My Left-Wing Website

Woody: I'm ready to vote independent.

Check out my new website:

Corporate America on-the-cheap

Republicans and democrats can both kiss-off. :rolleyes:

What do y'all think?
M*W: I think you are just another psychotic paranoid brainwashed christian zombie who shows no value for human life. Besides that, you're a stupid redneck hick. (And I for one never thought I would call anyone that!) I feel sorry for your wife. You're probably holding her hostage! I know your type! Does anyone out there want to place a bet with me? Woody is so vastly anal retentive that he will end up with prostate cancer for "saving" himself for marriage! You make me want to vomit. I think you are a latent homosexual, otherwise you wouldn't be so averse to alternative lifestyles. If Christianity preaches this, it is Christianity who is false. And, yes, we all know that Christianity is one big fat lie. Woody, get a life, get laid, and go pray to your god who doesn't exist. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. If you think you are a positive example of a christian, you disgrace the whole religion, and you defame this forum. I can only imagine what it would be like for a couple of gay men to beat you senseless, tie you to a post, and leave you for dead, like they did Matthew Shepard. You deserve it. Fuck christianity. It bites the big one!
Is that site supposed to be a joke? Whether it is or not, it's poorly put together, and quite gimmicky and unimpressive.

M*W, ... Wow. I think so many things of your post that all I can really say to that is "wow".
WOW, MW I see you really checked out my web-site. Are your sex toys made in China? I must have hit a nerve. american made sex toys!

Hamster Your pretty cool. Tell me how communist China motivates people to work. It didn't work for Russia.

Athelwulf said: Is that site supposed to be a joke?

Woody: No it is not a joke, our government is a joke. Did you check out the links on the website? They were carefully researched. Does anybody here work a real job besides me?
Posting this thread in Reilgion sub-forum shows that your site is a religious work for you.
M*W said:
: I think you are just another psychotic paranoid brainwashed christian zombie who shows no value for human life. Besides that, you're a stupid redneck hick. (And I for one never thought I would call anyone that!) I feel sorry for your wife. You're probably holding her hostage! I know your type! Does anyone out there want to place a bet with me? Woody is so vastly anal retentive that he will end up with prostate cancer for "saving" himself for marriage! You make me want to vomit. I think you are a latent homosexual, otherwise you wouldn't be so averse to alternative lifestyles. If Christianity preaches this, it is Christianity who is false. And, yes, we all know that Christianity is one big fat lie. Woody, get a life, get laid, and go pray to your god who doesn't exist. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. If you think you are a positive example of a christian, you disgrace the whole religion, and you defame this forum. I can only imagine what it would be like for a couple of gay men to beat you senseless, tie you to a post, and leave you for dead, like they did Matthew Shepard. You deserve it. Fuck christianity. It bites the big one!
You didn't even visit the site, did you? Woody did not deserve such comments, the site was not religious, but political. He is trying to reclaim the conservative movement from the corporatist neo-cons that have taken over.
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I think you are just another psychotic paranoid brainwashed christian zombie who shows no value for human life. Besides that, you're a stupid redneck hick. (And I for one never thought I would call anyone that!) I feel sorry for your wife. You're probably holding her hostage! I know your type! Does anyone out there want to place a bet with me? Woody is so vastly anal retentive that he will end up with prostate cancer for "saving" himself for marriage! You make me want to vomit. I think you are a latent homosexual, otherwise you wouldn't be so averse to alternative lifestyles. If Christianity preaches this, it is Christianity who is false. And, yes, we all know that Christianity is one big fat lie. Woody, get a life, get laid, and go pray to your god who doesn't exist. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. If you think you are a positive example of a christian, you disgrace the whole religion, and you defame this forum. I can only imagine what it would be like for a couple of gay men to beat you senseless, tie you to a post, and leave you for dead, like they did Matthew Shepard. You deserve it. Fuck christianity. It bites the big one!

u need to get laid! :p
Truly amazing...

All of bush's fuckups the fundies love; and when he actually makes sense they hate him...

Does your christian love consider that while you without a job get free money from the government, someone without a job in china or india might simply starve to death?

If you lose your job to someone else; it simply means you aren't worth the salary you demand.

It's your problem, not the government's.
Sushi Guy,

What do you think about this guy:

WHEREAS, in 1999 Bank of America CEO Hugh McColl received total compensation of more than $48 million (up from $3.5 million in 1998) while Bank of America shareholders experienced a 14% loss on their investment (versus a 21% gain in the S&P500 index) and 10,000 Bank of America employees (7% of the company's workforce) lost their jobs;

So you are saying those 10,000 people deserved to lose their jobs, and the shareholders deserved a 14% loss, while the CEO got a $44.5 million pay raise for doing such a "great job." Do you have any idea how much money that is? In your opinion, does this look like free market enterprise at work? $44.5 million would pay for a lot of jobs that were lost.

