My brain sucks

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What does your brain suck?
CAFFEINE! Lotsa caffeine

I was bottlefed in the hospital-I had to spend a month in an incubator, I came out early and half-cooked. They had to cook me some more.

Where I get all the half-baked ideas, I guess?

...So you're being entirely too Freudian. When my mouth meets a nipple, it's for the purpose of having someone make lots of happy noises.:mufc:

Heh...since I posted that my depression's flipped over into PTSD symptoms...can't think straight long enough to get ducks in a row necessary for transfer to and funding at the 4-year school ATM.

Will though. Need an edumacation and more $$$ too bad.
If your not officially diagnosed then that means that your self diagnosed.

If your not officially diagnosed by a doctor then you don't have it.

If a doctor officially diagnoses you then there is still the possibility that it's a mis-diagnosis.

I remember some result imply that there is only 5% difference between a common person and a professional making mistakes. (The professional only makes mistakes 5% less than that of a normal guy.) So while a person can mis-diagnose themselves, doctors can also mis-diagnose them, perhaps imply them to be a hypochondriac by attempting to diagnose themselves.

For the most part doctors take a persons input and attempt to output what it is. If you output too much then they will generate a completely different conclusion, too little and there is a greater chance of a mis-diagnosis. There is also the problem of actually identifying what information is important, doctor's will already be analysing who you are and labelling you before you've even presented a problem or suggested evidence.
With all the medical information we already have from billions of people going to millions of doctors. You would think a diagnostic program could be written that would be damn close to being 100% accurate or at least better that going through a long diagnostic process with a doctor. At the very least the doctors should have access to this type of program. Input your symptoms and output the top 5 best probabilities of what your problem is. We all know once a program is started it only gets better over time. I can think of a lot of reasons why we don't have this program yet, and none of them has anything to do with helping people have healthier lives.
Yes you do need an education you mutant!
Wait, I'm a mutant???

I want my special powers now!
Right now the only special power I have is bloviating too much on the internet...
(I also want to look hot in skintight clothing too...apparently another mutant power...)

Basically, I don't have insurance, I have a lot more burning mental issues than my attention difficulties, and even if I had good insurance, the PTSD is a confounding factor that would make DX-ing me difficult.
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Wait, I'm a mutant???

I want my special powers now!
Right now the only special power I have is bloviating too much on the internet...
(I also want to look hot in skintight clothing too...apparently another mutant power...)

Basically, I don't have insurance, I have a lot more burning mental issues than my attention difficulties, and even if I had good insurance, the PTSD is a confounding factor that would make DX-ing me difficult.

I hate to be negative about your problem. But your mutant abilities leave a lot to be desired and maybe shouldn't be passed on to the next generation. As far as living with your problem, if you aren't good at faking it by now you never will be.:D
As far as living with your problem, if you aren't good at faking it by now you never will be.

My challenge is not so much faking it, as I can't do that consistently enough to fool everybody all the much as getting people to like me anyway and respond to me positively...which I can do.

As Hunter S Thompson said:
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. :cool:

One of my mutant powers: Fixing car body damage with baling wire and duct tape...
With all the medical information we already have from billions of people going to millions of doctors. You would think a diagnostic program could be written that would be damn close to being 100% accurate or at least better that going through a long diagnostic process with a doctor. At the very least the doctors should have access to this type of program. Input your symptoms and output the top 5 best probabilities of what your problem is. We all know once a program is started it only gets better over time. I can think of a lot of reasons why we don't have this program yet, and none of them has anything to do with helping people have healthier lives.

There is of course a mixture of problems with a program making the decision.

There is the point that it might claim you have a diagnosis you disagree with, but since the program is assumed to be infallible, you can't argue with it's results.

The more likely point you didn't want to mention is the sudden decrease in the need for medical health professionals, after all if the robot can do it, why would we need them? (I guess it would definitely undermine their self-imposed state of hierarchy that can equal that of a high court judge)
There is of course a mixture of problems with a program making the decision.

There is the point that it might claim you have a diagnosis you disagree with, but since the program is assumed to be infallible, you can't argue with it's results.

