My God is better than yours: Sun worship


Adult Supervision Required
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For the life of me I just can't understand why sun-worship isn't more popular. I mean think about it for a while, while all of you other bonehead theists are arguing over Jesus, and Muhammad, and how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, or whether or not miracles exist, or if God isn't dead then where is he, who's shining brightly over your heads? That's right, the sun! It takes no great leap of faith to believe in the sun, you don't even need eyes to feel it's warmth, and even if you have eyes it's still pretty damn difficult to gaze upon it's radiant glory!

Unlike some Gods that I can think of, we can clearly see that the sun is caring and loving, it warms our world, and gives us life. It supplies our world with beautiful life giving energy. Even better, science confirms this! All energy for life comes from the sun, go get an introduction to Biology text-book and look up the troposphere’s, energy comes from the sun, is stored by plants, eaten by animals who are eaten by other animals who are eaten by other animals, all of that sweet nourishment originates from that great glowing God in the sky! No other religion can claim to have main-stream science on it's side, not even Scientology, which likes to pretend that it's somehow scientific.

Perhaps best of all the sun is a loving and trusting father to us all. It has no dogma, it chose no prophets and has not made commands or demands of us, it recognizes the free will that it's warmth has given us and allows us to use it freely and unhindered, it respects us, just as we should respect it.

I want to know why so many of you bizarre ethereal theorists choose to chase after phantoms and shadows of intangible fake gods, rather than standing in the re-assuring light of the sun. It's just common sense, we are it's children and it loves us without judgement!

Come out of the shadow and embrace the sun!
It's very nice to hear you are searching for truth through yourself and not just blindly following a religion. However, it sounds to me your ego is talking here. Why think your god is better than ours? Is there a need for that? It is clear some of us have different views on things, but it is natural, we are on the path to remember who we are, to re-member with God.
Sun-worship is nevertheless a form of practice, hopefully you are using to move to closer to God, and God bless you. I don't worship anything, there is no need to, why would God want us to worship her? But I agree with the part that God loves us without judgements.
I thought that my first post made this very clear. My God is better than yours is (or your Goddess as it seams) for many reasons. First and foremost is the fact that it’s not utterly and completely made up. There is actually empirical evidence which supports my faith. Science agrees with all the benefits that my God provides, and while other Gods are busy being mysterious, aloof unknowable, and conveniently absent, my God is there for us, all of us, day in and day out giving us life, and watching over us, and it is complete common sense, and evident even to the blind, that it’s divine glory shines on us with unwavering certainty.

My God is not afraid of being known, it isn’t afraid of being seen or studied, and all of these things confirm what ancient cultures knew all along: The sun gave birth to us all, it is from the sun that all life came. We are all forged from the stuff of our brilliant star, which shines, ever watchful in the sky. It makes you like the child who spends all of his time idolizing immoral and lazy movie stars, while your devoted parents work day in and day out to provide for you. All you manage to muster is a wonderful smile whenever you see the idle you worship on TV, but never offer a hug to a father who works his fingers to the bone each day to put food on the table, and a mother who works constantly with no pay to insure a happy household. The true workings of the world are hidden from your view, which is entirely blocked by false idles and misplaced adulation.

No other God can claim these things. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that no other God can back up such claims, as they are certainly made, but all foolish, and do nothing but take credit away from our real heavenly father, the sun itself! It’s practically sacrilege to imply that it was something you can’t see or know who made us all and watches over us, when it’s simple common sense that the real culprit presents himself before us every day. The sun doesn’t judge you for this, it will not deny you it’s warmth and light simply for your disbelief in it’s divinity, it is all merciful and all caring. It does not phase the sun for you to slander it and turn your back on it, but certainly to those of us who accept it’s warmth and proudly stand in it’s light, it seems an awful awful shame.
Hevene, your dogma is self defeating and matricentric. Certainly the miracle of life could be said to center at your vagina, (which I assume is the source of your belief in a female ideal god) but in actuality these organs that define a female are only a tool in the spiritual troposphere to perpetuate the energy given us by the sun. The sun is without a gender. Certainly a female god could only be responcible for the existance of various animals, but what of the flora, does she rule over those too even though they never know a womb? What about the rocks, and other planets. Hard to link those back to your matricentrist spirituality isnt it? And yet it is known as near as certain as anything is that the sun can be held responcible for the existance of all things on our planet. It is the source of all energy and all life. It has been passivly presiding over all of us which it created. It does not demand worship, but passivly accepts it, as it will accept any behavior of its children.
You may be onto more than you thought...

