My Left-Wing Website

Sorry, Woody, but voting independent is exactly what the cons want us to do. Democrats support labor unions, democrats support increasing the minimum wage, democrats are trying to stick up for the worker. NAFTA was one of Clinton's mistakes, at least democrats can admit when they do something wrong. No one but a democrat has a chance in hell of defeating the GOP.
S/G says: Democrats support labor unions, democrats support increasing the minimum wage, democrats are trying to stick up for the worker.

Woody says: sorry, I just don't see democrats helping me. I'm not in a labor union, I'm nowhere close to minimum wage, but I do work for a living. Democrats ignore me and my kind, they consider anyone over about $80K per year to be "highly compensated." $80K/year is enough for somebody to afford a small house and a family, but nowhere close to being "rich" as the democrats claim.

After about $80K/year there is no more paycheck deduction for social security/medicare though they all go in the same pot as federal tax dollars. So in effect the tax system is regressive at this transition point on the income tax profile curve. The tax is called "social security and medicare" just to make you feel better about paying what amounts to federal income tax. As my CPA said, "it all goes in the same pot and it all comes out of the same pot. They can give it three names but it's all the same."

The impression I get about the democrats, is they are heavy on the pork barrel, and they want everyone to be dependant on the government so they can be in control.

As for the repubs, who gives a rat's ass about death taxes unless they have parents with about $5 million dollars sitting around. That certainly is not me. Is it you or anybody else? probably not.

We are left out of the political equation and both parties are at fault. I like the demos even less than the repubs. They are all poor choices in my opinion.
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MW says: Silas, Woody deserved everything I stated. You may not see it now, but you will.

Woody says: You just didn't like getting "exposed" on the gnostic gospels, which you don't believe, though you pretended otherwise. It was that circular argument that lapsed between believing something, then not believing it, and then back around -- remember?


I was "under the influence of medicine woman." How could I forget that experience?
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I checked out your recomended site. It was cool. I have some that may interest you further. I don't care if you are a Christian, as Long as we can respect one another it's ok. Seems we have a common enemy. :D

Christians against Bush



However I'm a Republican, though I felt betrayed, feel betrayed. And this administration does not represent conservativism.


Republicans against Bush


The only thing that I have against Christians or any religious denomination is when they try to FORCE their views upon the rest of us. And that is what this administration is so doing. They are forcing their religious agenda with the use of public money "our tax dollars" for religious initiative. I totally believe in the seperation of Church & State.



Seperation of Church & State myths and misconceptions

The seperation of Church & State is not only to protect the rest of us from some religious denomination, but it serves to protect all religious denominations to worship freely from government interference. It also protect us that don't adhire to any particular religious denomination. Such as Atheists, Humanists, Secularists, Agnostics, in essence to protect the American people from religious prosecutions for not following a State mandated religious denomination.

Woody: MW says: Silas, Woody deserved everything I stated. You may not see it now, but you will.

Woody says: You just didn't like getting "exposed" on the gnostic gospels, which you don't believe, though you pretended otherwise. It was that circular argument that lapsed between believing something, then not believing it, and then back around -- remember?
M*W: I wasn't 'exposed' on the gnostic gospels! I didn't write them! But, whomever did knew what they were talking about. Like you, Woody, they didn't accept their local government as law. The parties have changed. What used to be the democratic South is now the Republican South, and I'm grateful for that. It was only 30 some years ago that my parents were dyed-in-the-wool democrats, but if they were alive today, they'd be dyed-in-the-wool republicans. Nothing ever stays the same. Of course they would probably dis me for being republican, but that's okay. The Republican Party cares about the 'little man.' Democrats only care about themselves. The parties change over time. The independents will never make a solid showing, but sometimes thiss is wrong. Personally, I vote a solid female ticket.


I was "under the influence of medicine woman." How could I forget that experience?[/QUOTE]
Woody said:
Woody says: Geez a 14% loss was the best thing for the company? Who is "the company"? It is not the shareholders --they are the ones filing the complaint.

The company is the company. Why do you assume the loss was the CEO"s fault?

Business IS a charity for the CEOs. I call it "wealthfare." And I call CEOs "IOUs" (Insanely overcompensated useless) executives. They jump ship with their golden parachutes leaving their companies in bankruptcy after giving themselves these huge 50% annual pay raises on average. Do you think CEOs deserve 50% annual payraises on the average?

So do. Some don't. Like everyhting else in real life... You say CEO like everry one of them was part of some sort of hive mind...

What country do you live in? Why don't you research my web links? It hasn't always been this way. Only since the 90s.

What difference does it make what country I live in? I didn't 'research' them because they hurt my head at the time.. I might later. You think thw world was better in the 80s?

Both democrats and republicans are guilty of the problem, and they are trying to make badly needed reforms on out-of-contol corporate governance.

It's not the government's fault it's the PEOPLE's fault..... you know, the people who pick the governments?
Shushupti says: I didn't 'research' them because they hurt my head at the time.. I might later.

Woody says: The Wall Street Journal hurts your head?

Shus says: The company is the company. Why do you assume the loss was the CEO"s fault?

Woody says: I did not say it was his fault. The shareholders say the $45 million bonus sends the wrong signal to everyone when the CEO wins and everyone else loses. Have you ever heard of leading by example?

Shus says: What difference does it make what country I live in?

Woody says: It makes plenty of difference. If you live and work in america you understand what is happening. You apparantly do not live in america. The technical people from india aren't exactly pleased with the H1b visa either. Some of them wrote their own testimonials about it. I can't fault them for wanting a better way of life, but they are being used and abused. Listen to what some of them say. Are we going to be a civil society or not?

Shus says: It's not the government's fault it's the PEOPLE's fault..... you know, the people who pick the governments?

Woody says: Actually, it is the government's fault, they are supposed to represent the people and they do not. We only have two realistic alternatives: republican and democrat. If someone starts another party, I will consider voting for them. What other choices do we have?

Answer this question: Do you think CEOs deserve 50% annual pay raises for eternity? If this trend continues then CEOs will make all the money in the world and all the rest of us will work for free. Think about it.
Woody: I was "under the influence of medicine woman." How could I forget that experience?
M*W: Woody, you could only be 'influenced' by me if you chose to be!

I will admit, that I find you a willing participant to find out the truth! That's okay. You are searching, and you will find. I, myself, do not have any 'power'. I can only lead you to the truth. But, you are not a willing subject, so there is nothing I can do to bring the truth to you! It's your choice. What is it that you want if me? How can I help you seek the truth? Just let me know and I will stand by you through all temptations. Waiting to hear from you, Woody. I'm waiting to set you free.
M*W says: Woody, you could only be 'influenced' by me if you chose to be!

Woody says: I appreciate the thought, but actually I was trying to follow your argument all the way through. The "influence" is the circular spin your argument goes through. The path seems to be almost straight in places, but when I put all the pieces together it's one big circle. The circle alternates between believing and not believing the same sets of facts.