My Last Words, by Tomas Young

I do remember that the year we erected the framing for the greenhouse, I only shot one.(I had 5 tags that year)

Oh, so we have more information now. So 37 deer in 8-12 years, but we know 1 of the years you only killed one deer and ate it, so 36 deer in 7-11 years, and 1 deer in 1 year.

So 36 deer in 7 years is more than 5 deer per year in those years, and if it was 11 years then it was more than 3 per year. So more than 3-5 deer for 7-11 years, and 1 year you got 1. You came close to getting skunked that year, eh?
How many years----gee 1-5 per year ... maybe 8-12 years. (I really don't keep track---I don't always fill all the tags)
Keep an eye on your DNR. Morons up here (both mn and wi) got sucked into "habitat models" to decide what the 'proper' number of deer per sq mile based on various habitats. 2 years ago wisc. dnr said Oops we over harvested and reduced tags (ongoing this year). Mn sharply reduced this year (and I expect this to keep going another 2-4 years). Point is hunters for about 5 years were having a slug fest taking legal deer then the pop crashed. This coincides with the 'damn wolves killed off all the deer, we gotta kill them too'. *note same thing in mt/wy with elk vs wolves. If you dig through the hunting numbers, it becomes clear who killed off the deer/elk and the hunters all did it legally. Dont let your DNR destroy your herds also.

end off topic...
At least they still have families, which is more than those who opposed Saddam can say.

Saddam killed fewer, and with better reason, than the Americans did.

As for those opposed to Saddam - there were many left alive even after the US invasion: some allied with Iran, forced the US to hold elections, and set up the new government as a Shia theocratic State (the American plan to install Adnan Chalabi as a secular strongman like Saddam fell through); some allied with the shadow supporters of Sunni fundamentalism in Saudi Arabia and other nearby theocratic States and revolted against the new government (after a few years of ethnic cleansing many of them seem to have joined ISIS); the Kurds set up their own local government and flew their own flag and set up their own oil deals with Western corporations - they are currently battling the Islamic jihadists who gathered in the Kurdish zone where the US was cutting the locals a bit of slack.
One shot, one kill
That's what really matters to me when I am shooting---
When I am hungry for red meat then cooking well is what really matters to me.
"maybe 8-12 years" could have been 10-15 years
I have memory categories of recent past, and distant past...and guess a lot about exactly when something happened.
The fellow, Jules, (really excellent helper ---when he ran out of tasks I had set him to, he would start cleaning the shop---without being asked)in the green shirt at the peak of the greenhouse was my helper for summers and holidays of 2 highschool years, 4 college years and then 15 months straight after college before he went to grad school. He also helped me butcher and package the deer off book and took freezer meat and jerky as he wanted them, One of those years We were butchering a doe and I came up to clean the weapon and put it back in it's case--then I looked outside, and saw a monster(12 point) buck in the yard and shot it also.
That year I filled all 5 tags. That was most likely somewhere between 4-8 years ago. We also smoked maybe 5 gallons of jerky, and 2 rear legs that winter. He took one and I hung the other in the sub-basement by the wood stove and we sliced off snacks and sandwich meat till it was used up.
He's now doing some really excellent work on phages as replacements for antibiotics at Iowa state.

Killing Saddam and ending his regime was worth dying for.
Nothing is worth dying for
(except maybe the survival of your children)
All my life, I've been hearing/reading/etc... really stupid shit like:
"I don't agree with what you're saying, but I would die defending your right to say it."
Bullshit---words are cheap
The thing is that those who have died never say such stupid bullshit.
They are mute!
What is worth killing for?
What justifies murder?
What justifies inciting, or ordering, others to commit murder?
What justifies killing soldiers or civilians for the politics/policies of their leaders?
Would you like to die for Obama?
Would you like to kill someone else for Obama?
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Saddam killed fewer, and with better reason, than the Americans did.

Saddam killed more people in one campaign, the genocide against the Kurds, than were killed in the entire Iraq war as a direct consequence of US action (and no, I don't count the deaths attributable to sectarian violence).

