
It doesn't matter if your parents are abusive or not hitting them is not okay. I had an abusive grandfather, I hated him and was afraid of him, but I never would have hit him back, even now as an adult when I could easily win in a fight, the thought would have never crossed my mind. When I get sick of him I just leave.
Under what conditions if any is it ok to hit one's parent ?

I recently saw a documentary, looking at the inverse of parental abuse, where perfectly normal children hit their parents. The documentary pointed to drug abuse, and violent tendencies in children as the cause.

I also know that it's pretty hidden from society, you hear about parental abuse, but you don't hear about the opposite. But that said, and (in defense of teenagers), Parents can get physically and very abusive at times..

So when is it ok to strike back ?, Or is it never ok ?.

it is never ok to hit your mum or dad, it doesnt matter what they have done, you should have respect for each other.

i was hit and bullied by my oldest child for a long time, and one day i stood up and punched him in the nose he ahs not hit me ever since, and i dont think he will.

and in the same instance, perants should not hit they're child in an abusive manner either so it shouold never arise
it is never ok to hit your mum or dad, it doesnt matter what they have done, you should have respect for each other.

What if they are beating you and blood is coming out of your mouth?
What if they are beating you and blood is coming out of your mouth?

i have been there and not once did i hot my mum untill i was 19, then i flew for her, and i regretted it ever since,

the perants should not be in a situation where they are volitile and the kids should perhaps walk away¬!
it is never ok to hit your mum or dad, it doesnt matter what they have done, you should have respect for each other.

i was hit and bullied by my oldest child for a long time, and one day i stood up and punched him in the nose he ahs not hit me ever since, and i dont think he will.

and in the same instance, perants should not hit they're child in an abusive manner either so it shouold never arise

Why were you bullied ?.
Why were you bullied ?.

he had mental problems and in fact he still does, and he couldnt handle it very well, and i was just caught in hte cross fire, its no excuse but he is sorry for waht he did and he ahs promised he will never do it again, and so far he hasnt

But you keep coming back for more?! Are you masochistic?

I didn't come to see him. He was just sort of a package with my grandmother. When ever she came over so did he and whenever I had to go visit them he was there. I was little I didn't have a choice in whether he came over my parents house or not. Now he's dead, so I don't see him too often.
My grandmother goes to visit his grave, but I don't. Of course I don't believe in visiting graves anyway. But if she asked me to accompany her I would. I would be doing that for her though not her drunkard of a husband.
Becoming a parent does not automatically make you lovable..or even respectable.

Some of the worst human beings who ever lived were parents.
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