My first post, hello!


Registered Senior Member
Hey people, Just saying a big hello to everyone! Im new to this place, checking it out and hopefully it will be a good way to make time fly by at work!

Also a big hello to Agent@5 - My better half who encouraged me to come in here and be all intellectual and shit LOL :)


Welcome to SciForums, home of those who are all intellectual and shit!
May you discover the sound of one clam hopping... or whatever. :D


Thanks for your welcoming! I work 12 hour shifts so ill be around this place i guess a fair bit.

Check you all then :)

Welcome to sciforums, Ol-Skool. We shall look forward to your posts. I too, work 12 hours shifts if there is nothing to fix...

I am looking for the Maytag repairman job. Oopps, had that job last week. Water pump and belt went out on the washing machine. Guess I look for another occupation.
Heheh maybe i should go back and edit my post :) Intellect and "shit" don't seem to go that well together LOL

Anyways thanks again! :)

Maybe i should just briefly list some interests of mine, get that out of the way:

*I love poetry and writing lyrics.
*Been skateboarding for about 12 years now.
*Love my music, anything with a real feel to it, anything from Trance to Jazz to Hip Hop to blues etc...
*Love to question life and its entirety. Like to think i am a Wise person, but enough to know i don't really know anything :)
*Oh and not so good for my bank balance i love my cars :p

Overall i do not judge anyone for who and what they are, everyone is equal and i got love for the whole world LOL


Oh and one big shoutout to my one love 'CARA' aka Agent@5! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED GIRL! :)

Without you i'd still be a sheep walking with the rest of the flock, now through your encouragement and love i am the Shepherd

:) Seeyou tonight.

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Welcome to Sciforums Ol-Skool :). Good to see such an enthousiastic person entering the boards. Congratulations to you and Agent@5.

May you find a lot of joy and enlightenment posting here...:)
Originally posted by Banshee
Welcome to Sciforums Ol-Skool :). Good to see such an enthousiastic person entering the boards. Congratulations to you and Agent@5.

May you find a lot of joy and enlightenment posting here...:)

THANKYOU BANSHEE:) Much appreciated, without knowledge i am nothing.

To keep a fire burning there must be fuel :)

Welcome Ol-Skool :)

Without you i'd still be a sheep walking with the rest of the flock, now through your encouragement and love i am the Shepherd

That is cute... :)
The girl I Love did something like that for me too... but now, it's me that is helping her out... :)

Unfortunatly, we are not together... but things will change and work out... :)

I, myself, would prefer to seek Wisdom than knowledge... there's a little difference there...

As I wrote in the Yearbook of my school...
"Wisdom is Love, knowledge is a waste of time."

You seem to be wise...
I will be posting some interesting stuff on life soon... hopefully...
I'm ufortunatly getting out of here before the end of the month... but I'll do my best to post it. :)

See ya :)
Hey Truthseeker, thanx for your reply!

I beleive that through knowledge comes wisdom :) Ontop of just learning through living through the years and taking in everything you can.

As with your Love problem im sorry to hear that! I think we all experience love pains, its all a cycle, we are all human!

As with Knowledge i dont think it is a waste of time, education is bliss along with ignorance LOL

As i always have said:

"Keep tha Knowledge flowing"


ps. Post away all you like! All of your lessons and postings will be appreciated :)
hello and concrates to the both of you

hope you are both REALLY HAPPY together

i also work 12 hr shifts

i am ALMOST (im doing the work and just waiting for him to sign the papers for me) an aprentice chef

so i spend almost all my free time here (actully thats no big change, i did that anyway)

may the force be with u:D

everyone keeps calling me yoda, wonder why:p
Thankyou so much Asguard!

12 hour shifts are a struggle, but its all good right? Congrats on sticking to the job and becoming a qualified chef, too many people in apprenticeship type jobs dont stick to them because they pay really bad to start and the hours as you've said! It's all about the goals and your future so keep on keeping on :)

Difference with me is my job is what im doing right now, sitting at a computer, working with servers etc! So i gots alot of time on my hands.

So yeah ! :)


ps people call me Andy i wonder why LOL im just being a dick :)
actully i haven't started my aprenticship yet (thats what i ment, he is surpose to sign me up this weekend)

but i WILL finish it because i intend to use the knowlage to help people, ie start a kichen to feed some of the homeless youths here in melborne
Originally posted by Asguard
actully i haven't started my aprenticship yet (thats what i ment, he is surpose to sign me up this weekend)

but i WILL finish it because i intend to use the knowlage to help people, ie start a kichen to feed some of the homeless youths here in melborne

Ahh i hear you now :) Well hurry up and get your boss to sign you up :D

All the best for the future man! Never forget your goals son, keep them always in the back of your head, because noone else can push you but yourself :)

I am going to guess the apology is because you are already taken. Personally, I believe that most of the women that appear here are in the same status. The internet should reflect what is in real life, especially in this sense.

I believe that every woman is attached unless they say otherwise. It is simpler that way. That does not mean that you can not talk to them. I mean, you are not going to be climbing into bed with someone you are talking to on the internet. I think that a lot of the ladies miss the banter that they had when they were single or unattached. Which if in real life happened would lead one to believe that they were single, available, and most likely looking. On the net though, is a different story, when communicating. You can banter and not feel guilty about it. Once again, what would you do afterwards? I suspect that it is a mixed blessing. The ladies get to interact with the men (and likewise in reverse) replacing something that was fun and is now missed in life. At the same time they feel the responsibility of telling one that they are not (to be faithful to the one they do love). So it presents a dilemma, "Do I tell or not?"

I see this in many occasions here and a lot of the guys just assume that it is the status of "unattached". Not being corrected allows it to continue. In real life this would be considered to be the come on. In virtual life no such thing can be assumed. So I wonder what you are apologizing for? Because others communicated with you? Or because at the onset you did not say? How does that reflect upon the real as opposed to the virtual life? Does it mean we are developing new social interactions and rules that go with them? In my own viewpoint you have done nothing wrong and so need not make apologies. You can not take on the responsibility of how everyone else on the internet sees and thinks.

Just my thoughts...
wet1 she is apologising (not seriously of corse) for bringing him here:p

the apology wasn't seriouse