My Perciepions of Religion by an Atheist


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Pretty much echo what I already put in another post but am opening this thread following a request by Mr Hamtastic.

If god exist's and I am neither acknowledging the possibility nor the improbability;

Then it would stand to reason that if he is omnipotent and all powerful, then surely he could create a rock so big that he himself could not lift it!

Waiting for the bolt of lightning to strike me down where I sit... Nope nothing zilch... He created the world in seven days and night's but proclaimed that on the 7th day no man or woman should work as this was the holy holiday, the sabbath. But who the hell gets out of bed to go to work on a Sunday, theirs never anyone in the office anyway!

So if that's indeed the case and Sunday is everyones day off and we're all supposed to hit church and pray, it's no wonder our prayers never get answered, he's having a day off... "God speaking, haha, fooled you, I'm not in right now, please leave your message after the beep!"

The problem with the story of creation, well lets see god created the first man, Uh huh, ok, then he created the first woman.. Um, yeah.. following so far..

Then how did we beget others, are we expected to believe we've been fucking our own brothers and sisters.. Oh nice I'll have a side plate of incest please.. Sorry but thats a pretty repugnant idea...

Religion exists to bring law to the lawless, the 10 commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal.. Is it not then safe to assume that without the basis of law their would be anarchy. Paradise awaits for those who adhere to these commands and hell awaits those who do not.. umm yeah.

That must be why so many mass murderers suddenly find religion sitting on deaths row. . . Repent now and ye shall be saved! God understands you never meant to eat all those people you butchered, he forgives you and welcomes you into the gates of heaven with open arms.. Right, so you can go on and eat the wings on an angel and blow up the pearly gates in the afterlife.. Oh please.. I nearly said "God give me strength!" but that would be a contradiction.

Sun worshipers still worshiping 'Ra's' golden chariot as it flys across the heavens. . .

Have you spoken to god lately? Does he speak to you often? See your Doctor and tell him you can talk to him and he listens to you. . . He will prescribe a cure, its called Medication!

Next thing they'll be screaming on about signs of his existence, right, god exists because you found his name written in Arabic in a tomatoe. No wait they found the likeness of Jesus in a knotty old tree stump.

So because there are crop circles I should believe in ET as well eh!
I find it interesting each and every time someone casts scorn upon something which they have done little research in. Did you read a comic book version of the bible? Or is this the actual popular view of christianity that your average person has?
Pretty much echo what I already put in another post but am opening this thread following a request by Mr Hamtastic.

If god exist's and I am neither acknowledging the possibility nor the improbability;

Then it would stand to reason that if he is omnipotent and all powerful, then surely he could create a rock so big that he himself could not lift it!-that is silly. Omnipotent=all powerful no and required. what is lift to a extradimensional being?

Waiting for the bolt of lightning to strike me down where I sit... Nope nothing zilch... He created the world in seven days and night's but proclaimed that on the 7th day no man or woman should work as this was the holy holiday, the sabbath. But who the hell gets out of bed to go to work on a Sunday, theirs never anyone in the office anyway!-Heard of Israel? Sabbath is saturday, friend. Besides, the bible is not a physics textbook, how would you describe 4.5 billion years of development to early man?

So if that's indeed the case and Sunday is everyones day off and we're all supposed to hit church and pray, it's no wonder our prayers never get answered, he's having a day off... "God speaking, haha, fooled you, I'm not in right now, please leave your message after the beep!"-actually the belief is that God is Omniscient and Omniprescient. Before a prayer is thought, God knows and has set things in motion as his answer. The answer could of course be,"no"

The problem with the story of creation, well lets see god created the first man, Uh huh, ok, then he created the first woman.. Um, yeah.. following so far..

Then how did we beget others, are we expected to believe we've been fucking our own brothers and sisters.. Oh nice I'll have a side plate of incest please.. Sorry but thats a pretty repugnant idea... actually a single common ancestor has been suggested by evolution. What would you suggest? Spontaneous appearance of society?

Religion exists to bring law to the lawless, the 10 commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal.. Is it not then safe to assume that without the basis of law their would be anarchy. Paradise awaits for those who adhere to these commands and hell awaits those who do not.. umm yeah.

That must be why so many mass murderers suddenly find religion sitting on deaths row. . . Repent now and ye shall be saved! God understands you never meant to eat all those people you butchered, he forgives you and welcomes you into the gates of heaven with open arms.. Right, so you can go on and eat the wings on an angel and blow up the pearly gates in the afterlife.. Oh please.. I nearly said "God give me strength!" but that would be a contradiction.-actually, Jesus Christ died for all sin. No exceptions. No word on turning into angels. The bible suggests that they are an entirely seperate creation.

Sun worshipers still worshiping 'Ra's' golden chariot as it flys across the heavens. . .-If christians were worshipping the sun, they'd put a bit more priority on things like the solstice

Have you spoken to god lately? Does he speak to you often? See your Doctor and tell him you can talk to him and he listens to you. . . He will prescribe a cure, its called Medication!-An interesting point, as an extradimensional being who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omniprescient, why would he bother making it a verbal communication? with you?

