My first post, hello!

Originally posted by Asguard
wet1 she is apologising (not seriously of corse) for bringing him here:p

the apology wasn't seriouse

heheheheh thanks Asguard! lol but nice try Wet1!:p
...and just when I thought I was on a roll. Hey, the more the merrier. Still no need to apologise. (Call me dense)
no im just saying if he start ranting about cars, skating, hip hop, computers or anything else. its not my fault! I have told him to be nice!! fingers crossed!
Do not worry so. Ol-Skool will be and do just fine. There is a lot of latitude here for even some of the most radical, which somehow, he does not strike me as being. He seems like a very likeable fellow and I am sure he has his own opinions and certainly must have some redeeming characteristics else you would not be associated with him.:D
Well to me its quite apparent that my own fiancee doesnt feel to proud to be with me, maybe i should have never come in here, and let her have her own 'hangout' you know somewhere away from me maybe.

Somehow that knowledge makes me feel quite sad, that she is embaressed to be around me... Hmm that is just the way im taking it here. Within her sarcasm i see some truthful feelings, as she has said it already a couple of time in these forums...

I dont understand what she thinks of me, yet im 23 and id like to think of myself as a really caring and nice person, and if she doesnt know me by now i doubt she will ever know me. Hope i am just blowing this all out of proportion.

Have fun ppl, i may be around this joint... I like to note after all the love i gave her in my posts, what did i get in return? "I dont know him, just for the record im sorry guys".

I would ask if you would like to borrow my sheet but it has already been taken.

Do not let it get you down. Often thoughts and words kind of collide. If I may make a suggestion...

Stake out a forum, reply, if it bothers you what your opposite writes then don't view them. I realise this is hard when both are posting in the same thread.

I would lastly say have some faith. Grow a little skin. You trusted each other this far, what is another step or two. If you wish to blow steam then prehaps a pm. But do not let this get to you. There is a lot of growing associated with becoming a couple. It doesn't end with the first bedding. It continues as long as you are together. Good luck...
Originally posted by Ol-Skool
Well to me its quite apparent that my own fiancee doesnt feel to proud to be with me, maybe i should have never come in here, and let her have her own 'hangout' you know somewhere away from me maybe.

Somehow that knowledge makes me feel quite sad, that she is embaressed to be around me... Hmm that is just the way im taking it here. Within her sarcasm i see some truthful feelings,



First of all i will talk to about this throughly later. But for the now, writing something may clear my head a bit. Andrew you know that some of your views are a little, lets say 'different' to mine. Hint* your views abotu gay people. That upsets me, i get quite heated about SOME of your thoughts. but thats fine, it makes things intresting for us. Yes i was joking when i said i was sorry, i guess i was just pointing out to people that you have extremist views as againts my own. thats not a bad thing! as long as we can negiotiate and listen. WHy are you questioning me? I know you trust me, so why do you think i would have an alteria motive? That hurts a little, yet I can see how you might have interpreted it differently. I am sorry if you thought I meant something nasty, but I wouldnt do that to you. Baby, I love YOU. Which means I accept all aspects about YOU. I may not agree with them all, but they are you, and it makes you great! Please dont doubt that, ive given you my word.

Cara xxxooo
Yo the thing is the whole time i have told you i accept gay people! Yet you haven't heard me... You know i got love for everything on this earth no matter what he/she/it is!

I would like to point out maybe its not just my views that are extreme.. Your's are too definately way left field, like religion and stuff off that nature, you refuse to beleive we may have been created by a 'GOD'.

I'd like to really beleive my views and thoughts are well thought out if i take the time out to ponder them, alot of the time i am put on the spot and sometimes it's hard, very hard to get them to come out right or in check you know what im saying.

Overall, just because i did not go to university, does not mean i cannot understand your educated minds, on a whole all through school i put in heart to what i was studying, at the end i guess i just backed up and said i didnt need the stress no more, knowing i didnt want to go straight out of a classroom into another, i wanted to be in the workforce ie IT, and computers.

I just think you have got me all wrong... I hope you know i am a very sentimental and sensitive person. I feel so comfortable with myself around you i let go and act the fool often as you do to me, yet you are the only one i can open myself up to in this fashion, outside us i got the whole world in check, noone has seen the side of me you have let me open up to, thats how i want to leave it.

Originally posted by Ol-Skool
Yo the thing is the whole time i have told you i accept gay people! Yet you haven't heard me... You know i got love for everything on this earth no matter what he/she/it is!

I would like to point out maybe its not just my views that are extreme.. Your's are too definately way left field, like religion and stuff off that nature, you refuse to beleive we may have been created by a 'GOD'.

I'd like to really beleive my views and thoughts are well thought out if i take the time out to ponder them, alot of the time i am put on the spot and sometimes it's hard, very hard to get them to come out right or in check you know what im saying.

Overall, just because i did not go to university, does not mean i cannot understand your educated minds, on a whole all through school i put in heart to what i was studying, at the end i guess i just backed up and said i didnt need the stress no more, knowing i didnt want to go straight out of a classroom into another, i wanted to be in the workforce ie IT, and computers.

I just think you have got me all wrong... I hope you know i am a very sentimental and sensitive person. I feel so comfortable with myself around you i let go and act the fool often as you do to me, yet you are the only one i can open myself up to in this fashion, outside us i got the whole world in check, noone has seen the side of me you have let me open up to, thats how i want to leave it.



your views are extreme to mine, t culd also work that my ideas are extreme, but in relation to what? Education only givs you the tools to understand, it dosnt make someone 'smart' Babe i know you are compassionate . That is your srength and your weakness. I will belive what I say is right and you wrong (tho i say it ;-P) The truth is a negotiation.... but you didnt adress the trust issue I brought up. anyway, we'll talk about this in person kay!

love cara
Is that the sound of lip smacking and cuddling I hear going on? I guess I'll slip out the back door....:rolleyes: :D
Ewww cooties!

Anyways! Its all good! :) Guess being the man i have to accept i will never be right LOL Thats the womans job :)

