My House is Haunted


The Boss
Registered Senior Member
I have been Hearing strange things for years, when people come over they hear girls laughing, i have heared these girls too often, i heard them from my window oneday and i went out to the front door and nobody was their. I have a basement that has tons and tons of sand allover, which was sorted out on the day i looked at the house, when i bought it, the sand was still their.My Neighbours from the House i moved from, were called the Ropas, coincidently were related to the people i was buying the house from, anyway they were wierd people, i heard some strange things from my bedroom wall, banging, screaming and scraping, this was repetitive, so i rang the police to stop the noise. The Police arrived and knocked on my neighbours door, no answer, after 30 minutes, so they left, 6 hours later, the noise was getting louder and i heard somebody leaving the house. The Next day, the police rang and asked if the noise was still ongoing, i said yes it was and i also made it clear that something happened in my nextdoor neighbours house and i asked if they would come over, 3 hours later, they knocked on the door, nothing, the officer asked if they would open the door, still nothing, so they knocked the door down and proceeded in. The Police and I were shocked to see blood markings and wallpaper smeared in blood, they then tried to make contact with the Ropas, but to this day, the Family havent been seen.I tried to do some investigating and found out that the Ropa family i Moved in from, were the actual family i moved away from.I started digging into the sand and found nothing. I started to do some research into this family and i found out they were a family of child carers.
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You kind of break up in the end there when you say

"I tried to do some investigating and found out that the Ropa family i Moved in from, were the actual family i moved away from."

And what was that about sand, again? I don't see how that came into play. Not a very good narrative chain.
What do you make of this, its all true, its more complicated than this, just ask some questions and i will answer them.
No, it's just poorly written and hard to follow, if you want more people to respond rephrase it and make your meaning clearer.
Very creepy. Did the police analyze the blood?

I tried to do some investigating and found out that the Ropa family i Moved in from, were the actual family i moved away from

I'm also confused about this sentence. Could you possibly explain what you mean here?

I bet I would be digging in that sand too. Is it a sand floor, or is the sand on top of the concrete?

How long has it been since you moved in?
You mention hearing "strange things from your bedroom wall." Do the house you moved into and the neighbors house share a common wall?

Who are the Ropas? Were they the owners of the house you moved into, or the neighboring house? Were they the owners of the house you moved from, or your neighbors there?

What is the connection between the events next door and the haunting of your house?

Do you live alone? Has anyone else experienced anything unusual in your new home?

Give us the details!
The Ropas from the house i moved from were related to the Ropas in the house i was buying at the time. I heard girls laughing and my friends have too. The Ropas were a family of Child Carers, im thinking that they murdered to little girls and buried them somewhere in the forest opposite me, i checked the sand that filled my basement and i found girls clothes, i rang the police earlier and they are opening the case again.
Maybe you should get a medium or psychic to tune into this and see if they can give you any insight.

Is there any way you could knock down the wall where the blood was found?
sorry didnt read the above post .. this sounds like a pretty open case of... Im trying to think of the proper name... Revenant i think? either way if you found childs clothing buried in the sand... thats bad. Not many people would bury clothes in sand in the basement were they bloody at all?
Their were red marks, after i found the clothing, i rang the police and they should inform me tommorrow.
I don't think your house is haunted because there wouldn't be any red marks on the clothing unless it was a demon. Take the amityville house for example, there was green liquid coming from thr keyholes of doors and windows, loud banging noises and a very eerie laughter throughout the whole house.
How is amityville a hoax. Everybody knows the story behind it. Anyway do you believe in the paronormal, if you do then look it up in one of the worlds most haunted house.
Originally posted by hedball
Everybody knows the story behind it.
We all know the story about Jack And The Beanstalk as well... how does this establish its validity?

:m: Peace.
Originally posted by hedball
I don't think your house is haunted because there wouldn't be any red marks on the clothing unless it was a demon. Take the amityville house for example, there was green liquid coming from thr keyholes of doors and windows, loud banging noises and a very eerie laughter throughout the whole house.

keep in mind, amityville was a hoax
the person there admitted it was a hoax dammit, that he came up with it, or something a long those lines, but it is a well known fact to anyone who has read into it that it was a hoax
i don't think your house is exactly haunted from what you tell us in this well written story. I just think you have some major psychos for neighbors. did they ever find out who they killed for sure either? and so the people you bought the house from moved in next door, what the hell?
There as been no evidence to admit amityville was a hoax. Why don't you tell me some crap story on how it was a hoax then.