:
War's have been waged and over what, a moldy old book which tells us to have faith in the invisible. You cant see god but you can talk to god, just don't expect him answer you back. We're given to understand he's too busy. Well if he's too busy and we're of no importance to a being as powerful and mighty as he.. Then why are we still arguing about his book? He doesn't seem to care! So why do we all care so much about it instead? To the point where we're all fighting over it... If he exists he must be pissing himself with laughter at our own stupidity. :(
tepidepic-discussing christianity with you is the equivalent of using a stephen king novel as a textbook for a course in calculus. tell us what book you are referring to, since you have not used it yet. I don't discuss Mormon or Islam for one simple reason. They use a different reference. If you are using some nontraditional reference material, I'm not sure you can honestly say you are discussing christianity.
...Then why are we still arguing about his book? He doesn't seem to care! So why do we all care so much about it instead?...

Well, I am glad you prefer truth because I can give you an answer :). Human beings have a wide variety of psychological needs that are satisfied by getting together with like minded people and indulging in theistic activity. It gets to a point where the whole religion is bound to a person's identity so if someone with a different book or interpretation contradicts that in any way then it's the equivalent of an identity attack (which is often perceived as a life threatning situation). That's why people care and arguments arise.