munchausen's by proxy

its a mental illness

I had herd that it can be related to PPD but i dont know what happened to the study and what its findings were.
Ok, now I'm scared. A mother is telling me to be scared of other mothers.

Seriously. Is this disorder due to some childhood incident ? Or is it an ego boost?

it can be either, the mother feals important, or they are genuinly wanting the child to be ill because they enjoy the hospital/dr enviroment,

personally, the mothers are twisted and sick to do what they do, and they need help in either long term care or mental care in a "special" prison of some sort, it is true that some mothers who are accused of such things are acutally innocent, i will keep beliveing that Muncheousons is real and there is no one who can ever change my mind.
My first thought was, OMG our mothers are out to get us..

Then I realized that there is now a name for domineering abusive, hypocritical, evil mothers.

I don't know how you would classify it. It is most often related to women who like the attention, be it from the medical staff and from family members. She likes to feel pitied.

Is it a mental disorder? I would say yes. Does she get an ego boost from her child being sick? Yes. That is her mental disorder. She gets attention, pity, empathy, sympathy, the whole gamut of what a mother would normally get when a child is sick, and that is the mental disorder in itself. She thrives on it. She likes to be seen to be the perfect and good caring mother who would do anything for her child. Sadly there have been instances where women have been wrongly accused of it due to the fact that their children have ended up in the hospital a few too many times, as some children do get sick or hurt themselves.

A lot of hospitals now even have cameras in private rooms in children's wards or children's hospitals and any child suspected of being a victim of such a mother will often be placed in such a room and closely monitored the whole time.
But usually these children don't know they are being purposely hurt. A parent who pushes their child down the stairs and then tells the doctor they had a seizure and fell down the stairs, are just abusers. They don't have this Munchausen by Proxy.
But usually these children don't know they are being purposely hurt. A parent who pushes their child down the stairs and then tells the doctor they had a seizure and fell down the stairs, are just abusers. They don't have this Munchausen by Proxy.

yes they do, its what the condition is called, many children a year die at the hands of mums with the condition, what would you suggest we call it?
yes they do, its what the condition is called, many children a year die at the hands of mums with the condition, what would you suggest we call it?

Its just plain old child abuse. A parent can try and claim it was Munchausen's, since its considered a mental illness, but they don't. They are just mean. Not every mom who abuses a child and takes them to a doctor has Munchausen's. They are just covering their ass.
I know if I was an abused child I would rather think my Mom was mentally ill and couldn't help it, then to think she just hated me and enjoyed hurting me.
Its just plain old child abuse. A parent can try and claim it was Munchausen's, since its considered a mental illness, but they don't. They are just mean. Not every mom who abuses a child and takes them to a doctor has Munchausen's. They are just covering their ass.
I know if I was an abused child I would rather think my Mom was mentally ill and couldn't help it, then to think she just hated me and enjoyed hurting me.

but some mothers do enjoy hurting they're children, some women should never be allowed to have kids and never be allowed near them and these women with this condition are amoungst those women
But usually these children don't know they are being purposely hurt. A parent who pushes their child down the stairs and then tells the doctor they had a seizure and fell down the stairs, are just abusers. They don't have this Munchausen by Proxy.

No. A child abuser will want to harm their child and not want the world to know about it. Someone with MbP will harm their child and want the world to know the child is "sick" or she will lie and tell everyone the child is sick. And it is rarely harm such as pushing them down the stairs. Some inject their children with all sorts of things or poison them via their food, so the child becomes ill and remains ill, resulting in the mother getting the pity of those around her. She wants attention and will do whatever it takes to get it, even to the point of causing harm to her child.

She doesn't "enjoy" harming her child. It is basically the one way she can get attention and be seen to be a good and caring mother.

And it does not always mean she will harm the child. A lot of the time she will lie and tell the doctor and others that the child is sick. She will take the child to the hospital and tell them it has been throwing up all night, etc, when the child is perfectly healthy. Or she will blow something completely out of proportion.. for example, a mild temperature could end up being described as a severe fever with convulsions.

MUNCHAUSEN BY PROXY (MBP) (also called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, and Factitious Disorder by Proxy) is a label for a pattern of behavior in which caretakers deliberately exaggerate and/or fabricate and/or induce physical and/or psychological-behavioral-mental health problems in others.

That site has quite a bit of information on it. It's quite scary to be honest. Because their behaviour covers such a wide range, it is easy to see why some women have been falsely accused of it.
No. A child abuser will want to harm their child and not want the world to know about it. Someone with MbP will harm their child and want the world to know the child is "sick" or she will lie and tell everyone the child is sick. And it is rarely harm such as pushing them down the stairs. Some inject their children with all sorts of things or poison them via their food, so the child becomes ill and remains ill, resulting in the mother getting the pity of those around her. She wants attention and will do whatever it takes to get it, even to the point of causing harm to her child.