Actually I have read several pretty convincing theories that most (if not all) ancient religions (including, but not limited to, the roots of Christianity) were originally based on Sun worship of some kind (possibly with the Sun being the God, the Earth being the Goddess and all life on Earth being their children).

I don't want to spend the next few hours pointing out all they did in the different articles, but it does fit surprisingly well within the Old Testament among other ancient scriptures. You can look it up if you are interested.
Mystech, I'm sure you have mocked me for confessing to my worship of the sun and the earth as gods.
In fact it seems you are using arguments that I used against you.... hmm unless I'm thinking of someone else, you might be the one that mocked me for claiming diseases were earths way of giving advice, i can't remember, but its all basically one subject as far as I'm concerned anyway.
Dr Lou Natic said:
...diseases were earths way of giving advice...

Repent. The sun is not vindictive, nor shall be its children. Your assertion betrays your own desire to believe that bad things only happen to bad people, and nothing more. The sun participates only through shining its energy down on us, not by controlling the fate of its children. It certainly does not create plagues out of petty fleshy punitive concerns.
SpyMoose said:
Repent. The sun is not vindictive, nor shall be its children. Your assertion betrays your own desire to believe that bad things only happen to bad people, and nothing more. The sun participates only through shining its energy down on us, not by controlling the fate of its children. It certainly does not create plagues out of petty fleshy punitive concerns.

That's not true...If it wasn't for the ozone and the protective atmospheric layer, you would have experienced the sun real deadly nature. If it wasn't for the gravitational pulls that keeps the earth in it's orbit, the sun wouldn't even be an object of discussion. The sun is not an infinite energy souce. The sun used to be hotter and is in the process of cooling off. The sun produces harmfull rays, unbearable heat, ect... The sun is one of the forces of the nature that is acting in balance with others and in subjection to other higher orders and dimensions. The sun is not a worthy god...There are many other suns that are bigger and hotter. They are all mere creations.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Mystech, I'm sure you have mocked me for confessing to my worship of the sun and the earth as gods.
In fact it seems you are using arguments that I used against you.... hmm unless I'm thinking of someone else, you might be the one that mocked me for claiming diseases were earth’s way of giving advice, i can't remember, but its all basically one subject as far as I'm concerned anyway.

I can honestly say that I don't remember having ever heard about your religious convictions, or hehe, the idea of disease being earth’s way of doing whatever, and hence I think that you've got the wrong guy. If it makes you feel any better, though, if I had seen these things, I would likely have mocked you for them. Mostly all I've mocked you for were your ideas and opinions on evolution, which you seem to have gleamed entirely from dog breeding and your complete inability to take it out of that context.

To Flores, I pose the question: What good are all of your science facts if they can be swept away with a casual wave of my hand?

The issue is not whether or not science is superior to the worship of the sun, but is worship of the sun superior to worship of other less substantial deities. Science has never been concerned with proper deification or setting theology straight, so simply rattling off boring details does little to further the debate. My own claims, that science supports my sun worship are correct, however, as I was not saying that science proves divine nature, but that scientific fact strengthens and supports the evidence upon which my faith is based. The sun does give us all life, that is undeniable, it is from the sun that we all came, that also is fact, it is a great godly furnace churning out matter and gifting us with renewable energy! And though the sun may be but finite, I would remind you that so are we.
God does not need your worship.

My source of belief is not a female ideal god. God does not have gender. God is everything.

I believe god is infinite and we are too. I think god is much bigger than we can imagine right now.
Mystech: Good theory so far, but there's a few things to address.

1) If present scientific theory is to be believed, we are also made up of elements born in the heart of exploding stars... other suns died to make us what we are, so to give all credit for our life to Sol is unfair to those others.
2) One day the sun will violently, hugely explode, killing everyone who is unlucky enough to remain anywhere near it - which isn't very nice.

Otherwise, no complaints. I love the sun.
I can think of one reason why the sun is not worshipped... skin cancer.

Sure it can provide warmth, help maintain life and gives us light, but it can also kill us.
Most people believe that their God can kill them. Is it too much that Sol's benevolent rays harm us in too great a quantity? The same could be said of Shredded Wheat.
Lets not be silly here. Of course the sun has the power to kill us. It created us, and its own power is still far FAR greater than our own. It does not intend to cause things like skin cancer, nor does it feel any requirement to moderate its luminosity to compensate for our own frailties. One day it will destroy us all, no doubt. (I seem to recall that there is some religion or other that is also ultimately a doomsday cult) When that time comes our destinies will be fulfilled and we will be absorbed into the suns divine corona, and then scattered through the universe to be born again in other suns. This is not an ultimate doom, but a transcendence!
SpyMoose said:
(I seem to recall that there is some religion or other that is also ultimately a doomsday cult) When that time comes our destinies will be fulfilled and we will be absorbed into the suns divine corona, and then scattered through the universe to be born again in other suns. This is not an ultimate doom, but a transcendence!

