Muslims, Christians, Jews Vs. Atheists


Registered Senior Member
Calling all Muslims, Jews and Christians,

since Muslims, Christians And Jews all believe in monothesim and all of our books believe one day Atheism will be crushed, we should all start this process now.

we can continue bashing eachothers religions on the threads on this forums but we should occasioanly make threads, with loads of people contributing to each argument against the Athesits.

what do guys think :eek:
Nothing in the bible calls for the destruction of the athiests. NADA!

Judaism is all about being "the chosen people".

Christianity (currently) is all about peacefully inviting people to Jesus. If athiests refuse then its "no hard feelings" and they are still considered as friends. Yeah I know, my christian friends still consider me as their good friend even after declaring that I left christianity. That is my idea of a "PEACEFUL RELIGION". :)
the sensible people will inherit the earth,
the logical thinker will take us to greater heights,
the nonfighting, nonhating, the humanitarian atheist's
are the only ones who can bring peace to this world.
they stand above and beyond all others......
Calling all Muslims, Jews and Christians,

since Muslims, Christians And Jews all believe in monothesim and all of our books believe one day Atheism will be crushed, we should all start this process now.

So much for peace and love, and with things like that going around its no wonder atheism seems the only peaceful way forward.
Preacher_X said:
Calling all Muslims, Jews and Christians,

since Muslims, Christians And Jews all believe in monothesim and all of our books believe one day Atheism will be crushed, we should all start this process now.

we can continue bashing eachothers religions on the threads on this forums but we should occasioanly make threads, with loads of people contributing to each argument against the Athesits.

what do guys think :eek:
I hate to break it to you preachy but there are close to a billion non-religious folk in the world and the ranks are growing not shrinking. So the day of crushing seems to be getting farther away rather than closer
DoctorNO said:
Nothing in the bible calls for the destruction of the athiests.

In fact, most of the Christians with whom I'm acquainted believe that the Messiah will only return once atheism and various other 'vices' have crushed Christianity.

This is a rather accurate portrayal of events, seeing as the practical atheist/irreligious group grows considerably more quickly than any religious following, be it monotheistic or polytheistic.

Religious organizations tend to make excuses, claiming that 'regimented' or 'militant' atheism is stagnant, hopeless, in slow recession.

However, the truth is clear. Indifference is growing; people, for the most part, don't care about God/Allah/Elohim any longer. This is especially obvious in Europe.

Religious indifference or practical atheism is growing.
The number of persons who go to Church regularly is decreasing everywhere.

~Pontifical Council for Culture, Vatican City, March 11, 2004~

Albeit in a sloppy, disorganized fashion, people are turning their backs on Mab and the Faery Kingdom all over the world.

If one chews on it awhile, one comes to understand; is this not the only way it could have ever been? Are we not evolving, inevitably, out of our need for god/gods? Is this not progress?


The only question remaining, I suppose, is whether or not this phenomenon is universal. Is it or is it not also evident in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Mohammedism?
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How do you propose to "crush" atheists? You can either kill them, or persuade them to your side. Of course killing would be wrong, and attacking them with arguments only polarizes the situation, reinforcing everyone's preexisting position. Religions have miracles, but science does too. You can show them love, but that is the opposite of crushing. In fact Jews, Christians, and Muslims are atheists, too, of a kind- there are many gods they do not believe in. What about people who are religious and atheist, like Buddhists? You can argue till you're blue, but you cannot prove the non-existence of enlightenment, it is an experience that many have shared. Ideas you can refute, but not experiences.
A year back i used to argue against atheism here, then came one Proud_Syrian, now reincarnated as Proud_Muslim, started posting his half-baked bullshit all over the place. Now i feel like supporting atheists often.!!! :p

Religionists have been trying to crush atheists for many millennia. And atheists have been mercilessly persecuted for most of that time as well. Even in the USA as recently as the 1940s it was illegal for atheists in some states to be a witness in a court of law. But things are changing very rapidly with atheist, humanist, and freethought groups springing up all over the world. A worldwide atheist alliance now exists that would have been unthinkable just a decade ago and hundreds of thousands of would be closet atheists are beginning to voice their real opinions in public and are ‘coming out’.

