Muslims, Christians, Jews Vs. Atheists


And just to reinforce what Rappaccini said - science and religion are opposistes - science is based on facts and logic, while religion is specifically not based on facts and hence cannot use logic.

James R said:
Only 5% of Americans said they did not believe in God. 3% were not sure whether they believe or not.

Why are atheists perceived as such a threat?
Quality of thought over quantity perhaps?
Katazia said:

Explain how a new born child has any sort of knowledge concerning religious concepts? A new born child doesn't even have enough knowledge to control its own shit let alone know anything about mysticsm.

And you are right you rambled and didn't make a point. Otherwise it was total crap.


It was late and I was tired.. so sue me :p

Heres to answer the question:

Romans 1

18 The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them.
Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. As a result, they have no excuse;
for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened.
While claiming to be wise, they became fools
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South Star

Everyone is born with a knowledge of God
No they are not. No one is born with any preconceived ideas about anything; personality traits and nuances- yes; knowledge of something- no. If you bring up a human being without this knowledge they don't know about it. I didn't know about religion for the better part of my formative years, and because my neurones developed without that knowledge it is something that I can't gain. I think it would take years of me reprogramming my neural pathways before I took even one part of something like christianity seriously. I can't obtain the understanding many claim to have simply because it hasn't become a part of me.

EVERYONE tucks the "knowledge of God" under the carpet so that they can do whatever they please.
There was no instance during my childhood where I sat up and thought "god". I didn't know of the concept till I was about 10 or 11 and I didn't understand for about a further four more years. This was a boon to me. No-one ever said that there was this that explained everything. I was therefore a very curious child trying my best always to understand things around me. That understanding grew with my age and now I find it impossible to align what I know with any abrahamic religion. If anything it's how my brain has developed. I would need to lop off large portions of it to ever have a chance of ever understanding what you're talking about. (I wanted to say this to either Jenyar or Jan Ardena in a previous thread but lost steam and couldn't be bothered).

They fool themselves into thinking, "Hmm.. When the cat's away, the mice will play. Well then if we say there IS no cat, then we can all have "freedom" and be able to express ourselves anyway we want to (in reality, anyway the cat did not allow them to).
Interesting that the analogy you use has your god being the hunter that would kill the mouse. And just suppose I go along with your analogy, why would the catgod create mice to stop them from having fun?

Incidentally, the cat returns in "operation shock and awe style"
Interesting again that you align your god with military tactics that have a rather ungod like finesse about them.

mice are shocked out of their pants, whilst the mice who knew the cat was going to come back and therefore did not play around are excited to have the cat come back in full glory."
It's here that I have to comment this is the strangest analogy I think I have ever come across. It is completely flawed. Why would a mouse be happy about a cat returning? I thought analogies were supposed to be smart kind-of extended metaphors. No mouse would be happy about a returning cat. No human would be happy about your returning god? Or the fact that you imply that he smites them in his almighty feline deadliness?

Well, there was my little analogy because I thought it would be simpler. Obviously not Shakespearan quality but I think you can get the gist of it. I still don't know what exactly I was trying to get across though..
I don't get the gist you were going for.

As for the starter of this thread. Just because you have been repeatedly shown to be ignorant and stupid you want to eliminate atheists? It is not our fault you post ridiculous arguments then get shot down. You're obviously a kid cause you can't take the fact you've been wrong in nearly all the arguments I've seen you post in.

I don't think this will ever grow old until you do Preacher X. Grow Up.
§outh§tar said:
Everyone is born with a knowledge of God, and yet, and yet, EVERYONE tucks the "knowledge of God" under the carpet so that they can do whatever they please.

... and the mice are shocked out of their pants, whilst the mice who knew the cat was going to come back and therefore did not play around are excited to have the cat come back in full glory."

Well, there was my little analogy because I thought it would be simpler.

Your analogy is lacking.

Cats don't pick and choose between the "good" and the "bad" mice.

Do you have any idea what cats do to mice before they kill them?

If God is a cat and we're mice, all humanity is screwed in the most horrible way.
How do you pick on a belief (atheism) when the only thing you can say is 'you are wrong beause my belief disagrees with yours'?

It was late and I was tired.. so sue me :p
Yeah well it was late and I felt like being catty.

Your answers don’t seem to be much more than propaganda again – ya know – no evidence for any of them.

18 The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
For example?

19 For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them.
Riiight, but out of a world population of 6B only 2B are counted as Christian and we know the majority of those are that way because of tradition rather than commitment or understanding.

So if God thinks he made things so evident then he did a really shitty job of it since the vast majority of the world simply don’t see it.

20 Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. As a result, they have no excuse;
So the majority of world population have got it wrong again, right?

21 for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened.
Perhaps he just has an overactive ego and believes that everyone must have heard of him, but really no one knows him at all.

22 While claiming to be wise, they became fools
Standard propaganda again.

Preacher_X said:
we can continue bashing eachothers religions on the threads on this forums but we should occasioanly make threads, with loads of people contributing to each argument against the Athesits.

what do guys think :eek:

It is a foolproof plan, except that you monotheists don't have any arguments except your faith.
I think atheists loose by default, we can have all the facts in the world, but nothing is going to change a doctrine of willfull dissmissal of facts in favor of dogma that people have been indoctrinated in since youth.

Fact is, its harder to gather facts and apply the scientific method than it is to make up stories about things, and thats a distinct advantage for theists. Any regression of rationality can quickly be filled with mysticism, but loss of faith isnt so readily filled with rational thought.
Preacher_X said:
since Muslims, Christians And Jews all believe in monothesim and all of our books believe one day Atheism will be crushed, we should all start this process now.

we can continue bashing eachothers religions on the threads on this forums but we should occasioanly make threads, with loads of people contributing to each argument against the Athesits.
Have you ever heard of the Islamic religion of Muslims called Druze? What do you think about them?
path said:
I hate to break it to you preachy but there are close to a billion non-religious folk in the world and the ranks are growing not shrinking. So the day of crushing seems to be getting farther away rather than closer

1 billion and growing?

where do you get your facts, the kiddie news?

first of its not growing at a significant rate.

next 1 billion is totally stupid.
preacher x
you must get yours from that source though
because it will only be the religious fundalmentalist that are left in the future
a small sect living the lives out indotrinating the children with the wrath of a non existen god and killing the normal people
one day man may come to his senses and out law religion or put a health warning on it danger of death do not follow.