The more likely point you didn't want to mention is the sudden decrease in the need for medical health professionals, after all if the robot can do it, why would we need them? (I guess it would definitely undermine their self-imposed state of hierarchy that can equal that of a high court judge)

I have given the problem with doctors a thought and that is a problem. But it could be solved, by allowing the program to be used in clinics by technicians that won't charge people big money for an office visit. So someone with a concern can start getting help to understand their physical problems and what options are available to them. These are people that wouldn't normally go to a doctor in the first place. likely is it that we will find a way to improve our brains' cognitive power by adding artificial hardware?

I know that's a truly wacky question, but...well, I've got a diagnosed learning disability in math. I can't do it as well, as fast, as accurately as normal people.

And it's what's called spatial dyscalculia...which means that I have to consciously figure out which way is right and left every...freaking...time. This gets very obnoxious under a car. It helps that one of my arms is plated together.

So, between that and my inability to do something as simple as, say, operate a cash register accurately, or read a dial clock just by looking at it...well I've had fantasies of someone installing hardware in my head to finally allow me to master something that my brain seems resolutely determined not to process well, if at all.

It's not just an awful actively forces me out of the hard sciences entirely, because I can't handle the math. As it is I have serious doubts that I'll be able to complete a degree-if I didn't I'd drop down to a part-time job and go to school full-time, loans all the way...I've dropped-while-flunking a remedial class twice-it's a prealgebra class...and so I don't know how many tries I'm going to need to get through stats and algebra 1. Probably at least three.

But if I don't get a Master's I'll never pay off those loans, and if I fail to graduate due to math, I'll have a student loan debt follow me around for the rest of my life-I have friends in that boat.

This is why I take a class or two a semester and stay out of debt.

So my learning disability is one big albatross. I hate it with a deep, enduring passion. If there were some way to not have it anymore...I would totally let someone put hardware in or install a port surgically.
I'm sure there'd be a risk of death...if I could get rid of my learning disability, I'd roll those dice.

Chimkin. stop crying.
I finished my college in 6 years going at night , I had to support a wife which had some mental problem, I hardly could speak English, I worked full time , I just did not have the time to look nor think at my problem you just go forward and don't think to much . Remember ARBEIT MACHT IN FREI That was posted at the entrance of the concentration camps in Germany:shrug::shrug::shrug:

'Work sets you free' or 'work liberates'.

Must have been slightly changed in the translation, but my English Grandfather was fond of reminding us grandchildren that 'Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.' The result is that I am slightly Obsessive/Compulsive, yet this has been an asset in my job, which requires attention to detail. :D

'Work sets you free' or 'work liberates'.

Must have been slightly changed in the translation, but my English Grandfather was fond of reminding us grandchildren that 'Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.' The result is that I am slightly Obsessive/Compulsive, yet this has been an asset in my job, which requires attention to detail. :D

no wonder . Me to , Obsessive compulsive , Not any more . I think ? Maybe I still am . No couldn't be . I am more lounge lizard now . One of the Lizard People in Myth . No my Obsession is obvious. Sciforum
Chimkin. stop crying.
I finished my college in 6 years going at night , I had to support a wife which had some mental problem, I hardly could speak English, I worked full time , I just did not have the time to look nor think at my problem you just go forward and don't think to much . Remember ARBEIT MACHT IN FREI

Good for you. You still aren't going to have to take math four or five times per class before you can barely pass it. You chose to become a chemist, which I cannot be. It's far too math intensive; I'd fail.
I'd love to be able to do mechanical engineering/programming double major and make robots...or go into biotechnology...but there is no way I could handle the math.
And the fact that my choices are limited like that I find very, very frustrating.

And who doesn't work full time?
I babysit a building, and when you factor in the commute time, I have 50 hours a week spoken for. The reason I'm on here so much is because they let me surf at work...helps keep me from dozing off.
I need to look for a better job...evidence I've found one would be me not being here as I'm driving money around.

The only thing that set those Jews loose was the allies or gas.

Just because you had it crappy one way does not mean I don't have it crappy another, completely different way, alright?

Wondering what sort of mental problem your wife had and how disruptive it was....I have mental problems, but I try to just plow through them...the learning disability is just not as amenable to forcing myself through like the depression or panic attacks and whatnot. Today I drank about three cups of coffee and took a caffeine pill to function...

I will be back in school part-time this spring, I need to feel like I'm going somewhere.
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