my little theory of god

God is stupid?

Yo CrunchyKeeyat!

God is stupid? I notice in your profile you got "Buttmaster" in your occupations.
Well, you gotta be some kinda foolfuck to be doin that shit. What kinda gay, stank, 2 penny prostitute did you visit to get that job? Your mom doesn't count. Tell me somethin, do you make a carreer outta this? I would really like to know. What the fuck, I mean its not like you went to med school to become a Buttmaster. What does a buttmaster do anyway? I mean, what the hell did you tell your high school teacher on career day? How the fuck did you pass gradeschool? How the fuck do you even wake up in the morning or piss in the toilet without getting yourself wet?
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Isn't it interesting how we little things spend centuries discussing him and he's just sitting up there watching... I wonder what's been keeping him so he shy or something?!

come on Lord...have your say on this! we wlcome you! just say a word for your sake!
god is the collective intelligence of all human beeings

So, people were in existence before gods, hence gods never created anything, other than confusion in the minds of those stuck in the lower portion of the collective bell curve.
what is intelligence? what is consiousness? how can you 'collect' it?

perhaps a better way of describing my idea is that the concept of 'God' actually serves well as an aspirational model for what we would like the colllected workings of humanity to achieve. - e.g. power over life and death, an omniprescent view of human activity and application of universal justice, understanding and manipulating the laws that govern nature etc....

i think what i'm saying is that a merging of all the intelligent minds of the universe has the potential for being the most powerful force in the universe, perhaps to the point of being able to control the universe in a godlike way.

but im not sure
God is stupid? I notice in your profile you got "Buttmaster" in your occupations.
Well, you gotta be some kinda foolfuck to be doin that shit. What kinda gay, stank, 2 penny prostitute did you visit to get that job? Your mom doesn't count. Tell me somethin, do you make a carreer outta this? I would really like to know. What the fuck, I mean its not like you went to med school to become a Buttmaster. What does a buttmaster do anyway? I mean, what the hell did you tell your high school teacher on career day? How the fuck did you pass gradeschool? How the fuck do you even wake up in the morning or piss in the toilet without getting yourself wet?

WTF is the purpose of your post? Keep the subject matter!.

God is not the collective of human consciousness. God is basically a concept of primitive human's evolutionary mind. Schizos were thought of as being enlightened, they spoke in riddles and heard voices, if you read the bible well enough, almost everything supernatural that it talks about came in "visions & dreams" God is just in your imagination!
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