Muhammad, in, the, Bible

I did ask you a question or two :

"Issues like whether Jesus really existed are pretty important, wouldn't you say? The truth of claims about divinity and whatnot are the foundation of Christianity and Islam so they should be examined, lest you end up believing something false. Or do you not think its important to have justified belief? Perhaps you don't care whether or not your beliefs are true, I have no idea."


"Why is it God/Allah/Santa has such an important message everyone must receive lest they make 'the naughty list' and yet they reply on cryptic vague metaphorical word games?"


"Likewise, if the Quran is perfect why isn't there one and only one denomination of Islam? Is the invisible guy in the sky that bad at communication?"

They weren't rhetorical, I want to know what your response is. You complained in another thread atheists never get past "Your scriptures are bunk", perhaps you're just not engaging us in discussion properly?

Im not answering any questions that don't directly have to do with Mohammed peace be upon him, in earlier biblical canons.
Howmuch do you get paid to go around forums posting this, and havent you got a script change at-least? you have these arguments copy pasted.
We all know these arguments because they are simple and correct.

If you think you're going to get very far on a website devoted to science by insisting that religious texts are literal, historical truth, rather than a collection of useful metaphors, you are very much mistaken.

It's you supernaturalists who make it your mission to go around trolling your utterly preposterous fairytales everywhere. We only post this stuff when someone like you comes along preaching patently absurd stories from the Stone Age. The rest of the time we never even think about religion.

So please stop trolling, and stop insulting our members by accusing them of being paid to post. Even we Moderators don't get paid!

You've been warned. If you ever repeat that statement it will be treated as trolling, a violation of the forum rules.
We all know these arguments because they are simple and correct.

If you think you're going to get very far on a website devoted to science by insisting that religious texts are literal, historical truth, rather than a collection of useful metaphors, you are very much mistaken.

It's you supernaturalists who make it your mission to go around trolling your utterly preposterous fairytales everywhere. We only post this stuff when someone like you comes along preaching patently absurd stories from the Stone Age. The rest of the time we never even think about religion.

So please stop trolling, and stop insulting our members by accusing them of being paid to post. Even we Moderators don't get paid!

You've been warned. If you ever repeat that statement it will be treated as trolling, a violation of the forum rules.

Some people are on the payroll for these very things, I was asking him if he was one of them. The MI5 and MI6 pay agents to conduct espionage and intel gathering, this includes agents who just sit behind computers and go online. Some companies also hire and pay peope to spread diss-info around and to manipulate public opinions or highten pubic opinions on a certain thing. I wasn't suggesting he works for Sci-forums for all I know he could work for a christian company who spread hate against Islam they do exist. Some people are hired to make youtube videos aswell.

Your comments were interesting though, If I have "Trolled" anybody I suggest you file a report about it show proof of my troling and then get me banned, if not pipe down please.
Howmuch do you get paid to go around forums posting this, and havent you got a script change at-least? you have these arguments copy pasted.
The scientific question has not been addressed.

This Post is "Muhammad, in, the, Bible".

If you're going to attempt to answer the OP then the very first starting place is understanding that there is no good contemporary evidence Mohammad actually existed. Thus, we'd have limit the response to literary characters. Which, quite frankly, is just making it up.

The authors of the Bible wouldn't have known a branch superstition would develop 400 years in the future with a protagonist names Mohammad. Also, it should be noted: Which Bible? There were Christians who believed Jesus was the son of God, Christians who believed Jesus was an allegorical fictional character, Christians who thought Jesus was Satan, Christians who thought Jesus was only a Prophet - these Christians evolved into Muslims.

So, if you're going to talk about Mohammad being in a Bible, you'd be better off looking into Gnostic Sethians "Bible" as those are likely the descendants who made of much of the Qur'an.
Some people are on the payroll for these very things, I was asking him if he was one of them. The MI5 and MI6 pay agents to conduct espionage and intel gathering, this includes agents who just sit behind computers and go online. Some companies also hire and pay peope to spread diss-info around and to manipulate public opinions or highten pubic opinions on a certain thing.
It's a fact there is NO good contemporary evidence for Mohammad (as well as Khalid). You can prove this to yourself by simply doing the research. If there were some evidence you'd easily find it published in archeological journals where peer reviewed data can be found.

As it stands, we do have a Syrian coin with the word Mohammad being used as a TITLE for Christ. That's good contemporary evidence Mohammad was, at that time, simply a word. This word later became a "Prophet" for political consolidation of religious control over the, mostly superstitious illiterate masses. Which is why there is no contemporary evidence of Mohammad, the Companions, this Khalid character (even I thought he was at least real) or any of the other mythological events from that period - including the Qur'an, which was codified along with all the rest of the foundation myth much LATER.

Oh, and no, I'm not paid for pointing our a simple historical FACT that ANYONE here can look into for themselves. THAT is the beauty of the Scientific Method :)
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No, I'm making a general comment. I have no idea what Michael normally posts, I don't recognise his avatar at all. My point was that the issues he brings up are not something you can just say "Oh you always bring that up" and then ignore. Issues like whether Jesus really existed are pretty important, wouldn't you say? The truth of claims about divinity and whatnot are the foundation of Christianity and Islam so they should be examined, lest you end up believing something false. Or do you not think its important to have justified belief? Perhaps you don't care whether or not your beliefs are true, I have no idea. Personally I care whether or not what I believe is rational and based on reason and evidence. The complete lack of contemporary accounts for Jesus makes me reach the conclusion it is not reasonable to believe the claims made about Jesus by Christians.