According to the New York Times, an estimated 2 million deaths can be directly tied to Saddam's actions:

...he murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead.
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Nothing is worth dying for
(except maybe the survival of your children)
All my life, I've been hearing/reading/etc... really stupid shit like:
"I don't agree with what you're saying, but I would die defending your right to say it."
Bullshit---words are cheap
The thing is that those who have died never say such stupid bullshit.
They are mute!
What is worth killing for?
What justifies murder?
What justifies inciting, or ordering, others to commit murder?
What justifies killing soldiers or civilians for the politics/policies of their leaders?
Would you like to die for Obama?
Would you like to kill someone else for Obama?
Lots of things are worth risking one's life for. Overthrowing a horrible dictator, defending one's country, defending the country of an ally, defending the rights of the innocent, defending democracy, defending worker's rights to a fair wage and unionization...
Saddam ... . His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead.
We incited his attack on Iran supplied him with intel, and arms and ammunition.
We were the provokateur in that little geopolitical dance of death.
We by proxy, then, are all guilty of the murder of tens of thousands of Iranians(and don't think the Iranians have forgotten nor forgiven this)

There is one absolute certainty:
Whenever we "send in the troops" it is because our department of state is staffed by a bunch of arrogant incompetent idiots who would throw your life away in an instant to cover up their incompetence.
spidergoat said:
Saddam killed more people in one campaign, the genocide against the Kurds, than were killed in the entire Iraq war as a direct consequence of US action .
Those fraudulent numbers were debunked years ago, when Fox News was first spreading them around. You can't just wait until people have forgotten about the debate, and then resurrect them as if they were facts.

And if you are going to refuse to count "sectarian violence" by factions the US enabled, armed, and turned loose on their neighbors, then you can't count the "sectarian violence" Saddam supported either - apples to apples.

spidergoat said:
According to the New York Times, an estimated 2 million deaths can be directly tied to Saddam's actions:
1) The US installed Saddam, backed him, and armed him. 2) You are obviously counting the auxiliary deaths from the civil wars with the Kurds and the Iraq/Iran war (the one in which the US backed both sides). 3) The number of Iraqi deaths "directly tied" to US actions is on that level anyway.

spidergoat said:
OK that still leaves a million dead. Also fuck Iran.
You want to check with the US war effort before dismissing Iran - Cheney's company, W's oil connections, Rice's old executive buddies, and the rest of the crew, had and have major commercial interests in Iranian oil. It's not quite as sweet a deal as what they got their mitts on in Iraq, but it's not chump change.

The other problem with saying "fuck Iran" is, of course, that from any reasonable moral or ethical perspective the US was completely and inexcusably in the wrong in its treatment of that country. It's standard human psychology to hate those one has seriously wronged, but projecting that into geopolitical maneuverings is likely to end badly - don't you think?
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We put Nixon in office too, and we ousted him too!
The "we" who put him in were not the "we" who ousted him.

The "we" who put him in are still operating, still voting and running candidates and celebrating their recent successes. The "we" who ousted him are largely gone from public life - removed from their positions and roles, filibustered from their appointments, marginalized in their political Parties, not around to do the necessary. Richard Cheney has never even been forced to hand over documents, let alone answer questions under oath.
The "we" who put him in were not the "we" who ousted him.

The "we" who put him in are still operating, still voting and running candidates and celebrating their recent successes. The "we" who ousted him are largely gone from public life - removed from their positions and roles, filibustered from their appointments, marginalized in their political Parties, not around to do the necessary. Richard Cheney has never even been forced to hand over documents, let alone answer questions under oath.

I think you missed the point. The point is, easy come easy go. Things are always great at the wedding when everyone says I do. It's later, after time elapses and things change that the "I do's" start to turn to "F You's." See?

At the time, using current available information, under current environment, etc, decisions were made. Then things happen and things change. New information. New actions. New events, and totally new climate. Totally different ball park than at the alter. See?

But here comes you, Mr. "I'm the ultimate Monday Morning Quarterback, ready to stand in judgement with 20/20 vision, AFTER THE FACT." (rolling my f'n eyes)
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motor daddy said:
At the time, using current available information, under current environment, etc, decisions were made. Then things happen and things change. New information. New actions. New events, and totally new climate. Totally different ball park than at the alter. See?
But that is all bullshit. The information was available at the time, well known and public. Nothing much changed except that the erosion of good will among those who eventually removed Nixon from office hit a tipping point with Watergate. And the people who voted for Nixon/Agnew (twice, fully informed) did not change - they are still voting for Nixon's heirs, running on Nixon's campaign strategy, defending Nixon's influence on the national politics of the US, etc.

motor daddy said:
But here comes you, Mr. "I'm the ultimate Monday Morning Quarterback, ready to stand in judgement with 20/20 vision, AFTER THE FACT."
This judgment has been upon the supporters of Nixon since before he was elected President the first time. This is Saturday afternoon quarterbacking, not Monday morning. It's not hindsight, its foresight - we told you so, we've been telling you so, from day one.