Next thing they'll be screaming on about signs of his existence, right, god exists because you found his name written in Arabic in a tomatoe. No wait they found the likeness of Jesus in a knotty old tree stump.-these things are very silly

So because there are crop circles I should believe in ET as well-if you want. your beliefs are your decision eh!

Anywho, Why is an atheist attacking christianity? Why can't christians have their beliefs? Have you been attacked by a rabid christian? As a christian, I apologize for the existence of rabid christians in general. See my other postings on empathy for atheists.
Little research.. I have looked through both the Bible and the Quran niether has the answers to the questions I would like to phrase.. But perhaps if you can introduce me to god on a personal level, without sacrificing a goat or a sheep and leaving my soul intact in my mortal coil I might concede in his existence. Oh sorry no I forgot he dosnt do personal appearances as we would be struck blind by his brilliance. But wait no, that cant be right, surely being blind and a believer is better than being blinded to the truth.
Lightning struck down the synagogue, god did it... Earthquake in china, god did it, hole in the Ozone layer, god did it. Erm, no hold up that last one was us!
If it brings you comfort from believing in it, then by all means, you are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine, crop circles have been proven to be fake BTW, students with a plank of wood tied to there feet, yes I know that doesn't explain why they've been appearing since the 1800's but if you acknowledge the possibility of an extra terrestrial influence then you are conceding to the ancient astronaut theory in which man got a helping hand from ape to human via an outside influence. Ergo once again god ceases to exist!
lol poof! God pops out of existence. How entertaining. Let's just say that extraterrestrials assisted the evolution of Ape to Man. For fun. How does this cause God's existence to cease? Because it negates the creation story? Because it means aliens exist? How do you know that there are not alien worlds which have their own belief in God? Do you have some secret knowledge?
You want god to exist, ergo, you believe in something you can neither see nor taste nor touch!

You want to taste God? This is an interesting fetish. I picture you going about with your tongue out tasting everything in view to verify its existence. Looks uncomfortable though.
Unless your God is a little Grey man in a flying saucer.. Lucifer was cast down, why, he lusted after the daughters of man. . . and he and the other angels began to sin against man and birds and fish and ate of their flesh and begot terrible offspring. .

You need to read your bible more...
Little research.. I have looked through both the Bible and the Quran niether has the answers to the questions I would like to phrase.. But perhaps if you can introduce me to god on a personal level, without sacrificing a goat or a sheep and leaving my soul intact in my mortal coil I might concede in his existence. Oh sorry no I forgot he dosnt do personal appearances as we would be struck blind by his brilliance. But wait no, that cant be right, surely being blind and a believer is better than being blinded to the truth.

why don't you ask questions of man, and you may receive divinely inspired answers. There is the chance of injury, depending on how you want to ask your questions considering your need to taste and touch everything. I'll attempt to make a comparison of you meeting God. Think amoeba meets Winter.
Seek ye he with the Seven Stars of Orion in his hand. And lo I looked and beheld an angel and in his left hand was the Key to the bottomless pit. Lucifer sat on God's left. Revelations and lo I beheld a lamb and in it's hand was a scroll, the Seven seals.
Unless your God is a little Grey man in a flying saucer.. Lucifer was cast down, why, he lusted after the daughters of man. . . and he and the other angels began to sin against man and birds and fish and ate of their flesh and begot terrible offspring. .

You need to read your bible more...

perhaps you could give me a chapter and verse? I suspect you mean Nephilim, right? These are translated as Giants. I don't believe Lucifer isreferenced here, and what's up with the cannibalism?
The city of Seven pillars, the city of Irem.. I feel my research is complete but I cant help but get the feeling yours is only beginning... It has been said that man once walked with the Angels, and was made mighty from our illicit exchanges. Yet due to the unrestrainable ambitions of those who had been blessed with more power than they had sense, the devastating attention of Heaven itself rained down upon all mankind, and the world was forever altered. Our time as giants was ended by the Flood, a shift in our consciousness which marked the beginning of mankind's forced experience of the Soul, and we were cut off from the earthly presence of our divine benefactors.

Follow the path of the Fallen Angels, and do not allow Truth to be subverted by and lost within mere Reality. For it is said that the only Truth that we really have is to be found in the choices that we make.
Seek ye he with the Seven Stars of Orion in his hand. And lo I looked and beheld an angel and in his left hand was the Key to the bottomless pit. Lucifer sat on God's left. Revelations and lo I beheld a lamb and in it's hand was a scroll, the Seven seals.

what bible are YOU reading, friend? seven stars of ORION? You do realize that this is on the opposite end of the bible from any mention of nephilim, right?
Amos 5:8
Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion and turneth the shadow of death into the morning and maketh the day dark with night that calleth for the waters of the sea and poureth them out upon the face of the earth The LORD is his name