You are right right about one thing, this is my problem, and everyone else's problem that works for these pirates.
A business is different from a charity. If a worker is not profitable, you fire his ass. You don't know the full story of what happened there; the CEO probably did do the best job he could. FOR THE COMPANY, not the employees. As It Should.
Medicine*Woman, seriously that was a vicious diatribe that Woody did not deserve, at least not for posting this thread. As far as I could see the word Christian did not appear on the site once, and if it did it still did not justify implying that he's abusing his wife and a "latent homosexual" (an accusation I tend to associate with homophobes).

Seriously, if you don't like the guy, just ignore him. Spouting vitriol like that would only make things worse if Woody was just an ignorant troll, but I don't even think he's that.

Your hatred for Christianity is getting so extreme, it sounds to me like you're actually on the point of being converted! If you have issues, address those, please stop blindly characterising any religion merely as "a big fat lie".
Sushupti said:

A business is different from a charity. If a worker is not profitable, you fire his ass. You don't know the full story of what happened there; the CEO probably did do the best job he could. FOR THE COMPANY, not the employees. As It Should.

Woody says: Geez a 14% loss was the best thing for the company? Who is "the company"? It is not the shareholders --they are the ones filing the complaint.

Business IS a charity for the CEOs. I call it "wealthfare." And I call CEOs "IOUs" (Insanely overcompensated useless) executives. They jump ship with their golden parachutes leaving their companies in bankruptcy after giving themselves these huge 50% annual pay raises on average. Do you think CEOs deserve 50% annual payraises on the average?

What country do you live in? Why don't you research my web links? It hasn't always been this way. Only since the 90s.

Both democrats and republicans are guilty of the problem, and they are trying to make badly needed reforms on out-of-contol corporate governance.
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...and conservatives still refuse to admit that Reagan's admin. gave everything this country was founded upon away.

While there is no way to change what has happened, there is still the fact that many of those same people that compromised all that we assumed in stone, have not been taken out of power.

Still don't know why this is posted in the Religion Forum???
conumdrum2u said: ...and conservatives still refuse to admit that Reagan's admin. gave everything this country was founded upon away.

Woody says: Have you been "NAFTA-sized" yet? We can thank Clinton for that one.

The repubs look out for the rich, the demos look out for the down-and-out, but who looks out for the working people? That's who I want to vote for.

I posted here on the religion forum, because I am better known here. Some people might be surprised to find out I'm not all that pleased with the repubs either. A growing number of christians have already left the democratic party and they are ready to leave the republican party as well. I know two that voted independent in the last election for president.

I liked your two sites alot. Another good one is .

Right now, hearings are scheduled for sometime on June 16, 2005 by Rep. John Conyers ( From Michigan, I think), concerning the Downing Street memo that seems to say that Pres. Bush was making plans to go to war with Iraq as early as the summer of 2002, while telling us and Congress that he wasn't. There is also talk that he was planning to fabricate intelligence about Iraq's WMD program in order to justify going to war, but that is what the hearings are going to be about. Hopefully, the truth will come out. It would be nice to see this Christian hypocrite eat some crow.

Silas: Medicine*Woman, seriously that was a vicious diatribe that Woody did not deserve, at least not for posting this thread.
M*W: Silas, Woody deserved everything I stated. You may not see it now, but you will.
Silas: As far as I could see the word Christian did not appear on the site once, and if it did it still did not justify implying that he's abusing his wife and a "latent homosexual" (an accusation I tend to associate with homophobes).
M*W: I know men who claim to be christians who abuse their wives. Seems like the two go hand-in-hand.
Silas: Seriously, if you don't like the guy, just ignore him. Spouting vitriol like that would only make things worse if Woody was just an ignorant troll, but I don't even think he's that.
M*W: Sometimes spouting vitriol is needed, and in this case, I believe that to be true.
Silas: Your hatred for Christianity is getting so extreme, it sounds to me like you're actually on the point of being converted!
M*W: I do hate christianity, but it is not more extreme than any other hater of christianity. I can never be reconverted, though!
Silas: If you have issues, address those, please stop blindly characterising any religion merely as "a big fat lie".
M*W: Sorry, Silas, I cannot stop characterizing christianity as being "a big fat lie." That's what it is. If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore.