My God is better than yours: Sun worship

SpyMoose said:
Repent. The sun is not vindictive, nor shall be its children. Your assertion betrays your own desire to believe that bad things only happen to bad people, and nothing more. The sun participates only through shining its energy down on us, not by controlling the fate of its children. It certainly does not create plagues out of petty fleshy punitive concerns.
I was talking about the earth, suns are just males that throw their seed around at their harem of planets(and do the things mystech mentioned as well).
The earth on the other hand has a living biosphere and when anomolies occur it corrects them. I guess "advice" is not the right way to put it. I don't think earth cares about bad morals or anything like that but it does like its biosphere to be healthy. So when an area is dangerously overpopulated with one particular organism for example and it is throwing off the balances that were already there, the system has been set up so that this will be corrected, with disease.
I'm not talking magic here, despite my poor wording, its scientific fact that I am just looking at from another perspective.
Earth doesn't operate like human beings or even mammals, or even animals, so I struggle to put it into terms human beings will understand, when I do I get hit with "earth doesn't do that bla bla bla" and they're right, it doesn't DO anything, it has already done it, and even when it did it it didn't do anything in the sense we understand.

All I can say is the sun planted his seed on the fertile earth and the offspring was "life on earth". It is a super organism itself, each individual organism a tiny part of a species, which is just a tiny(but important) part of the bigger machine, and just like the living organisms we are familiar with it corrects things that go wrong, wounds heal on you and I, and they do on earth. Disease is one way in which earth wounds heal.
I think to worship the sun and the earth and then think diseases are a "bad" thing would be very hypocritical. I can see how they are a good thing and a very important and vital part of the planet earth.
This is the right religion for me.

And mystech I find it incredibly irritating that you keep saying i don't understand evolution, I didn't learn about evolution from dog breeding I became interested in dog breeding because I am fascinated with evolution and actually passionate about the process. I've even set up a fucking self sufficient functioning underwater ecosystem in my lounge room.

You know it "well enough to get by" and yet seem to think you can tell people who specialise on the subject they know nothing about it. And in an arrogant scoffing manner no less. Fact is I know everything you know about it, I'm just going beyond that because I can sense there is more to it after vigourously studying the subject enthusiastically for many years.
I don't mean to get big headed but i'm sure if michael jordan was being told he knew nothing about basketball he'd feel the need to mention his championship rings.

And clearly I called this religion early last year, who do you think you are just stealing my religion? some nerve buddy:mad: welcome to drlounatarianism(tm) anyway, atleast now that I have a member I can set up a paypal account for donations:cool:
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The sun did seed the earth its true. It also created the earth through attracting and holding matter in the solar system, and the earth is nothing without the suns daily and constant tending. Certainly there is room for lesser deities, for instance the moon which has such a profound affect on all our weather and climate, but the sun supersedes them all.
You are welcome to be a member of the church, however you should be aware that we will likely at some point actually PROMOTE the mixing of the races, sodomy, living and let live, and all sorts of, what are in your eminently qualified (You say it so I am sure it must be so) book, evolutionary no nos.
mixing of races is not an evolutionary no no, sodomy is not an evolutionary no no, never said they were.
Dysgenics is an evolutionary no no. Because it causes a species to suffer, which causes the biosphere to suffer, which makes earth mad because she's wasted alot of time if it gets fucked up now.
And I'm sure after all the work the sun has done he wouldn't be happy about it either.
I get the feeling you and mystech applaud dysgenics, sinners.

Hmm, interesting that this religion branched out before it started.
Your version reminds me of the lazy convenient form of christianity, whats it called again? The one where you believe in jesus and god and heaven but not all the bad sounding stuff in the bible that would be an annoyance to obey. Yeah, thats you, our bible(the history of earth) clearly shows that weakness is to be removed from the gene pools of all species whenever it arises, but oh no that would make you upset so you alter the religion to suit yourself :rolleyes:
Call yourself sun worshippers, the sun would be disgusted, well not litterally, but I wouldn't be surprised if his surface tempereture rose half a degree just now:mad:
The sun is utterly passive. If its temperature rises it is not a punitive measure. The sun also does not favor a eugenics program based loosely on the arbitrary rules of dog breeding. The sun encourages all life to grow by showering its energy down on us, but feels no obligation to shine less brightly when that light is too much for a life form. The sun is not without bad things, it is merely without the very human murderous tendencies of other deities. It is passive, warm, and beneficent.

(do you know I wanted to just say "laziness" but then it demanded I make my post at least 10 characters? How incredibly lame)
SpyMoose said:
... does not favor a eugenics program based loosely on the arbitrary rules of dog breeding.
Lets just clear this is up now, it is not a eugenics program based on fucking dog breeding, it is based on the history of life as we know it, if you don't realise that you aren't familiar with natural history to any serious degree, and clearly that is your problem and not mine.
The sun is not benevolent or malevolent, simply arbitraty and oblivious to us and our desires. (kind of like a movie star)

Unlike a movie star, it deserves worship partly because, also unlike a movie star, it does not seek it.

By the way...

I seem to recall that shortly after starting the church the great seer Dr Lou, himself, offered me a position in his church (was it bishop?), so I feel compelled to defend Drlounatarianism.
However, I am not sure what I should be defending it against.
I see no reason why both of these religions can not co-exist and both be correct simultaneously.
Mystech worships the God, and Dr Lou worships the Goddess (sounds pretty par for the course *rimshot*).
I think I will join both churches.

Mystech, will I get a cool pointy Bishop's hat from you too? :D
Quite the peace maker you are one raven:D
I actually worship both the god and goddess(but I am NOT bisexual:p), and whatever the moon is and all the bodies in the universe and maybe even the universe itself as alpha-god.

I do however have a special intense kind of worship for the sun and the earth as they are like my immediate family.

Oh and drlounatarianism is constantly maturing and evolving, admittedly the original plan had flaws, and in a few weeks time I will think my current plan has flaws, but I'm 99.999 recurring% sure that I am on the right track.
Not that anyone cares, but here's a small list:

African: Liza
Armenian: Mihr, Mehr, Meher
Aztec: Tonatiuh, Huitzilochtli
Basque: Lur, Ekhi, Eguzki
Bella Coola: Alk'umta'm
Celts: Lugh
Chinese: Ten Suns
Egyptian: Horus, (Harmenti, Harakte, Bahdety, Harmakhis, Haroeris)/ Ra
Estruscan: Cautha
Fon: Lisa
Greek: Apollo/Helios
Hindu: Dhatar, Ansoi, Surya Dev, Garunda, Vivasvat
Hittite: Arinna, Ariniddu, Arinnitti, Warusemn, Istaru
Hurrite: Smimigi
Inca: Inti, Punchau
Inuit: Malina
Japanese: Wakahiru-me, Hirukom, Amaterasu, Marisha-Tzn
Mamairuan: Kuat
Mayan: Ah Kin, Kinich Ahua, Kinich Kakmo, Ah Kinchil
Navajo: Tsohanoai
Norse: Freyr
Polinesian: Maui
Pueblo: Tawa
Roman: Apollo
Seran: Tuwak
Slavs: Radogast
Sumerian: Shamash, (the Hebrew word for sun, Shemesh, derives from this god).
Tibetan: Kyun-gai mGo-can
Ugaritic: Shapash
Uratian: Siwini
Vedic: Varitar

I'm sure there's more, but this is a taste of just how much the sun has been worshipped throughout history.
They were probably intelligent people, and I'd bet the scientific knowledge that is present today would have altered, but ultimately strengthened, their beliefs.
Unlike other religions where scientific knowledge contradicts their beliefs and to remain faithful they must enter a deep state of denial and ignorance.
I seem to get more and more suprised everyday how people can just ignore blatant truth in order to stick with their archaic religion. It must take a special kind of ignorance.
Sun/earth/etc worship is timeless, there are no currently relevent references that will get old and look stupid, it runs parallel to scientific knowledge and any new information just seems to make it stronger.
Whats that? It turns out stork flukes form deformities in toads such as extra limbs which makes them easier for storks to catch? Well notch another point up for sun/earth worship hombre:cool: and so on...
Dr. Lou... Characterizing evolution as a stabilizing system is looking at things the wrong way around. If you believe that the ecosystem has intent, or that it is fair, you are creeping toward intelligent design.

Many parasites cause changes in the behaviour of their hosts. There's a snail parasite that passes part of its lifestyle in a snail-eating bird. When it infects the snail, it causes the snail to climb high up into a visible place so that birds will eat it.

Does this mean that we should give credit to anything other than the parasite?
SpyMoose said:
The sun did seed the earth its true. It also created the earth through attracting and holding matter in the solar system, and the earth is nothing without the suns daily and constant tending. Certainly there is room for lesser deities, for instance the moon which has such a profound affect on all our weather and climate, but the sun supersedes them all.
You are welcome to be a member of the church, however you should be aware that we will likely at some point actually PROMOTE the mixing of the races, sodomy, living and let live, and all sorts of, what are in your eminently qualified (You say it so I am sure it must be so) book, evolutionary no nos.
M*W: Very interesting post! I can see where the "Sun" is the creator of the universe and the planets are his "harem." Perhaps the moon is a "concubine," I don't know, but we wouldn't want to piss Luna off, would we? I agree to your statement "...promote the mixing of the races...", etc. On the evolutionary trail, I think this is what evolution is going to require--a total blending of the races until such time there is one perfect human type. Blending of the sexes so the one perfect gender would be androgynous. One race, one gender. By the time this has taken force in the human race, there will be no more bigotry. Diseases will be overcome, and our progeny may live for hundreds of years or longer. I foresee a time in the future where life will become eternal, but first, we must have the total blending of the races and total blending of the sexes. If I were to say I had any kind of religion, it would be based on these two things.
Interesting MW. I would say that your model of the Sun as creator, and planets as his concubines would be apt if it was necessary to put a sexual spin on the divine nature of the heavens, and everybody likes sex so much we might as well. As for the future of human kind rather than androgynous I think our next step should be hermaphroditic, so that we can gain better understanding of gender before discarding it in favor of androgyny. However if Dr. Lou has his way, perhaps the next step will be a human with a bobbed tail and spots?
SpyMoose said:
Interesting MW. I would say that your model of the Sun as creator, and planets as his concubines would be apt if it was necessary to put a sexual spin on the divine nature of the heavens, and everybody likes sex so much we might as well. As for the future of human kind rather than androgynous I think our next step should be hermaphroditic, so that we can gain better understanding of gender before discarding it in favor of androgyny. However if Dr. Lou has his way, perhaps the next step will be a human with a bobbed tail and spots?
M*W: Sorry, I don't think there will be a world of one race hermaphrodites. If you take a look around right now, you'll see androgyny taking hold.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Very interesting post! I can see where the "Sun" is the creator of the universe and the planets are his "harem." Perhaps the moon is a "concubine," I don't know, but we wouldn't want to piss Luna off, would we? I agree to your statement "...promote the mixing of the races...", etc. On the evolutionary trail, I think this is what evolution is going to require--a total blending of the races until such time there is one perfect human type. Blending of the sexes so the one perfect gender would be androgynous. One race, one gender. By the time this has taken force in the human race, there will be no more bigotry. Diseases will be overcome, and our progeny may live for hundreds of years or longer. I foresee a time in the future where life will become eternal, but first, we must have the total blending of the races and total blending of the sexes. If I were to say I had any kind of religion, it would be based on these two things.

One race one gender and no more bigotry? Tell that to the Hutus that were killing Tutsis and calling them cockroaches. You have to come up with something better then one race one gender. How about all clones.
Greco said:
One race one gender and no more bigotry? Tell that to the Hutus that were killing Tutsis and calling them cockroaches. You have to come up with something better then one race one gender. How about all clones.
M*W: There SHOULDN'T be anymore bigotry if everyone is one race, one gender. Yet, we still won't be clones. I suspect when humanity becomes One Body, One Spirit of God, the only way to procreate will be to clone oneself. For all you horny bastards out there, heterosexual intercourse will be all but forgotten, so enjoy it while you can. I suppose when that time comes, there will be no need for different genitourinary systems. Remember, we not talking male AND female, the androgynes will be unisex. Take a look around you. How many unisex humans do you see walking around? Until this comes to the force, we will still be in the last day of creation, so we're really not finished!
There SHOULDN'T be anymore bigotry if everyone is one race, one gender. Yet, we still won't be clones. I suspect when humanity becomes One Body, One Spirit of God, the only way to procreate will be to clone oneself

Why even bring god into the subject? What you're talking about is a possible, but unlikely, path of natural evolution. In this issue, god is irrelevant.