My Final Theory of Consciousness

From the binding problem and the qualia part and the Hard Problems lay intrinsic; that is, they are non-relational properties according to the intelligent, Dennett. However, my Geometrical Model of Consciousness creates a problem with the common-thought.

Our energy regimes span over space and knowingly in time as well. We must be a late phenomena, in the low energy epoch, when matter and geometry emerged from the vacuum.

''intrinsic; that is, they are non-relational properties, which do not change depending on the experience's relation to other things.''

Is what Daniel Dennett said about the intrinsic nature of qualia. I cannot account for his claim here.
My friend is smart, yes? She wanted to speak because she read my theory and a lot of it made sense to her.

Think of Jamie as a professional in her field. You should atleast give her that respect.

Your friend also types in a manner that is virtually identical to you. Be it sentence structure and the manner of emphasising certain words.

And if this is such a terrible crime, again, why keep me here?
Terrible crime?


Certainly not.

But remember that anything your friend does using your account on this site will reflect directly on you and it will be your account that could be banned if said friend decides to breach this site's rules.

Since you claim your friend is "smart", she should have no difficulty in opening her own account which would, we would presume, have a different IP address to yours.

Actually to this day, a lot of people have been able to pick out their own wardrobe based on what we taught them, based on red, such as, hot for red, ice cold for blue, greens, yellows were all associated with.
Can you please tell me how a blind person is able to pick their wardrobe or what they are to wear via 'hot' and 'cold'? Are the clothes kept at a particular temperature so they know what is red or blue, for example?

Because your comment does not make much sense.

I know blind people who go by texture and by temperature and they have their clothing set out by colour in their wardrobe, so that they do not leave the house looking like technicolour yokels. They also know the colour of some of their clothes or sense of colour in their mind by the very texture of their clothing (ie jeans and linen).

This was based on blind experience, such as, just as we started our project, we blind folded the sighted people so we could be on the same wavelenght. It was very scientific.
So you blindfolded sighted people and 'conditioned' them to believe that 'hot' represented red, and so forth?

I wouldn't say it is a manner of conditioning for blind people, more a form of education perhaps.

But since this is a study, or forms part of studies, could you please provide some links on this forum to this study?

I also had the experience of being in a situation were my aunt was being tested to see if she was brain-dead (completely brain dead), by putting injecting water into her ear canal, and seeing if she would have kind hydraulic responses to any electrical signals in the brain. but we were told, if she had any sort of response to the water it would emit some sort of energy. Then she would have any kind of chance of coming back from her coma.
I just need to confirm something.

Are you saying that if your aunt was not brain dead, the water that was squirted into her ear would somehow become energised?

How is this energy tested in the water?

Or was it one of the tests the doctors used to test for brain death?

The test itself is called the 'Caloric reflex test' and is actually very common.

Cold or warm water or air is irrigated into the external auditory canal, usually using a syringe. The temperature difference between the body and the injected water creates a convective current in the endolymph of the nearby horizontal semicircular canal. Hot and cold water produce currents in opposite directions and therefore a horizontal nystagmus in opposite directions.[4] In patients with an intact brainstem:

  • If the water is warm (44°C or above) endolymph in the ipsilateral horizontal canal rises, causing an increased rate of firing in the vestibular afferent nerve. This situation mimics a head turn to the ipsilateral side. Both eyes will turn toward the contralateral ear, with horizontal nystagmus to the ipsilateral ear.
  • If the water is cold, relative to body temperature (30°C or below), the endolymph falls within the semicircular canal, decreasing the rate of vestibular afferent firing. The eyes then turn toward the ipsilateral ear, with horizontal nystagmus (quick horizontal eye movements) to the contralateral ear.[5][6]
  • Absent reactive eye movement suggests vestibular weakness of the horizontal semicircular canal of the side being stimulated.

In comatose patients with cerebral damage, the fast phase of nystagmus will be absent as this is controlled by the cerebrum. As a result, using cold water irrigation will result in deviation of the eyes toward the ear being irrigated. If both phases are absent, this suggests the patient's brainstem reflexes are also damaged and carries a very poor prognosis

But if it had not happened, no energy, no spike, her body would have stopped the kind of energy required to keep her body functioning.
You mean if her body had not responded to the water in her ear canal, it would have been one sign of brain death?

I have worked with biology over seven years and If you don't believe this was me, you can look me up on facebook and ask me yourself. Just send me your details!
No thank you.
But did she really say anything out-of-order?

Plus she is from Georgia, if you think I Sound of that league.
But did she really say anything out-of-order?

Plus she is from Georgia, if you think I Sound of that league.

My questions to her were clear.

I'm sure that she will have no issues understanding them and responding.:)
Think of Jamie as a professional in her field.
Er, no. I don't think I will.
Now I know you won't funkstar's break-down of moderation, to Guest's insertion of his spewing of textbook mathematics, were Alphanumeric has proven, at least to those who believe that there is a bullyship rather than a modship.
Next, try to construct a coherent sentence. Book authors are supposed to do that, you know.
Er, no. I don't think I will.

Next, try to construct a coherent sentence. Book authors are supposed to do that, you know.

Working with the ill? She's seen more conditions and worked with the ''root questions'' my chapter brings up.

Sorry about some incoherent sentances mind you. I have been made to use explorer again, and for some reason, sometimes when I go and type sentances out, it can sometimesd freeze and I am too buisy typing I am not aware I have missed words out or entire sentances can be made not to make much sense.

I used firefox but for some reason my computer stopped responding to it and forefox browser was stalling, do you recommend any new browsers? I have been told Chrome is not too bad? :shrug:
My friend is smart, yes? She wanted to speak because she read my theory and a lot of it made sense to her.

Think of Jamie as a professional in her field. You should atleast give her that respect.
She's not a physicist or a mathematician so even if she isn't just you posting in someone else's name she's hardly in a position to evaluate things you say pertaining to those areas. Besides, you've made claims like "I showed me work to physicists and they thought it was good" before and that was bogus. Or you evaluate your own capabilities to be very good or material you've written to be of decent quality only to have numerous errors pointed out.

You're attempting an argument from authority, in that "Jamie is a professional therefore her views carry added weight". That is a fallacy if the profession Jamie is in is not a relevant one. Besides, all of the people who hold physics or maths PhDs here think you post nonsense and you afford none of us 'that respect'.

And if this is such a terrible crime, again, why keep me here? Now I know you won't funkstar's break-down of moderation, to Guest's insertion of his spewing of textbook mathematics, were Alphanumeric has proven, at least to those who believe that there is a bullyship rather than a modship.
Were you drunk when you posted that? It's gibberish. The sentence construction is so terrible that it's only possible to extract any semblance of meaning from it by picking out the major words.

Besides, I hardly think you're in a position to complain about what you view as Guest posting text book mathematics. Your posting of equations is nothing but a parroting of expressions you don't understand. Recent threads have provided considerable evidence in that regard.

Sorry about some incoherent sentances mind you. I have been made to use explorer again, and for some reason, sometimes when I go and type sentances out, it can sometimesd freeze and I am too buisy typing I am not aware I have missed words out or entire sentances can be made not to make much sense.
Get one with a spell check. You incorrectly spelt 'sentences' as 'sentances' three times, as well as making 2 typos. And that's just words, never mind sentence structure and grammar.

Perhaps re-enrolling in your local college and doing English, physics and maths would be a good place for you to start? That way you'd actually be forced to do some properly learning and see you can't pass an exam by spewing buzzwords and copying equations from Wikipedia.