Conservative talk radio has not lied about Obama. But what about when W was prez and the left called for his assassination? Called him a war criminal? Called him every name in the book. Called him a stupid/drunk/cokehead.
Calling Obama an non-American, racist, secret Muslim Nazi tyrant who, along with the terrorists he is in league with, wants to destroy America is just as bad as that. He gets an average of
30 death threats per day, not because conservatives are evil, but because fucking nutbags on the right and the left are so similarly stupid that they use the same tactics.
People who follow politics need to grow up, and right now 90% of the cry babies publicly whining away are on the right. It seems like no one can bring himself or herself to disagree with anybody unless they convince themselves that their opponent is the embodiment of all that is bad and dangerous. No one is every just "wrong" or "misguided," they are fundamentally evil. Obama is not going to destroy America, and he doesn't want to. His not having dinner with Netanyahu or holding a photo op with him is not going to undermine U.S. Israeli relations. His naming someone as a "czar" is not a secret signal that he is installing communism into the White House. At no time did Obama (or any other Democrat) want there to be "death panels" that would decide to kill Americans. That Obama bowed to a Saudi leader is not a sign of his obeisance to their greater authority (or to his devotion to Islam) any more than Bush's holding hands with a Saudi leader as the pair walked around his ranch was a sign they were in love.
Some people are too passionate, to the point of irrationality, to be allowed to follow politics. To me, it seems like 25% of those who read the Daily Kos or Huffington's website, or who attended or wanted to attend a tea party, fall into that group. Worse, these fucking morons are the ones who devote the most time to putting up blogs and researching their political enemies every minor flaw, because you have to be nuts to spend that much time worrying about shit like that (for example, the idiots who wasted their time questioning Obama's birth certificate, or scouring his grade school records). It's unfortunate but understandable that these kinds of people are also the ones who get TV shows, because rational discourse is not good television.
We all have moments where our passions carry us away, but some people have really let their brains atrophy in the past two decades, and passion and conspiracy theories are all they have left.