My outlook on religion >.>


Registered Member
ok i spent alot of time readin on religion, very few i havent read so far, and im looking foward to reading the tibetan book of the dead, i should be getting in the mail within a few days... annny whooo... from what ive read in religous books so far is that they all have atleast one thing in common. Man-kind looking up to the skies for a soulder to lean on in times of need. think about it.. when you were little.. andyou got in trouble... what did you do besides cry and cower in fear of your parents spankin ya?.... you went to your mom or dads shoulder to lean on for comphort. once your parents passed away... no more shoulder... humans need some thing to comphort them in order for them to survive... but what i dont see a point in.. is why do we put our needs of comphort.. and worship it? there is no F'n need for it! seriously if we all just droped our religions and focused on helping eachother/or planet out.. we might actuly have a chance of survival in this harsh life time. 80% of wars are started by religion. *turning 80 into a hundred for a moment* 65% of that is caused by Chrisiantiy and the rest is mixed between the other religions. and for what?!

im going to close this now.. and wait for yall to reply... im open to all questions, remarks, anything at all. hit me with all you got. :D
ok people.. i posted this to start a convo.. not for yall to read and jus ignore.... >.> grrrr........ rrrr..rr

I am responding just so you don't feel you are being ignored. This subject has been flogged to death. I regard religion as a form of tribalism so it will continue to exist in some form or another into the foreseeable future.

Sadly, you are never going to see a coming together for the common good because we are essentially selfish and territorial. People who believe their holy books will stick to their beliefs come hell or high water. For example, there is little common ground between Muslims and Christians. They both acknowledge an Abrahamic god, despite which each reagards the others as infidels. The Catholic Church regards itself as the one true church and so on.

In addition, there is a question of power and prestige to be considered.Can you imagine religious leaders taking a backseat for the common good. I can't. I can only see them proclaiming the same old stuff and continuing to hold on to their leadership.
exactly, people of that sort are drunk with power... for example the pope. im not gunna go into detail so i wont offend... but you get my point...
Imagine 2 countries, side by side. On the left is a Christian country (make it blue on the imaginary map), on the right is an Islamic country (red on the imaginary map).

Blue country's books teach that they must spread the gospel and make disciples of all men. Red country has a different book, different teachings. So Blue country sails across to Red country, holds their own beliefs most high and hey! Conflict caused.

Over here on Green country, we think that religion ought to be abandoned. While most of the country supports the idea - how do you convey it to the other two countries, without causing conflict?
by minding our own and let them kill each other, only interfere when the threat becomes globaly threatening. other than that, were all happy down in green country, while red and blue are killing each other over a pointless cause
So if you were safe in Green country, would you still be saying:
there is no F'n need for it! seriously if we all just droped our religions and focused on helping each other/or planet out.. we might actuly have a chance of survival in this harsh life time. 80% of wars are started by religion. *turning 80 into a hundred for a moment* 65% of that is caused by Chrisiantiy and the rest is mixed between the other religions. and for what?!

Or would you be saying:
by minding our own and let them kill each other, only interfere when the threat becomes globaly threatening. other than that, were all happy down in green country, while red and blue are killing each other over a pointless cause

Just trying to understand your perspective here. As soon as you were metaphorically placed on your own (Green) country, with people who share your beliefs, you sang quite a different tune.
it takes a light touch, thats y i said only interfere when the planet is at risk. if you interfere too much, red will think were helping out blue, and vise versa for blue. if we dont interfere at all, then bye bye humans. so if its not for a light touch then the human race is screwed.
Over here on Green country, we think that religion ought to be abandoned. While most of the country supports the idea - how do you convey it to the other two countries, without causing conflict

By showing that tolarance is a way in which peace can be achieved without bloodshed. People living next door to me practice whatever religion they choose but they don't come over to my house telling me that their religion is the only one that is ment for everyone.
it takes a light touch, thats y i said only interfere when the planet is at risk. if you interfere too much, red will think were helping out blue, and vise versa for blue. if we dont interfere at all, then bye bye humans. so if its not for a light touch then the human race is screwed.

From what little I know of colour mixing, blue and red make purple. Add green and you get mud/
Imagine 2 countries, side by side. On the left is a Christian country (make it blue on the imaginary map), on the right is an Islamic country (red on the imaginary map).

Blue country's books teach that they must spread the gospel and make disciples of all men. Red country has a different book, different teachings. So Blue country sails across to Red country, holds their own beliefs most high and hey! Conflict caused.

Over here on Green country, we think that religion ought to be abandoned. While most of the country supports the idea - how do you convey it to the other two countries, without causing conflict?

Notice the way you are involved in the problem, rather than thinking you are simply the solution. The other colors will be much more likely to be receptive. Hiding in the trees and thinking you are better than everybody has gone on too long.
There is not a hope in hell of any such thing happening. Just look at the history of religion.
ok people.. i posted this to start a convo.. not for yall to read and jus ignore.... >.> grrrr........ rrrr..rr

Most people in the Americas between 3 and 5 am Eastern (Pacific too) are asleep. maybe when we wake up...
ok wel maybe i cant eliminate all religion from the world, then ill atleast try to have people keep it to themselves
ok wel maybe i cant eliminate all religion from the world, then ill atleast try to have people keep it to themselves

Sorry to disappoint you but you won't even achieve that much. Some Christians proseltyze because they claim to derive their authority from the bible, to do so. Expect a knock on your door any day now.
Doesn't seem to matter if one is red, blue or green. No one is beyond the tendancy to point a finger at the ignorance of others in light of their own personal knowledge of truth. The fact is, the truth is just so obvious to the "Green"landers that they don't even recognize they are playing the same mind game. :shrug:
Well I am an Atheist but in my opinion Atheism is a religion on its own. Just a different type than you would think it be. So basically, no matter how you look at it, religion will always be there.

But, the way Myles puts it, there is no chance in hell for religion to disappear. And yet again I agree with Myles. People are selfish and territorial. They are also irrational and, let's face it, stupid. But don't get me wrong. The person is smart and rational but people as a whole aren't.

And like you say, people need a shoulder to lean on. And if that shoulder is gone then people are lost. People always need some kind of explanation for everything. The "religious" people have their explanations and they are happy. We have our explanations and theories and we are happy...enough.

The fact is, this will never happen because the human race will never allow it and if it happens chaos will break out in some shape or form.
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What i think is that religion is just a waste of time. I'm suppost to be a cathlic but even though im cathlic i still say religion is pointless to have on this planet. All people tell you is that god is a wounderful thing and that god can give you a life of happyness and prosperity,Which is BS. All religous people do is try and force there religion on other peopel and try and make them belive in god. I know a seven year old who lost his dad in august and like two weeks later his mom told him he has to go to sunday school. I think that its wrong to force anyone into religion exspecaly on a little kid.I just dont see the point in religion any more and its because of seeing so many people i know and love go to war because of religion.