In regards to the original poster the argument is much the same as the "The Quran predicts relativity" claims I've seen some muslims make. It's always based on dubious interpretations of things after the fact. In both Christianity and Islam there are believers claiming their holy book is full of scientific facts etc but they never reveal themselves until after science has done it for them. Once that's been done suddenly certain passages take on new interpretations and oh look, Jesus and/or Mo' predicted whatever you want.

Why is it God/Allah/Santa has such an important message everyone must receive lest they make 'the naughty list' and yet they reply on cryptic vague metaphorical word games? If Allah's passing down ultimate truth and knows all things to come saying something precise isn't exactly hard. If he/it wants to pass down scientific understanding why not come out and say specific things clearly? Why play word games, where a single passage can be interpreted many different ways? It's the lack of clarity which leads to the fracturing of religions, why there's more than 30,000 Christian denominations. Likewise, if the Quran is perfect why isn't there one and only one denomination of Islam? Is the invisible guy in the sky that bad at communication?

Yeah you know it ! bad communicator . I like that " Invisible guy in the Big Sky " I added Big for you . Hollow Man in the Big Sky . Don"t you be dis-sen Santa Alpha ! Your on the "Naughty list" and you would not want to jeopardize that. That guy you were waring with "to funny . He thought I called him Robin Hood , Can you believe that ? WE all know who the real Hero is . Alpha ! Alpha ! Yeah Alpha !
Im not answering any questions that don't directly have to do with Mohammed peace be upon him, in earlier biblical canons.
Why am I not surprised.....

Yeah you know it ! bad communicator . I like that " Invisible guy in the Big Sky " I added Big for you . Hollow Man in the Big Sky . Don"t you be dis-sen Santa Alpha ! Your on the "Naughty list" and you would not want to jeopardize that. That guy you were waring with "to funny . He thought I called him Robin Hood , Can you believe that ? WE all know who the real Hero is . Alpha ! Alpha ! Yeah Alpha !
Don't post while drunk.
The Holy ghost isnt god, Trinity is false and has no home in Monotheistic Religion, it is a new fabrication that is not apart of any of the Law givers books, only found in the new corrupted Gospels.

The trinity is not polytheism. It is simply different manifestations of the same God. The easiest way to think of it is in terms of all the things that an omnipotent god type character could do. Create the universe, permeate every aspect of his creation, and become a man himself (without giving up his aforementioned roles). Any assertion that this would not be possible for a god type character would be the equivalent of denying his omnipotence.

Do you think Allah would be incapable of doing the aforementioned things?
I don't think Allah has the same power as the Christian god and so probably no It couldn't. You know, each superhero has his or her own special power.
Interestingly, trinity was one of the major splits in a number of Christian sects in the early 6th century.
The scientific question has not been addressed.

This Post is "Muhammad, in, the, Bible".

If you're going to attempt to answer the OP then the very first starting place is understanding that there is no good contemporary evidence Mohammad actually existed. Thus, we'd have limit the response to literary characters. Which, quite frankly, is just making it up.

The authors of the Bible wouldn't have known a branch superstition would develop 400 years in the future with a protagonist names Mohammad. Also, it should be noted: Which Bible? There were Christians who believed Jesus was the son of God, Christians who believed Jesus was an allegorical fictional character, Christians who thought Jesus was Satan, Christians who thought Jesus was only a Prophet - these Christians evolved into Muslims.

So, if you're going to talk about Mohammad being in a Bible, you'd be better off looking into Gnostic Sethians "Bible" as those are likely the descendants who made of much of the Qur'an.

This is a comparative religion study, the analysis of scriptures to find mention of a person within the text's. by your standards we should conclude that "There is no evidence for any biblica characters ever existing, so everything in the bible/s is bunk and comparative religion study's are moot.
There is no contemporary evidence for many/most of the Characters in the Bible. It's like saying: There is no evidence for any GreekoRoman Gods ever existing, so everything in the Pantheon is bunk and comparative religion study's are moot. More than likely none of the main protagonists in the Bible existed aside from, perhaps, Paul. Likewise, there is no contemporary evidence that any of the main protagonists in the Qur'an existed either. More than likely, they didn't. That doesn't mean the comparison of religion isn't worth pursuing. Only that to make the endeavor have any meaning, that fact that these are literary characters only, needs to be taken into serious consideration.

As an example, one could compare Greek Gods with Roman Gods (and do). Hinduism is compared with Buddhism all the time. Japanese Shinto Gods are compared with Greek Gods. Etc.... If someone thought a certain Greek Goddess myth predicted, say, Julius Caesar - well, no one would think that the Greeks REALLY had a Goddess that really foresaw Caesar. What they'd do, is study WHY people think such a thing. The psychology behind that way of thinking. We'd end up studying the individuals who believe these sorts of superstitions and what sort of society they create.

You can live your life believing in Khalid and Hercules, or you can set aside your superstitions and attempt to make real comparisons between 5-6th century Gnostic Christianity and attempt to uncover how this form of Christian belief developed into Islam in the 7th - 9th centuries. Comparison between religions is worthwhile if done properly.

Of course, that would mean thinking rationally and skeptically about your own particular superstitions - something we both know is impossible for most superstitious people to so.
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