My encounter with a Christian fundie today

If this person really drinks the poison, then he's not a real Christian, since God said: "You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test"
Yorda said:
If this person really drinks the poison, then he's not a real Christian, since God said: "You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test"

I don't think so dude.

He wouldn't be testing God. He would be testing himself. If he has enough faith in the bible, he drinks it. The bible says a true believer can drink poison and still be unharmed. If God indeed said those words and keeps his promise, he should be unharmed like the bible says.
Joeman said:
I post here to ask you guys where I can get some really deadly poisons? What are some really good poisons? Where can I get them? I really need a good suggestion.

Okay, here is the rest of the story.

Basically I was in a coffee shop studying for an exam and this one evangelist was bothering me. After some debate he said I am going to hell. I then asked him to prove that he is a REAL Christian.

I pointed to the end of Mark which said when his believers drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all. Also they can heal people, handle deadly snakes, and speak different tonges.

John 14 says believers of Jesus can do even greater miracle than he did. If the bible is true, I expect this dude to be able to raise people from the dead, which is what Jesus did.

If this dude truly has faith, he can lift up the mountain and cast it into the sea.

Well, I wanted him to prove his faith by drinking poison. I told him if he believes the bible is true and he truly has faith, he shouldn't be afraid of it. God will either keep His promise, or he will be in heaven. For him this would be the ultimate test of faith.

After a lot of talking smacks from my part, he said he would think about it.

Personally I really want to see this dude try it. I just want to know what is the best poison? I want something that kills instantly after the person drink it because I want to be nice. I will put this event on film if he is dumb enough to try it. I want to see him dead. The best Christian missionary is a dead one. The world would be a much better place with less people like him running around.
imo something like Drano or some kind of common chemicals with Poison warning label on it should do!

to protect yourself you should have him sign a statement(in front of reliable witnesses) saying he takes this poison on his own free will,and hes being of a sound mind.
you should ask a lawyer for exact wording though.
Joeman said:
I don't think so dude.

He wouldn't be testing God. He would be testing himself. If he has enough faith in the bible, he drinks it. The bible says a true believer can drink poison and still be unharmed. If God indeed said those words and keeps his promise, he should be unharmed like the bible says.

He would be testing himself but he would also be testing God.

It is also written in the Bible that if you are the son of God, you can jump of a cliff and the angels will rescue you. Satan tempted Jesus by asking him to jump from a cliff but Jesus answered him, it is also written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test.
A small thimble full (even an eye dropper 'drop') will be fatal. Mercury is harmless in tiny doses otherwise.
Crunchy Cat said:
A small thimble full (even an eye dropper 'drop') will be fatal. Mercury is harmless in tiny doses otherwise.
Nope. I did a paper on mercury toxicity for school a while ago. The oral LD50 for mercury is 1.4 g/kg, which means that if you weighed 70 kg you would need to drink about 100 grams to have a 50% chance of dying. That would be about 7.5 ml.

Generally, any form of mercury in high acute doses may cause tissue damage resulting from the ability of mercury to denature proteins, thereby disrupting cellular processes (WHO 1976). However, oral exposure to mercury metal is usually without serious effects. A dose of 200 g caused no adverse health effects in a 2-year-old child, and unspecified large amounts were without effect in adults (Goldwater 1972)."metallic+mercury"+oral+ld50&hl=en
Nasor said:
Nope. I did a paper on mercury toxicity for school a while ago. The oral LD50 for mercury is 1.4 g/kg, which means that if you weighed 70 kg you would need to drink about 100 grams to have a 50% chance of dying. That would be about 7.5 ml."metallic+mercury"+oral+ld50&hl=en

Most interesting. This information contradicted alot of 'old school' information
my assertion was based on. Looking at the article and examining other death
cases, it looks like it's methyl mercury's that are deadly:

" The chronic toxicity of methyl mercury is best exemplified by the epidemic poisonings in Iraq, and Minamata and Niigata, Japan. In Iraq, over 6000 individuals were hospitalized and 459 individuals died as a result of consuming bread prepared with flour made from wheat and barley treated with a methylmercurial fungicide (Bakir et al., 1973). Methyl mercury concentration in the wheat flour ranged from 4.8-14.6 µg/g (mean=9.1 µg/g). The clinical symptoms included paresthesia, visual disorders, dysarthria, and deafness. The most severe cases resulted in coma and death due to CNS failure. Based on data obtained during this incident, a dose-response relationship between blood mercury levels (<10 µg/dL to 500 µg/dL), and frequency and severity of symptoms showed that mild symptoms occurred at the lower blood mercury levels and that deaths occurred at levels >300µg/dL."

"In August 1996 Karen Wetterhahn, a chemistry professor at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, spilled a few drops of a laboratory compound called dimethyl mercury onto one of her hands. She was wearing latex lab gloves, so she didn’t think much of it. A colleague saw her at a conference the following November. “She said she thought she was coming down with the flu,” says toxicologist Vas Aposhian of the University of Arizona. By the time Wetterhahn was diagnosed with mercury poisoning, in January, it was too late. Despite subsequent treatment that helped clear the metal from her body, she lapsed into a vegetative state in February and died the following June."

I'll therefore revise my statement by substituting the original implementation
assertion with a methyl-mercury.
Joeman said:
I post here to ask you guys where I can get some really deadly poisons? What are some really good poisons? Where can I get them? I really need a good suggestion.
Cyanide works well. Very well.