My Fungal Problem


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Back in high school, when I was dumb. I ate some psilocybe mushrooms. At the time I thought it would be fun. The jack I received them from for free said the black layer that was on them would make the trip "better."

I now realize that it was indeed toxic black mold. I became sick and tripped out badly. The trip freaked me out and caused psychological distress as well as bodily damage.

To this day I still have the fungi, it has attached to my body in many various ways. Here are the symptoms: I have white crap that comes out of my tonsils. I have a light purple ring on my penis. Rarely my anus itches like hell. And I have skin rashes than will itch to bleeding and never go away.

I've concluded that the fungus spread to my whole body:
(all bolded words contain symptoms I have)
Additional symptoms may include: irritable bowel and bladder, headaches and migraines, restless legs syndrome (periodic limb movement disorder), impaired memory and concentration, skin sensitivities and rashes, dry eyes and mouth, (and some) anxiety, depression, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vision problems, Raynaud's Syndrome, neurological symptoms, and impaired coordination.

My doctor says its "just food stuck in my tonsils" and prescribed me some Amox TR-K CL (a fungi) to cure a fungi! I told him, its not something Amox can cure! In-fact, for several hours after taking the first pill I became somewhat delirious and had severe chest pains. To this day he denies that I have a fungus. I'm going to sue him. I've been dealing with this for far too long.

What do ye think?
Back in high school, when I was dumb. I ate some psilocybe mushrooms. At the time I thought it would be fun. The jack I received them from for free said the black layer that was on them would make the trip "better."

I now realize that it was indeed toxic black mold. I became sick and tripped out badly. The trip freaked me out and caused psychological distress as well as bodily damage.

To this day I still have the fungi, it has attached to my body in many various ways. Here are the symptoms: I have white crap that comes out of my tonsils. I have a light purple ring on my penis. Rarely my anus itches like hell. And I have skin rashes than will itch to bleeding and never go away. My penis also has a burn sometimes when peeing. Additionally, my balls have been steadily growing in size with a slight ache that can become more intense.

I've concluded that the fungus spread to my whole body:
(all bolded words contain symptoms I have)
Additional symptoms may include: irritable bowel and bladder, headaches and migraines, restless legs syndrome (periodic limb movement disorder), impaired memory and concentration, skin sensitivities and rashes, dry eyes and mouth, (and some) anxiety, depression, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vision problems, Raynaud's Syndrome, neurological symptoms, and impaired coordination.

My doctor says its "just food stuck in my tonsils" and prescribed me some Amox TR-K CL (a fungi) to cure a fungi! I told him, its not something Amox can cure! In-fact, for several hours after taking the first pill I became somewhat delirious and had severe chest pains. To this day he denies that I have a fungus. I'm going to sue him. I've been dealing with this for far too long.

What do ye think?


That is worse case scenario thrush (not my mouth either, but it proves my doctor doesn't know what he is doing). But my thrush hasn't limited itself to just my mouth.
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Internet research has diagnosed me with Candidiasis, and my clinic is going to be sued.
What do ye think?
I feel sorry for you while also thinking the symptoms are sort of funny, to be honest.

I also think you might still be tripping balls and paranoid-edly blaming all these unrelated minor ailments on some bad shrooms you had years ago, which is somewhat ridiculous, at least very outlandish and unlikely. I also think your doctor is shittily dismissive and not really looking at all of your symptoms properly.

Are you really telling him about all of them or just getting him to look at the least embarrassing one and hoping he picks up on your bad magic mushroom theory? Write a list of everything you have wrong with you, and take it in to a different doctor.
well I got to tell you...I probably have the same crap you got. Cause I got white stuff out of my nose too...I am depressed (sometimes) and I have neurological problems (anxiety issues).
Well have you considered seeing another doctor, they do have medicines that are designed just for such infections.

Well have you considered seeing another doctor, they do have medicines that are designed just for such infections.

I feel sorry for you while also thinking the symptoms are sort of funny, to be honest.

I also think you might still be tripping balls and paranoid-edly blaming all these unrelated minor ailments on some bad shrooms you had years ago, which is somewhat ridiculous, at least very outlandish and unlikely. I also think your doctor is shittily dismissive and not really looking at all of your symptoms properly.

Are you really telling him about all of them or just getting him to look at the least embarrassing one and hoping he picks up on your bad magic mushroom theory? Write a list of everything you have wrong with you, and take it in to a different doctor.

Those shrooms had black mold on them. That stuff is super toxic.
Also when I was very young I drank from the ditch and from then out I had problems, and additional crap appeared after eating the black mold in later years.

(I told the Dr that as well and he completely ignored the statement)

I think in the ditch drinking gave me cryptosporidium.
Dianthus caryophyllus

buy these flowers or seeds and make tea from it, drink every day for a month
Also when I was very young I drank from the ditch and from then out I had problems, and additional crap appeared after eating the black mold in later years.

I think in the ditch drinking gave me cryptosporidium.

I also did that...but not from a ditch, the infection in my mouth started after I drank from an old rusted house sink.
Well..... Most fungus live on dead tissues, for instance dead skin cells.

Fungus have roots like trees,or plants you can kill almost all of the plant but if a little bit of the root is left it grows back. so when taking medications to kill a fungus you really have to follow the treatment untill the end, and after that some time later in the year or several months later vist your doctor to get another treatment to make sure that any small root that might have been left over are killed. But you have to wait for a while for the second treatment because such medications are toxic, you might have to wait 6 months our longer before the second treatment.

Some medicines and as well fungus can mess up your intestines, and absorbstion of food becomes a problem and starvation occurs.

If all elese fails and you are still worried about the fungus after you have have finished treatments from medication presecibed by your new doctor, you could change your diet from alkaline foods to acidic foods, even change your breathing pattern to change the PH activity level of your body to kill off as much of the fungus as possible. all of that depends on if the fungus or mushrooms likes acidic enviroment or alkaline enviroment. you might be able to look that information up in a gardening book. If I remeber this right fungus can not live to far out side of there ph range

Eatting Hot Peppers? hot peppers are a alkaline food, it has a certain PH activity level.

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