We were right, at the time. We've been right, continually, since. You were wrong, then, and you've doubled down on wrong for forty years since. We're not Monday morning quarterbacking, we're trying to collect on Saturday afternoon's wager. You are refusing to pay up.

So what I'm saying is: you are not allowed to pretend to be part of both "we"s. The people who put Nixon in, who polled as preferring Agnew above all other candidates for Nixon's successor, learned nothing, and did not change, and have not changed since. They proved this by voting for Reagan twice, and W twice. They won. The people who took him out have been over the years since removed from public office and influence. Many left their Party, rather than be associated with Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh and Nixon's "southern strategy". Others were forced out, in the Gingrich purging and so forth. They lost.

Pick one "we".
So what I'm saying is: you are not allowed to pretend to be part of both "we"s.

We the American people put Nixon in office. We the people removed him. We.

Bask in your hate. It serves you right!! Let it eat you up from the inside out!! I love it! Keep watching the hate channels and keep spreading it. You're part of the problem!
We the American people put Nixon in office. We the people removed him. We.
That's not how it happened. The people who put Nixon in office - twice - found out that the people trying to get him out and gone had succeeded when they turned on their TVs that night. And they didn't like it.

And the difference between the two "we"s never went away, as the OP illustrates.

There's a faction of Americans that fought very hard to keep W&Co from dragging the US into war in Iraq. They took a lot of abuse from the Nixon crowd, now in control of much of the public media. And they were of course right, as always pretty much. But they weren't represented in power, as in Nixon's time - they weren't there to see that Cheney was subpoenaed and his records examined, that the architects of Gitmo and Abu Ghraib and Bagram were brought before public tribunals and jailed for their crimes, that the various money trails of the most corrupt war effort in modern American history were followed by well-supported investigators (into Walter Reed, into Baghdad, into Halliburton's Dubai headquarters, etc), that the NSA phone tapping became W's Watergate (and Jeff Gannon his Agnew moment). They aren't around any more, so these disasters the Nixon strategy targets elect to office are no longer prosecuted or even curbed.
Keep an eye on your DNR. Morons up here (both mn and wi) got sucked into "habitat models" to decide what the 'proper' number of deer per sq mile based on various habitats. 2 years ago wisc. dnr said Oops we over harvested and reduced tags (ongoing this year). Mn sharply reduced this year (and I expect this to keep going another 2-4 years). Point is hunters for about 5 years were having a slug fest taking legal deer then the pop crashed. This coincides with the 'damn wolves killed off all the deer, we gotta kill them too'. *note same thing in mt/wy with elk vs wolves. If you dig through the hunting numbers, it becomes clear who killed off the deer/elk and the hunters all did it legally. Don't let your DNR destroy your herds also.

end off topic...

I bought a box of hornady 150 grain cartridges today, and the man getting them for me told me of the "bluetongue disease" which has devastated deer populations in Iowa and elsewhere. In some counties, the quota was lowered by over 50%. The dnr's official line is that the quota reduction was due to too many antlerless permits and overharvesting.
Our county of 140,000 people has a quota of 850 deer, down 550 from last year(and I have 4 of those 850 permits)
Deer populations are down to 1990s levels.
I thought that I had been seeing fewer deer this year...(it seems that that was accurate)
With bluetongue and previous overharvesting, numbers should stay down for at least 4-5 years.
Gee darn!
I bought a box of hornady 150 grain cartridges today, and the man getting them for me told me of the "bluetongue disease" which has devastated deer populations in Iowa and elsewhere. In some counties, the quota was lowered by over 50%. The dnr's official line is that the quota reduction was due to too many antlerless permits and overharvesting.
Our county of 140,000 people has a quota of 850 deer, down 550 from last year(and I have 4 of those 850 permits)
Deer populations are down to 1990s levels.
I thought that I had been seeing fewer deer this year...(it seems that that was accurate)
With bluetongue and previous overharvesting, numbers should stay down for at least 4-5 years.
Gee darn!
So Iowa got sucked into the over-harvest also. Sorry to hear that, but it seems to be prevalent.