Have fun being absorbed by the suns divine corona, we Theists call that Hell.
BigBlueHead said:
Mystech: Good theory so far, but there's a few things to address.

1) If present scientific theory is to be believed, we are also made up of elements born in the heart of exploding stars... other suns died to make us what we are, so to give all credit for our life to Sol is unfair to those others.

This is not entirely true. Our sun is a giant fusion furnace, constantly combining hydrogen atoms to make heavier elements. It is not only exploding stars which produce new materials, our living sun does it too.

As for the fact that there are many stars, I could go about dismissing this as irrelevant in one of two ways. I could, for instance bring up the fact that we have never been to these other stars, so we don't know for sure that they are so much like our sun, but that would make me sound a bit like a demented Christian, eager to ignore science. It even makes me a bit of a hypocrite seeing how as I'm now picking and choosing scientific tidbits when they support my position and ignoring them when they don't. . . once again making me even more like a Christian aggh!

Instead I think I'd have to play off the whole, multi-star thing by saying that they too are divine in their own way, but irrelevant to our own solar system, and our own brilliant sun. These other stars are orbited by dead worlds and provide us with no measurable benefits. Our own sun takes president over them simply for the fact that it does give and sustain life, our lives. It is our father, and we are it’s children, and that is all I am concerned with.

BigBlueHead said:
2) One day the sun will violently, hugely explode, killing everyone who is unlucky enough to remain anywhere near it - which isn't very nice.

Otherwise, no complaints. I love the sun.

Well, congratulations to you for loving the sun, may its radiance shine upon you!

I am fully aware that the sun will not last forever, nor will we, but this does not contradict any divine nature. After all, is it so strange for a religion or theological movement to believe in an end of all things? Nearly every religion has some sort of end, usually cataclysmic. Most of the time it is a new beginning, and it will be the same when our sun burns out. It will certainly be the end of all of us, and the end of the sun as we have known it, but it will still be there in one form or another, and things will carry on.
Flores said:
Have fun being absorbed by the suns divine corona, we Theists call that Hell.

I believe that you have mis-interperated the goodly moose's words. The hell of Christianity, and Abraham religions is eternal suffering, but when the end comes and we are scattered by the sun's holy might it will be a mere instant, before we are then ready to begin again, and be reborn in other forms.

Also, doesn’t worshiping the sun make us theists as well? I think you’ve misrepresented the meaning of this word. It doesnt just represent you religion, but all religion.
BigBlueHead said:
Most people believe that their God can kill them. Is it toI o much that Sol's benevolent rays harm us in too great a quantity? The same could be said of Shredded Wheat.

Ahh see that you are speaking kindly of the sun's benevolent rays! Does this mean that I've won another convert? You know, I'm not sure on the exact laws that apply to this sort of thing, but I think if I get a few more together we can form a church and get a major tax credit, hell with Bush in office, maybe even some of that sweet ass grant money.

How does that sound to you. . . Arch-bishop Bluehead? ;)

If this works out, the moose can be Supreme grand pontiff, and I will install myself humbly as the prophet of the sun, laying out the clear, but non-binding gospel of the sun. Maybe that’s all thinking a bit too far ahead, though.
Flores said:
Have fun being absorbed by the suns divine corona, we Theists call that Hell.

Perhaps that is the sun's way of saying "Don't be lazy! There's a whole universe out there, and if you all sit on your punk asses for six billion years and do nothing then I'm gonna give you a reason to go exploring!"

Thus our sun advocates action, while still giving us a reasonable time frame in which to get on our feet. Tough love from Sol.

Mystech: Archbishop, eh? I burn easily though... might have to make a parasol and sunscreen part of the holy vestments there. I'm sure the sun will understand.
Flores said:
Have fun being absorbed by the suns divine corona, we Theists call that Hell.

Oh Flores, my fellow Theist, I am not a devout studier of your Abrihamic religions, but correct me if I am wrong here. Hell in your religions is not hell merely because it is hot! Certainly the corona of the sun is hot, but our configurations will not be equipped to experience pain from this by the time we are absorbed by that divine corona. There is no dark lord to reign over us in the corona, nor is the time we spend in the corona necessarily a heaven. It is merely our transitory step to new life as the sun speeds us off to other places.