muslims are blood-thirsty



Against Christians in Sudan:

Sudan jihad forces Islam
on Christians

Women refusing to convert gang-raped, mutilated, says relief worker
Posted: March 4, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Art Moore
© 2002
Sudan's militant Muslim regime is slaughtering Christians who refuse to convert to Islam, according to the head of an aid group who recently returned from the African nation.

Against Westerners in Indonesia:
Bali bombing trial opens
Monday, May 12, 2003 Posted: 4:14 AM EDT (0814 GMT)

DENPASAR, Indonesia (CNN) -- The first suspect charged with the October 12 Bali bombings, which killed over 200 people, has gone on trial in an Indonesian court.
The man -- known by only one name, Amrozi -- is charged with four counts of terrorism and has already confessed to police his role in the blasts, saying his motive for the attack was a jihad against Westerners.

Against Russia:
Psychiatrist Summoned to Moscow to Help Ease Suffering in Breslan, Russia
26 Sep 2004
Robert Cancro, MD, Chairman of the NYU School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry, has been invited to bring a team of psychiatrists to Moscow to assist the members of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry in coping with the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the people of Beslan.
Against Israel:

Four killed in bombing at TA's Carmel Market
Police: Suicide bomber explodes near food stall; MDA: Large number of casual
Four people were reportedly killed and over 23 wounded when a large explosion occurred in the Carmel Market in Central Tel Aviv just after 11:15 a.m. Monday.
Police suspect that there may be other bombs in the area and are conducting searches. Residents have been asked to stay away from the area.
The explosion occurred at a stall on the corners of Rambam and Ha'Carmel streets, at the center of the crowded outdoor market.

Against The US:

allah is a blood-thristy god,
Need I say more?
No, you need say less, because you have childish thoughts. Gods are not, nor are religions, directing or inciting our inhumanities to each other.
Randolfo said:

I am a Christian and I say Allah is God. Jesus is His Son. Jesus healed the ear of the soldier whom one of His followers struck. Jesus only does what He sees His Father doing. Jesus nor Allah wished harm for man. Man does great harm to himself however and then tells the world that God made him do it.
Those murders and rapists are not permitted in the Kingdom of Heaven until they accept Jesus as their Saviour and repent of their wickedness.
Salvation is not the work of man but the work of God.


So are Christians, Jews, etc.

Religion kills a lot of people.
Sprafa said:
So are Christians, Jews, etc.

Religion kills a lot of people.

Yes, you mean those religious hypocrites whom Jesus called a 'brood of vipers'. I hear you brother! They are indeed murderers aren't they? It is good that it is not like this for us.


c20H25N3o said:
Yes, you mean those religious hypocrites whom Jesus called a 'brood of vipers'. I hear you brother! They are indeed murderers aren't they? It is good that it is not like this for us.

Randolfo, the truth is racist.
writing about things that these Muslim terrorists do is hateful and insensitive.
don't you know Islam is the religion of peace?

by the way, to add something to your list: they've started to act up in China too
of all places...

then there's the Phillipines where MILF terrorists cut off victims' heads (how atypical :rolleyes: )
and Thailand where there are riots, and heads are cut off too (what is it with Muslim terrorists and cutting of heads? why not just shoot the bastard? do you have to cut their head off? it's disgusting)
and Kashmir in India

oh wait a minute. check out Saudi Arabia's flag:

look, it's got a sword in it. did you know the sword is one of the symbols of Islam? and guess how they execute people in Saudi Arabia?

there are extremists in all groups. but idiots in the liberal arena would have you blelieve that "our" extremists are "just as bad" as Muslim extremists.

do you see any 9/11 victims kidnapping Muslim US citizens and beheading them? do you see them demanding bin-Laden stop his massacre plans "or else Mustafa's head will roll"?

sometimes i think..... oh ... never mind
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are seeing one of the finest ignorance ever known to man, i hope you enjoy.
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don't you know Islam is the religion of peace?

This seems to be the most common statement uttered from the mouth of muslims - and yet it goes against everything that the westerner sees. Everytime I turn the TV on and witness brutal murder and savagery, a muslim/muslim nation is responsible.

muslims might claim their religion is a religion of peace, they might claim it a religion of love, or unity, or equality for all mankind - but it is generally meaningless when all the west sees is the blood that is gushing down the mountainside by the hand of those who say they are muslim.

I'm not personally saying you're all evil or blood thirsty, but the religion can't really be seen in any other light, because those who are bloody thirsty and evil, are quite distinctly the visible face of the muslim world. If you want to promote peace, then do so - but currently the only thing we see being promoted is intolerance and chopped off heads. Only you can change that.
SnakeLord said:
This seems to be the most common statement uttered from the mouth of muslims - and yet it goes against everything that the westerner sees. Everytime I turn the TV on and witness brutal murder and savagery, a muslim/muslim nation is responsible.

You just happened to be born in bad times. Change the channel or get a x box to relax you or you can hang out wit Randy kid. lol He is one hard core suther :p

blood thirsty? lol
hypewaders said:
:Gods are not, nor are religions, directing or inciting our inhumanities to each other
have you read the bible, and what of the dark ages, did that not happen.
c20 said:
Jesus only does what He sees His Father doing.
"evil begats evil". so no wonder there so much Cruelty and Violence, in the bible.
are you two serious.
Randos brothers at work. Killing in the name of rando. :eek:

Killing fields of Randos christian god and their armies.

Oh did some one said Chechenya?

Complete lists of Abuses in Chechenya!

Where were you Rando? You must be praying that no one would ever find out about it.

Why do you enjoy this killing Rando? why? Look at the above link and see for your self. You are nothing but a filthy LIAR and Racist Bigot. Close your eyes when tit faults you and commit crimes and Scream and Yell when muslim commits the same. YOU both are WRONG.

If the above wasn't enough........look at what the christian god told this man to kill in the name of christ. God himself told G W to attack...what else do you want?

and yes he did.

Look what your god did rando.

Iraqis dead during this crusade.

during the 6 weeks of "major combat" in March–April 2003:
30,000 (estimate by General Tommy Franks)
6,119 to 15,925 (from a compilation of incident reports)
4,895 to 6,370 (one study's estimate)
13,500 to 45,000 (one journalist's estimate)
around 124,000 U.S. troops believe they killed one or more Iraqi combatants in 2003
>36,533 during March-October 2003 (tally by survey in Iraq)
13,278 to 15,357 reported by two or more news organizations (as of October 16, 2004)
around 41,000 U.S. troops believe they killed one or more Iraqi civilians in 2003

More afghan dead by their saviours...and by randos god.

Need I say more?

Yes I think should......but to you? who have no eyes and no are the bigest Hypocrite I have seen so far at sciforums.

WHO ever propogate and the killings of civilian and Innocents is simply WRONG. Muslims or Christians or Hindus. But who ever turn the blind eye on them and blame it all on the others is simply WORST. In this case that would you Mr. Randolfo.
otheadp said:
And I didn't even start on your zionist filth yet. Since the whole world knows how filthy you zionist are and the world is punishing you for that since you have rejected the *son of god*. You are all still suffering..........every on hates you........from europe to africa. Doesn't it get it through you head? that there is a lot wrong with you zionist?

lol :D
skywalker said:
Interesting links for Othedep

Very interesting link but Otehdep will reject it. I know you will. lol

But every one else can see it.

to Murder al-Headchopper bin-Allah Akbar:

i know simple nominal figures can overwhelm the simple mind of a savage-terrorist / sympathizer so i know my forthcoming coments will not reach the intended destination of your brain. you therefore don't have to read any of it. for the rest of the people:
some very in-depth statistics, adding qualitative factors, as well as quantitative ones.

just because there are more "palestinian" casualties doesn't mean "palestinians" are the victims in this

"palestinians" are constantly on the attack,
while the Israeli Defense forces are constantly on the defense

anyway, have a glanse at the stats. you won't find any revalations. just good ol' Muslim terrorism

by the way, going back to the original discussion about Islam, there hasn't been a single Christian suicide bomber. interesting, eh? and that's despite the fact that they're more "oppressed" (by the Muslim 'palestinians' that is) which makes them poorer and more humiliated.. in theory..
which should debunk the theory that "humiliations" and being poor is making suicide bombers.


just as being poor and "humiliated" doesn't make headchoppers.
it's Islam, stupid

people are good, religion is bad
people do the crimes
not every Muslim is a terrorist (but every terrorist is a Muslim)
I have practicing Muslim friends, but they are more human than they are Muslim, which is why they don't chop people's heads off and are my friends despite the fact that I'm a "son of monkeys and pigs", as their religious leaders keep calling my people
otheadp said:
to Murder al-Headchopper bin-Allah Akbar:

people are good, religion is bad
people do the crimes
not every Muslim is a terrorist (but every terrorist is a Muslim)
I have practicing Muslim friends, but they are more human than they are Muslim, which is why they don't chop people's heads off and are my friends despite the fact that I'm a "son of monkeys and pigs", as their religious leaders keep calling my people

Just the above prove my point. If u get a chance you will kill a poor palestanian in a heart beat. It is in ur mind, blood etc etc. Interesting what Hitler said to eliminate the disease of jewery from this world, i wonder if he knew something. You are after all curse nation on earth. No one likes your kind..........No one. Not even your kind. From the day you killed poor son of jesus to the day he will come all will be the most dislike nation on this earth. The events are proving it every day.

It is very funny to see that you name calling me without even going through my posts. lol. I never said that I suppose the killing, neither i ever said the Judism is cause of all the atrocities ariel sharon and israel had commited, but in the other hand you are trying to accuse me of something........oh wait isn't thats what all zionst do? lol.
gods chosen people my ass.

May be your practicing muslims friends.......are real muslims. Unlike their leader? ever wonder?

Wait!! You can't wonder you must be thinking of ways to kill the poor palestanins.

Very sad othedep, you should condemn all the killings in all the forms. Please repeat after me, say.. I condemn the killing of innocent palestanians....say it up loud please!
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skywalker said:
May be your practicing muslims friends.......are real muslims. Unlike their leader? ever wonder?
no, his friends sound like they are 'humanistic' (valuing life, companionship, honesty, people), the mullahs are the 'real' muslims, ever heard of a 'Gandhi-like' mullah?
or a 'jihadist of the heart' imam? religion should be life affirming, not death-bringing. life is hard enough as it is, to make it unbearable

Wait!! You can't wonder you must be thinking of ways to kill the poor Palestinians.
sorry to say, but they think of ways all on their own, no matter how desperate, no father or mother should ever let their children strap on bombs, if they were men of valor, they would fight, they are cowards that let their children fight & die for them, yeah that includes Bush too! Draft the Bush twins, draft the rich elites, see how many wars we get in then.

Very sad othedep, you should condemn all the killings in all the forms. Please repeat after me, say.. I condemn the killing of innocent Palestinians.... say it up loud please!
can you say, " I condemn the killing of any innocent life"? sorry, but Palestinians are not over-valued in my book, all life is the same, the hypocrisy is to cry for one, not the others, that is a shame to all our regrets.

so, if there was any way to a peaceful settlement, what could it be, Skywalker?

if you were 'Kissinger', & they sent you to the Paris Peace Talks on the Palestinian/Israeli question, what would you do or suggest? it has to work for all parties, 'peace with honor', etc...

think, pray, sweat, write & re-write, what would you say? and could it work? please take me seriously, & this question seriously, hope to see your answer as a new thread, thanks