My outlook on religion >.>

What i think is that religion is just a waste of time. I'm suppost to be a cathlic but even though im cathlic i still say religion is pointless to have on this planet. All people tell you is that god is a wounderful thing and that god can give you a life of happyness and prosperity,Which is BS. All religous people do is try and force there religion on other peopel and try and make them belive in god. I know a seven year old who lost his dad in august and like two weeks later his mom told him he has to go to sunday school. I think that its wrong to force anyone into religion exspecaly on a little kid.I just dont see the point in religion any more and its because of seeing so many people i know and love go to war because of religion.

Lol, pretty sure everyone who goes to church on sunday are responsible for the 'millions of deaths' that are 'religiously motivated'
In my opinion, Christianity and its leaders are the ones that need to be more tolerant. The middle east for example, they are SERIOUSLY pissed off at us. Some are because they hate us, and some are because they are "religiously motivated", but anyways...

The taking of the "holy land" was an utter waste of time and it started a feud. All sorts of horrendous acts were being committed because of "gods will" and shit like that. The invaders, the europeans to be exact, really just wanted more land, plus it was out of religious intolerance. The Middle east's hate for us isn't very shallow at all, it has roots dating back to the middle ages.

Another example of christianity's religious intolerance is earth based religions such as paganism, witchcraft + wiccian culture, were all but stamped out at times in the world.

I also have a friend in school that for the life of her cannot figure out why I don't believe in god and when I ask for proof her only example is the bible. Hello, am I the only one awake in this world or what? The bible was written by human hands, it wasn't created by god. Even if there was one, it was rewritten to forward the churches goals.

Anyone know of any innocent people that have been brutally ravaged by a disease? If so, has god saved them? No. That is because if god does exist he is on a 10000000000000(etc) year nap and will not wake up in anyones lifetime.

Something else to dis-merit the bible. Aparrently, the world was supposed to end like 12 times already according to the damned book.

Anyways, I could probably think up more reasons and points but I don't want to bore you or offend anyone TOO much...

I see absolutely nothing positive, nothing educational, nothing rational, nothing enlightening, nothing truthful, nothing encouraging, nothing useful, nothing meaningful and nothing intelligent about religion.
ok i spent alot of time readin on religion, very few i havent read so far, and im looking foward to reading the tibetan book of the dead, i should be getting in the mail within a few days... annny whooo... from what ive read in religous books so far is that they all have atleast one thing in common. Man-kind looking up to the skies for a soulder to lean on in times of need. think about it.. when you were little.. andyou got in trouble... what did you do besides cry and cower in fear of your parents spankin ya?.... you went to your mom or dads shoulder to lean on for comphort. once your parents passed away... no more shoulder... humans need some thing to comphort them in order for them to survive... but what i dont see a point in.. is why do we put our needs of comphort.. and worship it? there is no F'n need for it! seriously if we all just droped our religions and focused on helping eachother/or planet out.. we might actuly have a chance of survival in this harsh life time. 80% of wars are started by religion. *turning 80 into a hundred for a moment* 65% of that is caused by Chrisiantiy and the rest is mixed between the other religions. and for what?!

im going to close this now.. and wait for yall to reply... im open to all questions, remarks, anything at all. hit me with all you got. :D
M*W: The question is, what did the mom and dad preach to their kid as the right thing to do?

Your opinion on mankind looking up to the skies is a valid one. That's the premise I have used to explain how religions came to be. Essentially, there is no god, just the sun. There are no angels, just stars. Jesus and Satan both were said to the Morningstar (the planet Venus). The only religion that has ever existed is the one ancient humans interpreted from the night skies. Even though that's not a true "religion," it's the only interpretation that I understand to be true.