In the USA where religious superstition is still very high, and where education standards are well below most of other western nations we see some minor obstacles to atheistic progress. But in Europe particularly, it is not so much that atheists are growing stronger but that religions are simply not being taken as credible institutions any longer. Church attendances in countries like Britain, Holland, France, Germany, etc have been dropping steadily over the past few decades, and where religions are tolerated but fewer people take them seriously anymore.

In the USA religious evangelists and especially the televangelists have turned religion, especially Christianity, into big business and where these showmen have enormous appeal for the massive gullible population that comprise a large portion of the USA. There is no equivalent in the world, and the Europeans see these circuses as hugely laughable.

But how could anyone get the Jews, Christians, and Muslims to team up against atheists? Within Christianity alone there are thousands of independent warring sects and cults. And People like Pat Robertson are openly hostile to the ‘evil’ of Islam. While the big three appear to have the same God, no one in these religions really believe that. When each religion has totally different rules and doctrines and they are all fighting among themselves then there is no hope.

The only consistent philosophy throughout the millennia has been atheism – the principle that an irrational belief in fantasies is stupid, irrational, irresponsible, and eventually self-defeating. As education and communications standards increase around and throughout the world we should see a sharing of ideas never before possible. Science is dominated by atheist tendencies and science is clearly leading the way towards solving the problems of humanity. Religions have yet to show they can solve any practical problem and at the same time seem quite happy about bombing each other. Islamic Osama bombs New York and Christian Bush bombs Iraq. Is there any significant difference between them?

No I don’t see religion ever winning out against the rationality of atheism but there are many signs that the reverse will occur.

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A recent survey of Americans (September 2003) found that 92% believe in God. 85% believe in Heaven, but strangly only 74% believe in Hell, and only 71% believe in the Devil.

From the same survey, 34% of Americans believe in UFOs, 29% in astrology, and 24% in witches.

Only 5% of Americans said they did not believe in God. 3% were not sure whether they believe or not.

Why are atheists perceived as such a threat?
Preacher_X said:
Calling all Muslims, Jews and Christians,

we can continue bashing eachothers religions on the threads on this forums but we should occasioanly make threads, with loads of people contributing to each argument against the Athesits.

what do guys think
I think youre a moron!

well you ASKED :p

if you cant even spell atheist I dont think you could even crush a soup biscuit :D
I really wouldn't mind religion if they just accepted change and changed thier beliefs according to new scientific discovery.
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Yes, they are. Religion defies the scientific method.


Michael said:
We're all born Atheists :)

All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God.
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DoctorNO said:
Nothing in the bible calls for the destruction of the athiests. NADA!

Judaism is all about being "the chosen people".

Christianity (currently) is all about peacefully inviting people to Jesus. If athiests refuse then its "no hard feelings" and they are still considered as friends. Yeah I know, my christian friends still consider me as their good friend even after declaring that I left christianity. That is my idea of a "PEACEFUL RELIGION". :)
M*W: I know that Jews believe they are the chosen people, but I believe all humanity is the chosen.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I know that Jews believe they are the chosen people, but I believe all humanity is the chosen.

See thread on Calvin's theology concerning predestination.
Rappaccini said:
All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God.

Everyone is born with a knowledge of God, and yet, and yet, EVERYONE tucks the "knowledge of God" under the carpet so that they can do whatever they please. They fool themselves into thinking, "Hmm.. When the cat's away, the mice will play. Well then if we say there IS no cat, then we can all have "freedom" and be able to express ourselves anyway we want to (in reality, anyway the cat did not allow them to). We can just play and play and say that one day our little hole in the wall is going to cave in and the mouse race is no longer going to exist but the house we are living in will continue to be becaues it was before us. Incidentally, the cat returns in "operation shock and awe style :rolleyes: " and the mice are shocked out of their pants, whilst the mice who knew the cat was going to come back and therefore did not play around are excited to have the cat come back in full glory."

Well, there was my little analogy because I thought it would be simpler. Obviously not Shakespearan quality but I think you can get the gist of it. I still don't know what exactly I was trying to get across though.. :confused:
The atheists win by default because they accept what is realistic and work with that.

The religions just believe they can win.

Explain how a new born child has any sort of knowledge concerning religious concepts? A new born child doesn't even have enough knowledge to control its own shit let alone know anything about mysticsm.

And you are right you rambled and didn't make a point. Otherwise it was total crap.
