Muslim magazine journalists pretended to be Roman Catholics :D


Valued Senior Member
From BBC

A Malaysian Muslim magazine has apologized after two of its journalists pretended to be Roman Catholics and took Holy Communion in a church. Al-Islam said it had not intended to insult Christians with an article describing how the journalists received and later spat out communion wafers. They were allegedly investigating reports that Muslims were illegally converting to Christianity.

I thought this was rather funny, until I realized they were looking for illegal converts - also known as traitors or turn coats (turn burkas?) if you will. I wonder? And if they happened to find a group of Muslims that converted to Catholicism? Then what? Were they there to share their joyous stories with their readers or going to turn them over to the Malaysian Gestapo? :eek: Reminds me of medieval Europe.
They didn't find any "illegal converts" - BUT, lets say they had? Some Muslims murdered some Christians just a few months back - for the once-upon-a-crime of using the Arabic word God "Allah" in their Bibles. I wonder how'd they treat any traitorous converts?

Are all Christians in Malaysia Chinese? Indian? How DO Malay become Christians?
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Joepistole said:

And if they happened to find a group of Muslims that converted to Catholicism? Then what? Were they there to share their joyous stories with their readers or going to turn them over to the Malaysian Gestapo? :eek:

Excellent timing:

Greenwald, Glenn. "The right kind of bigotry". Unclaimed Territory. March 6, 2010. March 7, 2010.
From BBC

I thought this was rather funny, until I realized they were looking for illegal converts - also known as traitors or turn coats (turn burkas?) if you will. I wonder? And if they happened to find a group of Muslims that converted to Catholicism? Then what? Were they there to share their joyous stories with their readers or going to turn them over to the Malaysian Gestapo? :eek: Reminds me of medieval Europe.
They didn't find any "illegal converts" - BUT, lets say they had? Some Muslims murdered some Christians just a few months back - for the once-upon-a-crime of using the Arabic word God "Allah" in their Bibles. I wonder how'd they treat any traitorous converts?

Are all Christians in Malaysia Chinese? Indian? How DO Malay become Christians?

Well they do so by not converting to Catholicism, that’s for sure.

They do so by accepting the Message of Jesus and if they are killed for that then so be it. muslims have been murdering Christians for centuries nothing new there.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well they do so by not converting to Catholicism, that’s for sure.

They do so by accepting the Message of Jesus and if they are killed for that then so be it. muslims have been murdering Christians for centuries nothing new there.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

catholics are christians adstar. we have been over this before.
Excellent timing:

Greenwald, Glenn. "The right kind of bigotry". Unclaimed Territory. March 6, 2010. March 7, 2010.

That's not really related to the article, Tiassa. And why have you cited Joepistole on the post?

Its just a wafer and wine.

The point is rather what they would do once they found illegal converts. Which are almost any converts, seemingly. There's that thing about choosing as children, of course, but what are theological police so afraid of? House of cards.
tiassa said:
Excellent timing:

Greenwald, Glenn. "The right kind of bigotry"
Malaysian Muslims are Arabs?
SAM said:
Its just a wafer and wine.
They seemed to make a kind of a big deal about spitting the wafer out.

Which is not really possible, if those wafers are anything like the "wafer-thin" fast-dissolve ephemeralities of my local Catholic Church.
I think it's funny that the staff of the magazine apologized for potentially offending Catholics by spitting out the wafers and wine, but not for the fact that they were trying to bust people for choosing to become Catholic in the first place. :bugeye:
"We are soooooo sorry for spitting out the wafer. That was, like, toootally mean-spirited, dude. Oh, spying on converts so they could be sentenced to death and the Christian community kept cowed and suppressed? That was, like, totally ok."
And the Al-hajar Al-aswad is just a rock. I wonder what would happen to any Christians who managed to kiss it and then spat on the ground?


My opinion was directed at the journalists. But I think its highly unsanitary to go around kissing rocks that everyone else is kissing.

Still, I can see why they might have spit it out. Eating the dead, whether dipped in blood or alchohol is considered haram. Not sure if the rules can be bent for the resurrected dead in a different carbon form.
Still no opinion on the domestic spying?

