My friend is possessed!

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About 2 weeks ago my friend got possessed by an unknown supernatural force and I am really scared by this. My friend's mother said when she went into the room, it was cold and the spirit said it was the devil. An exorcism has taken place and is still in progress but there has been no success. Could anyone give me any advice?
<i>About 2 weeks ago my friend got possessed by an unknown supernatural force and I am really scared by this.</i>

Simple question: how do you know?

<i>My friend's mother said when she went into the room, it was cold and the spirit said it was the devil.</i>

What spirit? You have to tell us, not assume we already know. Lots of rooms are cold, by the way.

<i>An exorcism has taken place and is still in progress but there has been no success. Could anyone give me any advice?</i>

Forget exorcism. Find out what the real problem is.
I know my friend isn't well he is suffering from a supernatural force and perhaps this could do mental harm to him. I don't think this but only 20% of possesed people remember what had happened.
<i>I know my friend isn't well he is suffering from a supernatural force and perhaps this could do mental harm to him.</i>

Again, how do you know?

<i>I don't think this but only 20% of possesed people remember what had happened.</i>

Where did you get that statistic from?
The devil doesn't exist. Your friend's air conditioner is turned up too high and he is suffering from brain freeze.:D
I am 24years old not that it is any of your damn business. All I know is my friend is possessed because I've done some research into past encounters and I've seen him myself!
You didn't have to tell me, hedball, if it's none of my damn business.

What did you see that convinced you he is possessed?
Originally posted by hedball
I am 24years old not that it is any of your damn business. All I know is my friend is possessed because I've done some research into past encounters and I've seen him myself!
24 years and still scared of devils, demons etc. May be you would have sacred-off your friend to his nervous break-down..
Its called mental Illness or Drug abuse not possession. Do some research on that subject you will find the same symptoms. "That is unless your friend is floating around the room and sh!t" I'm not trying to be rude but at 24 years old I think you should be able to look at things a bit more well lets say objectively. For Example one day I started coughing up green sh!t just like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Was I possessed..? Nope just a bad case of the Flu. However just exactly what is it your friend is doing that would leave you to positively without a doubt Diagnose Demonic Possession? And are you at 24 years old qualified to make that diagnoses? I hope no matter what the actual cause for your friends problem is, that he gets the help he needs.
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Well lets get a little more spacific here. What spirit exactly said that your friend was posessed, and how did it say it? You must forgive me if I don't quite have a good grasp on the methods that spirits communicate.

Other than this spirit saying it is so, in one way or another, what are the symptoms of this posession?
Can I visit your friend? I would love to meet him in person (only
if he's still posessed).
My friend said he was he devil by mouth. He said it himself I'm the fucking devil now don't try this shit with me. I know what I saw so just drop it and ask me all these dull questions.
I'd reccomend he see a psychiatrist. I'm betting some anti-psychotic medication will drive out the devil.
Originally posted by hedball
My friend said he was he devil by mouth. He said it himself I'm the fucking devil now don't try this shit with me. I know what I saw so just drop it and ask me all these dull questions.

Well if he said it by mouth it must be true.

And heres a bit of advice for you. "Dont stand so close to your microwave oven I think the door seal has went bad."
ah yes then by mouth i am the lord reincarnated, I can create life with my hands and take it away i just dont want to , I said it , it must be true
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
ah yes then by mouth i am the lord reincarnated, I can create life with my hands and take it away i just dont want to , I said it , it must be true


And Im Batman!! yea thats the ticket!!!
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