Muslim Theist's get owned by Atheists in debate!

WOW! :eek: 4 hours long. Is there a synopsis somewhere?

The best way to watch this is to fast fwd to Dan Barker, because we've heard all of the Religous arguments for GOD. Then after that they have an entertaining rebuttal session. Eventhough the atheists are being constantly jeered by the muslim crowd.
Thanks for posting have almost watched it all now.

Some very good points, esp the melting ice and how scientists don't need to sit around together holding hands praising Gravity to keep their belief in it alive.

However, I am really really wound up that the audience clap total crap just because it is the religious person talking and matter how stupid their comment.

And all this when everyone knows that God cannot be proved because apparently God intended it that way.
Interesting debate. Why would God intend not to be proved? I suppose it is that, supposedly, you shouldn't need proof if you are a true believer.
A very biased religious audience but the atheists simply had overwhelmingly convincing arguments.
So far the atheist's argument are kind of weak. Better than the theists, but stronger ones could be made. Still listening...
OK, the theistic rebuttal is pretty lame. They question wether order can come from non-intelligent processes, therefore could you defend yourself in court by saying a bullet appeared at random? Then the largely Muslim audience clapped.
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Saturday is intended to honor the Roman God Saturn! Interesting.

You weren't aware that? Every day of the week has names derived the same way.

Sunday - Sun's day
Monday - Moon's day
Wednesday - Woden's day (Actually, I think it's Wooden - pronounced woo-den
Thursday - Thor's day

I don't remember Tuesday and Friday right off hand, but they are like that also.
I thought the whole thing was a set up. The theist guy babbled about nothing and the crowd cheered. He totally abhors science because he doesn't understand it and guess what...there's a friggin room full of people just like him.
Wow the guy who made the "finger print" rebuttal - absolutely sucked.
Talk about straw man argument and he seemed so agitated.

"You wouldn't be standing here if your DNA were flawed"
I agree with some of the second theist's argument in that he made a good point about the multiverse. He is right - there is no evidence about multiverses. That was something I didn't like about the second Atheists argument.

Basically two were pretty good. The first atheist and the second theist
To be honest I knew it was going to be an issue the second it started. Who starts a debate concerning the existence or non existence of sky beings by praying to those sky beings they're supposed to be debating the existence of?
To be honest I knew it was going to be an issue the second it started. Who starts a debate concerning the existence or non existence of sky beings by praying to those sky beings they're supposed to be debating the existence of?

No kidding. The whole thing looked set up. Someone has read Josef Goebbel's Principles of Propaganda.

I like #19