Well, I suppose that's reasonable. Who knows what the eaters of the dead might be up to?
The journalists have displayed utmost disrespect for the Catholic community when they admit receiving and spitting out the Holy Communion,"

I guess they weren't so tough. Now why would those Muslim journalists spit out the wafer? Are they afraid of Christian voodoo, their fellow journalist, their employer, potential wrath of Islam or Allah? Really, if you don't believe in the other guy's religion then why give a shit about a silly little wafer?
That is interesting? I mean, why make a point of saying they spit out the wafer (which as was noted is meaningless because it pretty much dissolves and is ingested on contact). Oh, maybe that's because they wanted to piss and shit on the funny particulars of the Christian religion. I wonder why? Could it be related to the reasons why conversion is illegal?

"The right kind of bigotry"
You mean making conversion to Christianity illegal in Malaysia or pointing out that conversion to Christianity is illegal in Malaysia? Pretending to be a Christians and making a point to point out that "Hey looky here, we spit that silly wafer shit out, I mean, dat eating the dead is Haram - like, you'd have to be twisted sick or something" or pointing out that the sort of theistic bigotry, like banning the word Allah, that exist in "Muslim" Malaysia.
That is interesting? I mean, why make a point of saying they spit out the wafer (which as was noted is meaningless because it pretty much dissolves and is ingested on contact). Oh, maybe that's because they wanted to piss and shit on the funny particulars of the Christian religion. I wonder why? Could it be related to the reasons why conversion is illegal

For those who believe that a life of indoctrination doesn't fill your brain with lots of bullshit then think again. An instilled unrealistic fear of some type of retribution actually causes guys bent on finding lambs for the slaughter to spit out an ordinary wafer. These guys are ready to kill someone and can't eat a friggin' wafer out of fear. By the way, I guess there is no sin attached to hunting humans for the kill but there is for wafer eating. Go figure.
I guess they weren't so tough. Now why would those Muslim journalists spit out the wafer? Are they afraid of Christian voodoo, their fellow journalist, their employer, potential wrath of Islam or Allah? Really, if you don't believe in the other guy's religion then why give a shit about a silly little wafer?

It's a little worry, a little self-righteous hate.

Why, the very same things that prompted the journalists in the first place. :shrug:
"Al Islam magazine apologises... because the article had unintentionally hurt the feelings of Christians, especially Catholics," it said on its website Utusan Karya on Friday. "It is also not the intention of Al Islam to insult the Christian religion nor to desecrate their house of worship," said the monthly magazine which reports on issues concerning Malaysian Muslims.
What exactly were their intentions?
Why did they photograph the wafers?
Why publish the photographs?
Its just a wafer and wine.
Hey, I totally agree. If you can purchase a Catholic "Holy" wafer and some Catholic "Holy" wine, then IMO it's yours and you can eat it and spit it out if you like. Shit on it, if you like. Do whatever you want with it. It is yours after all. If you could, say, go to the grocery market, buy a Holy Wafer and some Holy Wine - hey, you paid for it. It's yours. Do with it what you would like.

So, it appears we agree? OMG OMG OMG :p

Oooooo, but, I said appears .... :scratchin:... that's because back in A bad case of Montezuma's Revenge you seemed a little tepid on the subject. Of course this is where people were murdered, burned alive in their homes if I recall, for desecrating something considered "Holy" by Muslims.

I don't seem to recall you writing: Hey, it's just paper and ink. Which coincidentally was my point in THAT thread. Yet, now when the shoes on the other foot, or wafer in the other mouth, you're seemingly making that same point. It's just wafer and wine.

Of course the point in this thread is: WTF you're telling me it's illegal to convert to Christianity and the Muslim Gestapo were spying on Catholics looking for illegal converts - what kind of Neo-Nazi State are they running over there? Why would it matter if someone want's to convert from one superstition to another?

Well, at least we kind of agree:

It's just wafer and wine.
It's just paper and ink.

They were allegedly investigating reports that Muslims were illegally converting to Christianity.

Can I ask though.. How exactly does one "illegally convert to Christianity"? And how would they know who illgally converted and who did not?

Sam said:
Eating the dead, whether dipped in blood or alchohol is considered haram.
Which begs to question.. Why did they take it in the first place?

Granted, the things taste quite revolting.. Imagine eating thin piece of paper that simply melts when it hits your mouth and tastes stale.. But why not just swallow it and move on. Why spit it out and then take a photo of it later on? Sounds kind of nasty and childish if you ask me.