My letter to an Atheist

its not so easy to prove that establishing god's primarily role as that of a vending machine however ....

I wouldn't expect 100% compliance, but at least some statistically measurable effect. After all, that is the claim on the part of Judeo/Christian/Islamic doctrine. When evidence that should be there is absent, that is evidence of the absence of such a God.

Atheists in the trenches:

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Man!! you all knowing Atheists do get hot about something that in your very frail and tiny minds does not exist.

I'm curious, do you personally insult everyone because you're a Christian or because you're a dick?

Give me one sound case that will prove to we poor little believers that god does not exist.

I'm curious, do you honestly believe you'll even consider anything that would question your faith?

Oh!! you say you have done so already, abject nonsense you have not done so because it is impossible to prove the non- existence of God

I'm curious, did you know that you also can't prove the non-existence of Allah, which all Muslims know simply because Allah is not a being or is corporeal like your god?
I wouldn't expect 100% compliance, but at least some statistically measurable effect. After all, that is the claim on the part of Judeo/Christian/Islamic doctrine. When evidence that should be there is absent, that is evidence of the absence of such a God.
Then you have to examine the normative issues surrounding the claim, since that determines what evidence one should encounter and failure to work on that will provide a 100% failure.

IOW it requires a hell of a lot more than an atheist spin on a verse or two from Mathew.
Prayer is supposed to work at least some of the time. This should make a statistically significant difference between praying and randomness.
As to the one thing showing to believers that God is nonexistent: the bible claims it was adam and eve, science PROVES it was evolution.
Man!! you all knowing Atheists do get hot about something that in your very frail and tiny minds does not exist.

Give me one sound case that will prove to we poor little believers that god does not exist. Oh!! you say you have done so already, abject nonsense you have not done so because it is impossible to prove the non- existence of God
OK, in your next post, "Prove" Xenu does not exist.

Prove the Japanese Goddess Amaterasu does not exist.

Hell, "Prove" the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist.

We're waiting :)

Give me one sound case that will prove to we poor little believers that god does not exist.
You need to be precise about what it is you mean by god, what properties it has, and where it is located. Once we have that information then we can look at the place you have indicated to see if it is there and does what you claim.

You might be tempted to say that god is everywhere, but then you would have to explain how you know that and explain how we can separate god stuff from obvious other stuff.
786 said:
its not so easy to prove that establishing god's primarily role as that of a vending machine however ....

Nice way to put it
Nice way to put what? Do you have any clear idea of what he said, there?

That string of words is meaningless, if you pay attention to it - oddly broken grammar and randomly invoked verbiage being a specialty of lg's,

a technique normally used to deflect accountability or avoid having to answer for a direct statement, by con artists and politicians, but possibly in his case an educational deficit establishing an inability to write meaningful English prose

but creating no necessity of praise, even, much less imitation.
It's easy to be evasive, harder to explain what exactly is it that God does.
its quite easy to explain exactly what god's role in the universe is
I mean even in terms of mundane political arrangement, its absurd to place persons like monarchs, presidents or prime ministers in the role of vending machines (IOW to reason that if someone somewhere lays a claim to them that is not fulfilled, it renders the viability of their designation questionable/non-existent/obsolete/etc.
Nice way to put what? Do you have any clear idea of what he said, there?

That string of words is meaningless, if you pay attention to it - oddly broken grammar and randomly invoked verbiage being a specialty of lg's,

a technique normally used to deflect accountability or avoid having to answer for a direct statement, by con artists and politicians, but possibly in his case an educational deficit establishing an inability to write meaningful English prose

but creating no necessity of praise, even, much less imitation.
This bloke also shares a similar eye for detail
Hey, I didn't invent the concept. But you didn't explain what God's role is.
If you don't have a working model, why post this ....
Originally Posted by spidergoat
It's easy to prove there is no Judeo/Christian/Islamic God. Prayer doesn't work.

I pointed out earlier, that much like any designated orchestrator of events, their role is not to pander to the desires of the masses (generally you see the opposite ... namely that the masses are orchestrated in accordance with the desires of the ruler). IOW supplication works in accordance with the desire of god, not the other way round.
It seems Spidergoat needs to look into his mind deeply, to see what image of God he actually has there.
From LG's #146, p8;

“ Originally Posted by spidergoat
Prayer is supposed to work at least some of the time. This should make a statistically significant difference between praying and randomness. ”

If you work out of a wrong understanding of the purpose and functioning of anything, all you will see is randomness

What else can the devious, deceitful theist write in response when there is nought to say, but..............."You don't understand..........."

