musings on the existence of a higher power

I don't know why people are so stuck on this 'lack of evidence'!? Any fool knows that you can't prove/disprove God

Rock on dude! I say exactly the same thing when it comes down to my belief in Lenny the leprechaun. I go around telling them it is true and they should join me as a believer - and they, foolish halfwits that they are, mess around with "lack of evidence" nonsense. What bloody idiots they all are. You need to trust first!

*end sarcasm*
SnakeLord said:
Rock on dude! I say exactly the same thing when it comes down to my belief in Lenny the leprechaun. I go around telling them it is true and they should join me as a believer - and they, foolish halfwits that they are, mess around with "lack of evidence" nonsense. What bloody idiots they all are. You need to trust first!

*end sarcasm*
Beautiful sarcasm, SnakeLord. Unfortunately, Diogenes' Dog is quite correct.

“ well to start with existence is socialised around eternity ...... ”

Pompous gibberish.
The fact that eternal existence can be entertained without accepting it indicates something

“ .. but of course only amongst theists who are capable of accepting scripture - surely you can see why such discussion is totally useless amongst persons who do not accept scripture ”

No Light that is total nonsense. It is not necessary to accept that something is true before understanding the concepts.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. – Aristotle

The problem, illustrated by diogenes, is that you insist on understanding god according to ways that god doesn't advocate that he can be understood - if you cannot even get direct experience of the president of the USA without being submissive to his desires how do you expect to understand god (particularly if you are adverse to the intellectual basis for developing even a theoretical understanding of his existence) - hence the only theistic topic for an atheist is the normative descriptions of religion - in other words how to develop the correct behaviour to understand god - which innvolves topics of sin and piety - lol - a delightful topic amongst atheists no doubt