Muslim Influences in Judaism

I find it incredible that most Muslims have read the Hadith which says that Muhammed did not want his sayings/actions recorded and see no contradiction in recording that statement.

I think the popularity of the hadith has made the Prophet more venerable, plus most Muslims ignore all the verses that say he is just a man, a messenger, etc and focus on him as a symbol of the religion. The Quran does not justify this behaviour in any way.

Then there are all those Muslims who like to kill for god :rolleyes:
Yeah thats the truth.

They hate us because of our FREEDOM!:D

Sam, you're missing the point.
You say "gee, isn't it funny that these Muslims aren't acting like Muslims, but think they are, and call themselves Muslims?"

To which I say "gee, isn't it?";) ;)
Sam, you're missing the point.
You say "gee, isn't it funny that these Muslims aren't acting like Muslims, but think they are, and call themselves Muslims?"

To which I say "gee, isn't it?";) ;)

Yeah I'm sure if the Chinese found a weapon that would neutralise all the nuclear weapons in the US and then landed with a HUGE army in America and the opportunists became their best friends, the Muslims would be the only ones fighting back.;)
Yeah I'm sure if the Chinese found a weapon that would neutralise all the nuclear weapons in the US and then landed with a HUGE army in America and the opportunists became their best friends, the Muslims would be the only ones fighting back.;)


(finally a chance to use the "sam, you so crazy!" emoticon!!)

(finally a chance to use the "sam, you so crazy!" emoticon!!)

Thats the point.

You can't imagine what its like because its not a situation you've ever faced
Go to war once and then I'll ask you again.:)
So to explain your first non sequitor you... give another non sequitor?

What do the Chinese have to do with this? You'll have to forgive my slow American brain.
So to explain your first non sequitor you... give another non sequitor?

What do the Chinese have to do with this? You'll have to forgive my slow American brain.

I selected someone culturally different who would have the US screaming, "they hate us because of our FREEEEDOM".:eek:
It's a possible analogy.
Now please try to stick to the original topic.
This thread is not about USA vs Muslims.
Perhaps this topic should be renamed in reverse order!

In the Hejaz, Muhammad’s homeland, there were Jewish tribes with which he was intimately involved as he was, to a lesser extent, with Christian Arabs. Muhammad learned much from the Jews and using Judaism as a base, developed his new faith Islam.

There was no Arabic translation of the Hebrew Bible at the time, but Arabian Jews were deeply immersed in the mainstream of the Jewish midrashic tradition. Thus, in the Koran, many of the stories of the Hebrew Bible are retold in the form known from midrashim which diverges widely from the simple meaning of the biblical text. Many Jewish teachings, sayings, normative and ethical precepts are also found in the sacred oral tradition of Islam

It is of interest to note that there are cases of Jewish ideas or practices entering Islam, being changed and then returned to Judaism. Thus the Talmudic idea of kavannah (praying or doing a ritual act with conscious intent) entered Islam which invented ritual kavannah formulations and these in turn, in Hebrew garb, were reintroduced into Judaism by Jewish mystics.

Don't forget they both practice male genital mutilation as a seal of legions with a so called loving God!!!
Considering most of the qu`ran is badly plagiarised Torah and Christian scriptures. I find this thread amusing.
im a habitual comma abuser.

Just finished reading the one on Heaven and Hell; you're an excellent writer, very clear and articulate. There are striking similarities with Islam.

Like this:

The reality of heaven and hell that has been set forth by the Holy Quran has not been set forth by any other book. It has indicated plainly that this system starts in this very life. It is said: For him who fears to stand before his Lord, there are two Gardens (55:47) One Garden is obtained in this very world. The fear of God restrains a person from vice. To run after vice generates a restlessness and distress in the heart which is a fearful hell. He who fears God avoids vice and escapes the torment which is generated by the slavery of passion and he makes progress towards faithfulness and leaning towards God whereby he is bestowed a delight and joy and thus his heavenly life begins in this very world
(Malfoozat, Vol. III, pp. I55- 156).

Thus as God Almighty has likened the words of faith of this world to the trees of paradise, He has likened the words of faithlessness of this world to the tree of hell and has indicated that the root of heaven or hell begins from this world. At another place hell is referred to as the blazing fire of Allah which mounts upon the hearts (104:8), that is to say, hell is a fire the source of which is the wrath of God. It blazes forth from sin and first overcomes the heart. This is an indication that at the root of this fire are the sorrows and desires and torments that seize the heart, inasmuch as spiritual torment begins with the heart and then comprises the whole body. At another place it is said: Its fuel are men and stones (2:25; 66:7); that is to say, the fuel of the fire of hell which keeps it blazing are first those men who turn aside from God and worship other things, as it is said: You and that which you worship beside Allah are the fuel of hell (21:99). Secondly, the fuel of hell are the idols. The meaning is that if these things had not existed there would have been no hell. Thus in the holy word of God, heaven and hell are not like this physical world. The source of both of them are spiritual matters. It is true that in the other world they will appear as physical, but they will not belong to this physical world

(Islami Usul ki Philosophy; Now printed in Ruhani Khazain (London, 1984), Vol. 10, pp. 7I-79).

God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: He who is blind in this world shall be blind in the hereafter and even more astray (I7:73). This shows that a person takes with him from this world the eyes with which to behold God Almighty and the senses with which to perceive Him. He who does not acquire these senses in this life will not enjoy them in the hereafter. This is a mystery which is not understood by the common people. If its meaning is not that which we have set forth, then it is entirely wrong that those who are blind in this world shall be blind in the hereafter. The truth is that to recognize God Almighty without any error and to acquire a true understanding of His attributes in this world is the key to all comforts and delights of the future. This verse clearly indicates that we carry a torment with us from this world and that the blind existence and foul actions of this world will appear in the form of the torment of hell in the other world and they will not be anything new. As by shutting the doors of a room a person deprives himself of light and of fresh life-giving air, or by swallowing a poison he puts an end to his life, in the same way, when he moves away from God and commits sin, he falls into a darkness and is involved in torment.

The meaning of the Arabic word for sin is to incline and to move away from the true centre. When a person moves away from God and withdraws from the light which descends upon the hearts from God, he is involved in a darkness which becomes a source of torment for him. Then he suffers the same type of torment of which type is his turning away. If he wishes to revert to the centre and transports himself to the spot where that light falls, he regains the light. As we observe in the world that we enjoy light in a room when we open its windows, in the same way, in the spiritual system to return to the true centre becomes the source of comfort and rescues from the suffering which had resulted from departing from the centre. This is called repentance. The darkness that is produced in this manner is called the misguidance of hell and to revert to the true centre which bestows comfort is called heaven. To move away from sin and to revert to virtue that would please God Almighty, becomes the atonement of the sin and wipes out its consequences. That is why God Almighty has said: Good does away with evil (11:115). As vice contains the poison of destruction and good contains the antidote of life, good alone is the means of overcoming the poison of vice. In other words, torment means the absence of comfort and salvation means the achievement of comfort and Joy.

The Essence of Islam: Volume Two
by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

A bit more flowery than you but you get the essence of it.:)
Just finished reading the one on Heaven and Hell; you're an excellent writer, very clear and articulate. There are striking similarities with Islam.
:) im glad you were able to get through it. ive tried to share it with others, and they always said it was too dry. im happy you enjoyed it.

im sure you see why i cant post that kind of thing here.
:) im glad you were able to get through it. ive tried to share it with others, and they always said it was too dry. im happy you enjoyed it.

im sure you see why i cant post that kind of thing here.

I'm surprised anyone thought it dry.