The reader will note that no attempt is made to ameliorate an alleged misunderstanding. Mainly because the decrepit LG has no better an understanding, but has in fact an equally incredible and unrealistic understanding that, given expression, would invoke howls of laughter and guffaws from his rational audience.

It is in fact the aversion to derision and martyrdom, what the rational audience brands as cowardice at the whiff of gunpowder, that drives the theist to scuttle like a cockroach for the comfort of the dark crevice the while flinging back with faint affect the futile, "You don't understand..."

The phenomenon that LG is manifesting is that hiatus in scriptural interpretation wherein there are several equally ridiculous and derisively conspired interpretations but not one yet has been contrived to be even moderately credible to even a modestly intellectual theist of LG's ilk!

Theists demonstrate with cartoonish eclat that dumb, glazed-eyed, thin-lipped, self-embarassing silence, knowing they appear utterly stupid and harking desperately for a tiny corner of their mind where they may find refuge in a bat-squeak of divine approval.

In their obsequious supplications they manage to convey to the rational, the logical and the reasonable how evolution has been haphazzard in the bestowing of its benefits, how many have somehow missed the evolutionary train and diverted on to a brach line to Oblivion, which is the last stop.

However those who are better evolved might rationalise and reason the whys and wherefors, this capacity for self-deception, wilful as it is, is a clear indication that this tiny corner of the Cosmos is not the site from where the next great colonial exploration begins.

Not all that long ago I was convinced [in somewhat cynical manner] that the all-pervasive background microwave radiation in our universe was not, as some say, a remnant of the Big Bang, but the echo of laughter at humankind's consuming presumption of self-importance from beings ineffably more advanced who know that the Cosmos will prevail whether humankind likes it or not and [galling though it must be to theists] will prevail with or without humankind.

When one scales the posturing of theists against the incalculable vastness and complexity of the Cosmos, the atheist is permitted a wry smile and a despairing sigh.

Biggles, Prime
From LG's #146, p8;

“ Originally Posted by spidergoat
Prayer is supposed to work at least some of the time. This should make a statistically significant difference between praying and randomness. ”

If you work out of a wrong understanding of the purpose and functioning of anything, all you will see is randomness

What else can the devious, deceitful theist write in response when there is nought to say, but..............."You don't understand..........."

The reader will note that no attempt is made to ameliorate an alleged misunderstanding. Mainly because the decrepit LG has no better an understanding, but has in fact an equally incredible and unrealistic understanding that, given expression, would invoke howls of laughter and guffaws from his rational audience.

It is in fact the aversion to derision and martyrdom, what the rational audience brands as cowardice at the whiff of gunpowder, that drives the theist to scuttle like a cockroach for the comfort of the dark crevice the while flinging back with faint affect the futile, "You don't understand..."

The phenomenon that LG is manifesting is that hiatus in scriptural interpretation wherein there are several equally ridiculous and derisively conspired interpretations but not one yet has been contrived to be even moderately credible to even a modestly intellectual theist of LG's ilk!

Theists demonstrate with cartoonish eclat that dumb, glazed-eyed, thin-lipped, self-embarassing silence, knowing they appear utterly stupid and harking desperately for a tiny corner of their mind where they may find refuge in a bat-squeak of divine approval.

In their obsequious supplications they manage to convey to the rational, the logical and the reasonable how evolution has been haphazzard in the bestowing of its benefits, how many have somehow missed the evolutionary train and diverted on to a brach line to Oblivion, which is the last stop.

However those who are better evolved might rationalise and reason the whys and wherefors, this capacity for self-deception, wilful as it is, is a clear indication that this tiny corner of the Cosmos is not the site from where the next great colonial exploration begins.

Not all that long ago I was convinced [in somewhat cynical manner] that the all-pervasive background microwave radiation in our universe was not, as some say, a remnant of the Big Bang, but the echo of laughter at humankind's consuming presumption of self-importance from beings ineffably more advanced who know that the Cosmos will prevail whether humankind likes it or not and [galling though it must be to theists] will prevail with or without humankind.

When one scales the posturing of theists against the incalculable vastness and complexity of the Cosmos, the atheist is permitted a wry smile and a despairing sigh.

Biggles, Prime
read again
I explained why he doesn't understand
If he wants further details, he can seek clarification ... which is certainly better than going for quantity over quality

Association neocortex of humans.

What is it (actually)?
Where is it to be physically found?
And where else in nature (besides humans/living beings) can it be found?

Keep in mind this is a response to someone who believe everything is matter, and notions of the supernatural are made up by folks who are...
...oh so lonesome. :eek:
