Micheal good point. In fact to go one stage further I think they should have contiuned to point out again and again that just because we cannot explain something does not mean that it must have been God. It is just we either don't understand it yet or its beyond our understanding.
Also, I think on the would my watch have made itself randomly question I would answer it like this. You can take something far simpler than a watch, lets look at a single nut and bolt. Now you could put these in a jar and shake them around for eternity and they would never screw into each other. And the reason that this will never happen is very simple, its because some times no matter how simple something is, it needs any additional force or factor to happen. But this does not mean that something far more complex cannot happen by chance just because it is more complex. The definable factor is ONLY does the process have all the variables to be possible. So just because a nut and bolt does not qualify does not mean that life also doesn't.