munchausen's by proxy

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome: A Deadly Disorder

Jessica Feurtado

May 15, 2004



Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) is a deadly disorder of which awareness must be increased. It is characterized by a parent, usually the mother, who intentionally causes illness in her child. The disorder was named after Baron von Munchausen. There are different intensities and manifestations of this disorder. Symptoms of the syndrome are hard to identify but are most prevalent when the child only becomes sick in the presence of his or her mother. The mother maintains a dynamic relationship with the physician, as the whole disorder is centered upon her need for attention from the doctor. It is most widely agreed that MBPS is caused by a need for attention and compassion to placate self-doubt in the sufferer. The only plausible treatment known for this disorder is extensive psychotherapy. If more research is conducted on this syndrome, it will help to protect the youth against abuse that is a by product of a psychologically sick mother.


When asked what Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is, most people will draw a blank. They are unaware of this form of abuse that claims the life of nine percent of children that fall victim to it. This paper will discuss the definition of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS), the origin of its name, the subtypes of the disorder, the symptoms associated with it, the dynamic relationship between the sufferer of the disorder and the physicians caring for the sufferer’s child, the causes of this syndrome, and the suggested treatment for it. MBPS is extremely difficult to diagnose, which is why many children die before doctors realize what was actually happening to them. Treatment for this disorder is limited, as well as knowledge and understanding of its causes. For this reason, it is extremely important to raise awareness of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome and to work towards ensuring that no more children fall victim to illness and death at the hands of their own parents.

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome Defined

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, also called Factitious Disorder by Proxy, is a psychological disorder characterized by a pattern of behavior in which someone, usually a mother, induces physical ailments upon another person, usually her child (“Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome,” n.d., p. 1). The mother attempts to gain attention and recognition for herself by putting on the public façade of dedicated and loving mother. However, when alone with her child she will subject them to abuse, both physical and emotional, as she tries to deliberately make them sick. The website “Munchausen by Proxy Survivors Network,” offers an extended definition for the disorder:

The child is a victim of maltreatment in which an adult falsifies physical and/or physiological signs and/or symptoms in the child causing this child to be regarded as ill or impaired. The perpetrator who is usually a parent or caregiver intentionally falsifies history, signs, or symptoms in the child to meet their own self-serving psychological needs. Other member in the family may support and participate in the deception (n.d., p. 1).

Children who fall victim to a parent suffering from Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome quite often require extensive emergency medical care, and undergo several unnecessary procedures such as painful surgeries and physical testing. Parents with Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome do not typically appear psychotic and, based on incidents caught on film, are calm and collected when inflicting harm on their children. Victims of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome range greatly in age. The youngest case known was of a mother intentionally harming her fetus. The older cases involve people inducing illness in adults (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p. 6). With such a wide array of possibilities it is often too late for the victim before the disorder can be diagnosed.


many many web sites say this condition isnt real, or it is an excuse made by dr's because they have no idea what is wrong with the child. I say it IS REAL in fact very very REAL!!

here are a few web pages who say its not real;

so what i am asking you all, if its not real then what can we call mothers who make they're children sick for attention? Disturbed? Mad? what?

i am 100% sure (positive even) that this condition is VERY REAL
this is all ***t made uP by doctors to make kids and us all go take their medications

why do you think its because the dr's want our kids on medication? anyway its the mothers making the children ill and NOT the dr's, (ok not in all cases) but mums, dads, grandperants make they're children ill on a regualr basis and the dr's treat the kids, and give sympathy to the dr's, i have no doubts in my mind that this condition excists human is the same. We can call everyone else's differences by loud proclaiming names such as "diseases" and "syndromes", but the truth is that the only real issues here are those that have an effect on successful life for us and others. I say this again, the doctors create out of thin air problems, than diagnose people with many problems they created and than they make those people take their medications and pay for their services. human is the same. We can call everyone else's differences by loud proclaiming names such as "diseases" and "syndromes", but the truth is that the only real issues here are those that have an effect on successful life for us and others. I say this again, the doctors create out of thin air problems, than diagnose people with many problems they created and than they make those people take their medications and pay for their services.

yeah you're right the dr's do somtimes cause problems but, this is about the mothers making children ill to gain sympathy from dr's.

