

Registered Senior Member
Do you think multiculturalism can be said to have been a success in America? Do you think it works in general? I've been hearing random arguments by random racist losers that say "Multiculturalism doesn't work (these people are just nationalists arguing that all non whites should be deported)". It seems to me rather stupid to say that it is impossible that cultures/races cannot live harmoniously in the same environment. Most likely if people were collectively more educated racial and ethnic intolerance would just dissolve. That's my opinion anyway. What do you think?


P.S. if anyone has anyt gool links to imformation on this subject it would be cool to see them. Cheers.
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I think you are struggling to accept it as well, since you cannot
seem to accept the culture of "random racist losers". ;)

:m: Peace.
I am generally pretty tolerant..but I must admit im at my threshhold when people talk in terms of "niggers" "spiks" ect.

Peace, yes. :)'re tolerent of everything except "intolerence" -
In other words, rebellion frightens you. It might destroy that fragile facade of strength and ability of yours if you actually had to think instead of parroting whatever the media tells you.

It is always amusing to hear cunts like you whine about tolerence and love, complain about "racists" and then support music like this

Your hypocrisy is amusing.
You can't educate people out of ignorance, so they'll always be intollerant.

But I gotta kind of question where exactly you would read articles by these "racist losers", where they would be using this kind of language. For all the rest of us know, they could have legitimate points.
Originally posted by Xev're tolerent of everything except "intolerence" -
In other words, rebellion frightens you. It might destroy that fragile facade of strength and ability of yours if you actually had to think instead of parroting whatever the media tells you.

It is always amusing to hear cunts like you whine about tolerence and love, complain about "racists" and then support music like this

Your hypocrisy is amusing.

'Yeah, you really got me worked out. You're obviously trying pigeon hole me in some catagory to validate your pre-existing outlook..but you should really get to know me before you catagorise me.

I've never heard that music in my life.

Rebellion only frightens me if I think it is motivated by evil.

How about the issue of the thread?
Do you think multiculturalism works?
Originally posted by Walker
You can't educate people out of ignorance, so they'll always be intollerant.

But I gotta kind of question where exactly you would read articles by these "racist losers", where they would be using this kind of language. For all the rest of us know, they could have legitimate points.

I read articles on random "white power" websites that say whites and blacks cannot possibly live in harmony because of inherent differences between the two (mainly that blacks are innately prone to violence). That's the basis of there argument, if its legitimate or not is the question I'm asking you.
of course multiculturalism works. If urban blacks didn’t have a distinct culture, and our corporations didn’t co-opted and bastardize it, then what WOULD our suburban white youths be wearing, how would they be speaking? and where would the people profiting off these things be today? They are the living success stories of multiculturalism.
I think it can work, as long as theres a minimum of hatred, fear and stupidity on both sides. Once you realise these people are just humans, like you, theres no need to get worked up about anything and no need to jail them all, etc etc. The tricky bit is the introduction.
Multiculturism in Britain doesn't work, and it is killing the country.

I dare the immigration celebrationists to order the Nigerians to accept millions of Arabs, whites, Indians and Chinese to enrich their culture, or the Indians to accept millions of Chinese, Africans, Arabs and whites to enrich theirs.,,7-376133,00.html


Moves are afoot to redesign that most sacred of British hallmarks - the union flag.
Here is the proposed new flag
'Yeah, you really got me worked out. You're obviously trying pigeon hole me in some catagory to validate your pre-existing outlook..but you should really get to know me before you catagorise me.

This is the internet. The only people trying to get to know one another are forty year old men pretending to be horny fourteen year old girls.
Get a life.

I've never heard that music in my life.

Your whole life has been spent blissfully free of even one rap song?

Rebellion only frightens me if I think it is motivated by evil. we have it.
You honestly believe in eeeevil?
So awfully embarassing when you let your slaves dictate morality to you instead of simply tossing the lunatics to the lions. So horridly more embarassing when they still do not shut up.

How about the issue of the thread?
Do you think multiculturalism works?

I think that shoving it down the throat of a country with an indigenous culture will kill that culture.
Look at what happened to the Aztecs and other native Americans. Look what happened to the Romans and the Greeks and the Vikings.

