My doggy died, where did he go?

Tough ...

Having put down my German Shephard, Alsatian to those who have
an attitude toward the name German Shephard, after eleven years of
almost constant companionship, I have little compassion for weanies ...
male or female.

Take care :rolleyes:
i'm very sorry about your dog.

they're so lovable they're more a friend than pet. and a good friend is harder to find the older you get.
Agent@5 ...

An intended typo to avoid the penis connotation that 'weeny' carries
yet hopefully gets across my intent (similar to, but not the same as,
'pussy' or 'wuss').

Oh hell ... It was a typo and I missed it!

Take care :D
hhehehe no i wasnt being a spelling nazi, I guenially wanted to know. Damn, i cant type for peanuts, nor would I want to; I hate peanuts. I cant even find where you said it, i just didnt get it in the context of what you said... thats is all.

hell, say weany as much as you want..... i know thats my new word for today weany, weany, weany, weany, weany, ..................