(p.s i dont have a _ in my name)
yeah you're right the dr's do somtimes cause problems but, this is about the mothers making children ill to gain sympathy from dr's.

(p.s i dont have a _ in my name)

well mothers who do not care for their children, should be discerned the right to have control over their children...control given to dad or to government institutions/other parents
this condition is both sad and at the same time dispecable. I dont think mothers (and its generally mothers not fathers) with the condition should be charged but they DO need to lose the children and they need treatment

Of corse the same can be said for pedifiles and most criminals.
*shrug* sociaty is screwed up what can you do about it
this condition is both sad and at the same time dispecable. I dont think mothers (and its generally mothers not fathers) with the condition should be charged but they DO need to lose the children and they need treatment

Of corse the same can be said for pedifiles and most criminals.
*shrug* sociaty is screwed up what can you do about it

in order for society to be "screwed up", a control of good "un-screwed up" society must do u say that in past things were better? because in past they were saying the same thing you are saying now...and in their past the people said the same thing as well.

Yet we're alive and well.
i never said things were better or worse in the past, i said the way we treat "criminals" is screwed up in general.

What reasons do people comit crimes, well lets break it down:
mental illness
sociapathic tendancy
Greed ect

Now lets look at those
Passion - Temperary loss of mental control
desperation - well if you fix social welfare this shouldnt happen
mental illness - not compitent
sociapathic tendancy - mental illness
Greed - this may well be the ONLY reason that should be punishable
you forgot lack of money which resulted from lack of job...this is the main reason anyone commits crime
i was classing that as desperation and as i said if you fix social wealfare you would have a better chance of eliminating this rather than throwing people in jail
this condition is both sad and at the same time dispecable. I dont think mothers (and its generally mothers not fathers) with the condition should be charged but they DO need to lose the children and they need treatment

Of corse the same can be said for pedifiles and most criminals.
*shrug* sociaty is screwed up what can you do about it

they do need to be charged, because the conditions they put the kids through often go with them into adult hood,

one mother, held down her daughter and got a cocktail stick (the daughter was just 8yrs old) and she then scraped the inside of her daughters nose, saying, sit still its your nose treatments, making the daughter have nose bleeds constantly, and then gong to and fro the dr's to have treatments, and in the end haveing to have her nose cauterized, that is assault and assault is illegal
its a mental illness, what is the point of throwing mentally ill people in prision?
its a mental illness, what is the point of throwing mentally ill people in prision?

yes i know its a mental condition but they can charge the mental people doing this and then put them into an assylum to get better.

they should not be allowed to look after other peoples children under ANY curcumstance, and if they allowed to walk the streets then that is what they will end up doing.
Oh i didnt mean that they should either look after children or walk around without treatment. I just have a problem with the way we treat people who comit crimes including child abuse
My first thought was, OMG our mothers are out to get us..

Then I realized that there is now a name for domineering abusive, hypocritical, evil mothers.
They are mother's who hurt their children so people pay attention to them, the mother. "You're such a good mother. You do so much for your child. You sacrifice so much for your child" That kinda crap. They have important people (doctors) listening to them. "My child has seizures. My child vomits in the middle of the night. My child's mouth bleeds when I mix Draino in her milk" ok, maybe not that last one, but....
Ever see Sixth Sense?
I think the time has come to seriously consider designing biometric human production system. That way the child will be the child...of the machines. And no mother or father will harm him/her ever. The machine will be obsolete.
They are mother's who hurt their children so people pay attention to them, the mother. "You're such a good mother. You do so much for your child. You sacrifice so much for your child" That kinda crap. They have important people (doctors) listening to them. "My child has seizures. My child vomits in the middle of the night. My child's mouth bleeds when I mix Draino in her milk" ok, maybe not that last one, but....
Ever see Sixth Sense?

Ok, now I'm scared. A mother is telling me to be scared of other mothers.

Seriously. Is this disorder due to some childhood incident ? Or is it an ego boost?