She doesn't "enjoy" harming her child. It is basically the one way she can get attention and be seen to be a good and caring mother.

And it does not always mean she will harm the child. A lot of the time she will lie and tell the doctor and others that the child is sick. She will take the child to the hospital and tell them it has been throwing up all night, etc, when the child is perfectly healthy. Or she will blow something completely out of proportion.. for example, a mild temperature could end up being described as a severe fever with convulsions.

That site has quite a bit of information on it. It's quite scary to be honest. Because their behaviour covers such a wide range, it is easy to see why some women have been falsely accused of it.

yes yu are right, i had a friend who was falsely accused of it, and she had her children taken away, they went into care for a year and a half, and she didnt do anything wrong in fact she is the best mum anyone could wish to have, my children love her t pieces, but i knwo of one mum who was allowed to abuse her child for years and get away with it, (UNDER the noses of the social services), the child was constantly going to social workers for help and they just sent this girl back home, and the abuse only stopped because she left home.
It's bizarre actually. Our 9 month old had a temperature and after 24 hours of it not abating, we took him to the doctors today, just to make sure it was not something serious. We gave him his paracetamol at the alloted time and it fell about 30 minutes before our appointment. When we got there, his temperature had dropped a little bit, as it would with the medicine. She took his temperature and noted it wasn't too bad then and asked us what we had given him. When we told her, she said she was glad we were treating him even just before coming to the doctors, because she had seen a lot of mothers not giving their children fever reducing medication so that she (the doctor) could see that they were indeed sick. All I could think was 'what in the hell kind of idiot does not medicate their child to get its temperature down just so the doctor can see it really is sick?'... I guess it stems from the fear that parents are scared they are going to be seen to be lying about their child's condition, so they rather let it have a fever so the doctor can see that the child is indeed sick.
It's bizarre actually. Our 9 month old had a temperature and after 24 hours of it not abating, we took him to the doctors today, just to make sure it was not something serious. We gave him his paracetamol at the alloted time and it fell about 30 minutes before our appointment. When we got there, his temperature had dropped a little bit, as it would with the medicine. She took his temperature and noted it wasn't too bad then and asked us what we had given him. When we told her, she said she was glad we were treating him even just before coming to the doctors, because she had seen a lot of mothers not giving their children fever reducing medication so that she (the doctor) could see that they were indeed sick. All I could think was 'what in the hell kind of idiot does not medicate their child to get its temperature down just so the doctor can see it really is sick?'... I guess it stems from the fear that parents are scared they are going to be seen to be lying about their child's condition, so they rather let it have a fever so the doctor can see that the child is indeed sick.

i always give my children they're meds even if it means they're fevers will be lower when going to see the dr, and in fact at the moment my littel boy was away from school last week because he had an inner ear infection, and this morning i sent him to school, and the school called me to ask me to collect him, and now i have to go back to the dr's, but he still has had his medication, but i dont like going to and fro the dr's to much, because if it is just a little illness, i should be able to deal with it, with over the counter medication.
week #1 - son broke wrist
week #2 - son had to get stitches in head
week #4 - son broke his foot

I was lucky that all three of these things happened at school, or I know social services would be at my door because of a doctor's call. I wonder if they investigate schools??
week #1 - son broke wrist
week #2 - son had to get stitches in head
week #4 - son broke his foot

I was lucky that all three of these things happened at school, or I know social services would be at my door because of a doctor's call. I wonder if they investigate schools??

i know they do over here, its funny because somthing similar happened to me one time.

week 1 monday: 1st son fell of chair, and cracked his head,
week 1 wednesday: 1st son fell of a saftey bar and broke his arm, causing him to have an operation, and nearly loose his arm
week1: sunday: 3rd child (youngest) stood on a glass that was thrown in the garden by drunks walking by.
week2 wednesday: 2nd child, fell off the fridge, (wellwas actually dangling there, his left foot was jammed behind the fridge)
week2 : thursday: my daughter was swinging her little brother around and lost her hold and he went flying into a radiator, cracking his head so bad he was given 4 stitches.
week2 sunday: my youngest had a ADHD fit and threw himself of his brothers bunk bed.

that was the worse 2 weeks ever, but the funny thing is my daughter, who does all sorts of stupid things, like jump down a flight of steps on a scooter, and ride her bike with her legs on the bars and her hands behind her head coming down a hill has never been in an accident.