Muslim Medical Students get [dangerously] picky

Let us ignore the fact that it is a small number of students .
not ignoring it, just that it shouldn't happen, do you see Jewish students saying that they won't work on whatever? or Christians, or Sikhs, or Buddhists, as students they have to learn whatever, its after they graduate that they can name their standards, hrs of operation, specialties, etc...

and that the Islamic scholars do not support the concessions
its about time they spoke up, where have all these moderate mulsims been all this time, letting the world think that islam is only about jihad, car bombs, beheadings & anti-West rhetoric?

its about time
That really makes me sick. What the hell gives them the right to decide that some people are worthy of treatment, but others are not. Someone is still a human being who has good and bad qualities, who has people they care about, even if they have a sexually transmitted disease.

Those idiots are doing the majority who are sensible, sane, decent Muslims no favours at all.
so they shouldn't get their medical licenses. Easy as that.

Very concise and acceptable answer...weed out the bias early. If they have a problem with modern medicine, these students should not be permitted to wear a stethoscope.

Further the pharmacists that refuse to sell legal medication based on religious beliefs should have their commercial license revoked.
Here is one woman's response in another forum to a similar accusation aimed at some Muslim doctors.

Is that any different from Christian doctors refusing to prescribe birth control to women who request it? Or Christian pharmacists refusing to fill such prescriptions, even if there is no other nearby pharmacy?

Is that any different from Christian doctors refusing to prescribe the morning after pill for women who were raped?

These incidents of refusal of care have occured throughout the US, and in several jurisdictions, there is legislation pending to make it legal to refuse treatment, or to refuse to fill prescriptions, on "moral" grounds.

I will say this, Wayne, I agree with you that it's appalling that these Muslim doctors refused to treat anyone - after all, doctors should abide by the Hippocratic oath - "First, do no harm" (named for the ancient Greek Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine). However, if you are going to condemn the Muslim doctors for refusing care, then I'd like to hear you condemn the Christian doctors who are similarly refusing care.

Can you do it?

Jocelyn, Rockville (Sent Friday, July 06, 2007 9:06 AM)
I think doctors who refuse to treat patients for religious reasons should be declared Unfit to Practise and should lose their licence and registration benefits.
The taxi drivers in Wisconsin? Oh, the "monitoring" crowd? No idea. Presumably Big Brother silenced them all. But don't tell anyone. (It would be sensationalistic.)