This is an obvious lesson of history.
Originally posted by Xev
I think that shoving it down the throat of a country with an indigenous culture will kill that culture.
Look at what happened to the Aztecs and other native Americans. Look what happened to the Romans and the Greeks and the Vikings.

This is an obvious lesson of history.

You are quite correct Xev.

It is an obvious lesson of history, and it's happening to Britain today.
Are you denying that the imposition of Spanish culture and Christianity destroyed the Aztec culture?
Perhaps you see Aztecs running about these days?

Do you deny that Christianity was a factor in the decline of the Roman empire? Read Gibbon, twit.

Do you deny that Viking culture lost its edge because of the Christians, and do you deny that the Greek citystates were reduced to impotent internicine squabbles in part because of foriegn culture and blood? Last I checked the Apaches lived mostly in reservations, are you saying that the invasion of Europeans had nothing to do with this?

Are you a complete idiot?

I don't doubt that. America has always been a culture of immigrants, but the twin pressures of foriegn culture and the entertainment-media complex are turning it into nothing.
i deny that "multiculturalism" was the cause
perhaps if you dust off the dic? match your examples to the concept and see if you wanna still maintain
or do you wanna keep talking thru your ass?

do you concede? small point, really:)
Are you denying that the imposition of Spanish culture and Christianity destroyed the Aztec culture?
Perhaps you see Aztecs running about these days?
The Aztecs sacrificed babies to snake gods. But their culture is more or less preserved. Only ideas are replaced with new and better ones.

Do you deny that Christianity was a factor in the decline of the Roman empire? Read Gibbon, twit.
It's usually accepted that the Roman empire fell because they were spending into decadence and not gaining money from conquest. What exactly is your point here? Do you want an empire conquering every nation to fule its power hunger?

Do you deny that Viking culture lost its edge because of the Christians, and
No, I have a copy of Erick the Red's journey to vinland and they were christians. Vikings did not loose their edge due to Christians. Furthermore, the Normon conquest of England shows this well. Clearly the Vikings lost their "edge" because they were not raiding the wealthier sea ports. Of course if that's your definition of greateness then please state so.

Now back to subject. Multiculturism works as long as no culture is excluded. Moreso, each student would have to enrich themselves with different cultures and not just the one that they are from.
Originally posted by okinrus
Now back to subject. Multiculturism works as long as no culture is excluded. Moreso, each student would have to enrich themselves with different cultures and not just the one that they are from.

so ahh, all should have parades? will we have any days at work? will christmas be downgraded? there is no room for a "dominant" culture?
dont students already learn stuff? do you mean more intensive stuff?

pardon the questions
so ahh, all should have parades? will we have any days at work? will christmas be downgraded? there is no room for a "dominant" culture?
dont students already learn stuff? do you mean more intensive stuff?
Celebrating an holiday that the majority wants is different from learning about another culture. Alot of students are not knowledgeable of other countries. For instance, many students will know african culture yet not know anything about india or china. But we have to separate between sugar coded multi-culturism and actual teaching.
Perhaps some of you fools need to distinguish between a frikkin IDEOLOGY/RELIGION AND CULTURE.

Anyway, on the topic. I have no clue what you mean by "multiculturalism".
Originally posted by Xev
This is the internet. The only people trying to get to know one another are forty year old men pretending to be horny fourteen year old girls.
Get a life.

Your whole life has been spent blissfully free of even one rap song? we have it.
You honestly believe in eeeevil?
So awfully embarassing when you let your slaves dictate morality to you instead of simply tossing the lunatics to the lions. So horridly more embarassing when they still do not shut up.

I think that shoving it down the throat of a country with an indigenous culture will kill that culture.
Look at what happened to the Aztecs and other native Americans. Look what happened to the Romans and the Greeks and the Vikings.

This is an obvious lesson of history.

Well if we don't get to know each other just a little, we won't be able to understand each other, so there would be no point in even arguing.

I have heard a few rap songs, yeah, but usually I just try to shut it out and imagne guns n roses or something. But I certainly never "supported" it like you originally yeah..wait until you know where im coming from before you start unloading you shit on me.

Yes I do believe in evil. But I can see by your tryhard nietzschiesm that you dont. Oh well, superman broke his back yo.

Who said anything about forcing culture down anyones throat? Where are you even getting this? I'm talking about cultures tolerating each other.