Muslim Heaven


Hey all you Muslims, what must a Muslim do to get to Muslim heaven?

How do you ever know that you've done enough to get to Muslim heaven?

Since Allah was 1 of 360 pre Islamic Arab gods, why should people believe that he is also the God of the Bible?

Are there 72 male virgins awaiting the ladies in Muslim heaven?

Since Allah was 1 of 360 pre Islamic Arab gods, it's disingenuous for Muslims to say that Allah is the God of the Bible, don't you agree?

Why would Muslims promise 72 female virgins in Muslim heaven for each man, but not 72 male virgins for each woman in Muslim heaven?
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Every one of your posts represents a "claim" of the Muslim religion.

To me, a claim is a statement which can be one of 2 things: True or False.

So all of the claims of Muslims which you have listed here can either be True or False. There is no in between.

If all or most of them are false, and the claims of Christianity are more truthful, then one could say that the overall claims of Christianity are more truthful in terms of percentage truth, and Christianity also may know more truths than Islam in terms of percentage of total number of relgious truths.

Lightgigantic would probably just say that it doesn't matter whether a religion is more true or more false. It doesn't matter that people are becoming suicide bombers by the thousads for their God Allah and making the ultimate sacrifice for a belief, or series of beliefs, that is probably false.
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I remember in crusades, the pope gave the same kind of message to Christians:

Die fighting in the crusades, and you will go to heaven.
That was for that time and place, the New Testament teaches nothing like that anymore, though I think you could infer the ok for a nation to defend itself.
The New Testament pretty much does not discuss politics at all. The Jews were not a nation at the time, thus God could not act. But presumably, the character of God cannot change.
Hey all you Muslims, what must a Muslim do to get to Muslim heaven?

There are many narrations about people being granted paradise, at the end of the day we believe it is down to God and we believe in His infinite mercy. Muslims have religious obligations, (saying your prayers etc.) however these acts are between the person and God, (God will forgive those that didn’t pray). The essence of Islam and religion is to perfect ones character, become a good human being, being sincere, humble, bringing happiness and comfort to those around you. We don’t just have an obligation to God, we have an obligation to every human being and animal on this planet.

There are many narrations in Islam, once a person told the Prophet that there were two people, one rarely prayed but was kind and to those around him/her, the other prayed vigorously, never missed any obligations however he/she was very harsh with those around him/her, he asked who was better out of the two? The Prophet said the one that prayed less. Another narration, a prostitute was out when she saw a dog that was extremely thirsty, that prostitute took off her shoe, filled it with water and gave it to the dog to drink from, God forgave all her sins and gave her a place in heaven.

The Prophet said that no one would gain paradise through his or her good actions alone (including the Prophets), the only way we gain paradise is through the mercy of God. That means we must show humility, we should not look at our good deeds as great accomplishments, when you lose sincerity your good actions mean nothing. Those that become overly rigid (zealots), are more likely to lose sincerity and become arrogant.
Yes, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and as He says, there is a time for sowing, and a time for reaping, but as the Creator God, He is always righteous, unless you want to believe that evil created the universe.
For giving a dog some water, you get to go to Muslim heaven? I don't get it.

Ghost, you say good deeds with sincerity, but sincere about what, for what?
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That was for that time and place, the New Testament teaches nothing like that anymore,
but jesus does not condemn it so it still goes on.
Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. matt 5:17,Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
Cities that neither "receive" the disciples nor "hear" their words will be destroyed by God. It will be worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what God supposedly did to those poor folks matt 10:14, And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
15, Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

if your not a true xian IAC, you've got no chance of entering heaven yourself, are you a true xian?

so why worry about muslims.
Sincere about what, for what?

Doing stuff to alleviate the suffering of others, doing it just to help others, to make people happy, that is sincere. Doing good deeds just because you want others to think highly of you, or doing them just because its 'good', that is insincere.

Its all about intention bruv! intention!
It's pretty much the same as Christianity. If there is a heaven, it's just heaven, not "muslim" heaven. Christians, Muslims, Jews, it's all the same bullcrap.