Mother Earth Terrorizes Environmentalists

Some people are easy to hate. If you were to waste the time looking through my posts you will find many instances where I provide useful and informative information in response to genuine questions.

I do not tolerate nonsense of the type promoted by OIM. I shall continue to attack it.

You appear to have taken exception to me because I demolished your argument in a thread a week or so ago. As a consequence you then chose to call me an asshole in a completely unrelated thread. I asked for an explanation of your attack both on that thread and by pm. You chose to ignore this request for clarification. Now you choose to make this comment here. Independent readers can form their own conclsion.

Really, come back when you have matured a little. You are currently wasting oxygen. While awaiting your response to my requests I was deliberately avoiding comments on some of your posts. I now withdraw that restraint. Expect to be tackled on each piece of nonsense I see you posting. (That should keep me busy.)

Feel free to go ahead and harass me in every post as you harass everyone else. You never "demolished" my argument, I don't recall the specific argument. But I recall not responding to you for a reason, your question had such different axioms than my statement that there was no way we could reconcile and come to any agreement. Thus I didn't want to waste the time.
Feel free to go ahead and harass me in every post as you harass everyone else.

Provably inaccurate statement.

Ophiolite has not harrased me, therefore he has not harrased 'everyone else'.

In fact, in all honesty, I have fround Ophiolite agreeable and helpful.
Provably inaccurate statement.

Ophiolite has not harrased me, therefore he has not harrased 'everyone else'.

In fact, in all honesty, I have fround Ophiolite agreeable and helpful.

Trippy; the statement "Harass me as you harass everyone else" means "Harass me the same way you harass other people that you harass", but I didn't feel like typing the long version.

I probably can't get away with typing "Won't" around you either, eh?
Now you have reminded me. You made some statements that I simply did not understand in the context of the discusion. I asked you to elaborate - you responded by calling me an asshole. I can only assume this was because of our previous interchange in another thread.

I don't harass everyone else. I harass individuals who use pseudoscientific arguments, or who stereotype persons by race or religion, who believe they do not share a responsibility for the planet and its inhabitants. If you feel that pseudoscientific arguments are good, that prejudice against individuals because of their class, race or religion is a positive thing, that selfishness is the height of good sense - if you believe these things, then I shall 'harass' you each time I notice you posting such abhorrent thoughts.
Now you have reminded me. You made some statements that I simply did not understand in the context of the discusion. I asked you to elaborate - you responded by calling me an asshole. I can only assume this was because of our previous interchange in another thread.

I don't harass everyone else. I harass individuals who use pseudoscientific arguments, or who stereotype persons by race or religion, who believe they do not share a responsibility for the planet and its inhabitants. If you feel that pseudoscientific arguments are good, that prejudice against individuals because of their class, race or religion is a positive thing, that selfishness is the height of good sense - if you believe these things, then I shall 'harass' you each time I notice you posting such abhorrent thoughts.

Okay; so it was a misunderstanding between us. Let's assume there was never conflict and move on from this point.
Trippy; the statement "Harass me as you harass everyone else" means "Harass me the same way you harass other people that you harass", but I didn't feel like typing the long version.

I probably can't get away with typing "Won't" around you either, eh?

Actually, I don't give a toss about abbreviations, and anyone willing to delve into my post history can see that.

Say what you mean (and mean what you say).

'Harrass me the same way you harrass others' would have been an equally abbreviated, but more accurate sentence, but this is substantially different from 'Harrass me the same way you harrass everyone else'.
Methane timebomb discovered in Michael Moore

Controversial film-maker and polemicist, Michael Moore, produces 60% of the world's methane, experts revealed last night.

However it could mark the end of the world if he ever unleashes even a fraction of the monstrous amount of gas which scientist believe he contains within him.

Alarms were first raised when Moore farted in bed last month and killed all known life forms within a two mile radius. Reports state they died a long painful death with their faces contorted in agony.

Despite the authorities evacuating the whole state and two neighboring ones as a precaution, the film maker denies it was his doing.

"I didn't supply it." He told reporters in chemical warfare suits "The responsibility for that belongs to the rich and powerful, Republicans, Fox News, George Bush and Dick Cheney. In other words, those who smelt it, dealt it."

But Government scientists disagree. I met with a gas-masked Dr. Clive Jones, world-renowned authority, in his bunker at an undisclosed location.

"We've known for years that Moore was the world's top producer of hot air" he said " But we are really really worried if he should ever seriously fire one out after a late night curry. It could be the end of life on earth."

There is alot of CH[sub]4[/sub] released from Landfill sites and Waste water treatment locations, along with livestock grazing. You have to add that to the overall Methane content of the atmosphere to get a better understanding of just how effected the environment is and those instances of Methane are not Oil related. (Just mentioning that since a certain troll seems to think otherwise)
There is alot of CH[sub]4[/sub] released from Landfill sites and Waste water treatment locations, along with livestock grazing. You have to add that to the overall Methane content of the atmosphere to get a better understanding of just how effected the environment is and those instances of Methane are not Oil related. (Just mentioning that since a certain troll seems to think otherwise)
I never said otherwise. What I've said is there are no cows living in the mantle, in volcanoes, on Titan, or on carbonaceous meteorites. And the reason why gas is passed is because it is useless to the organism. Methanogenic archaea are real. However so are the laws of physics and chemistry. How do you explain the presence of helium in natural gas?
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Alpha decay of radionucleii
Apparently there are high levels of uranium and thorium in decayed fossils of biological organisms. Dinosaurs must've gone extinct through thermonuclear war.

I guess you learn something new every day...:rolleyes:
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Apparently there are high levels of uranium and thorium in decayed fossils of biological organisms. Dinosaurs must've gone extinct through thermonuclear war.

I guess you learn something new every day...:rolleyes:

Once again, you're being deceitful.

You're attempting to imply that I consider that the Helium must have formed insitu.

This is a wrong assumption on your part, I did not comment on from whence the Helium originated, only on how it originated.

Or are you going to disagree with, as far as I know, every Physicist, Geologist, and Chemist on the face of this planet who suggests that the earth is too small to hold onto its Helium?

For that matter, are you suggesting that gasses such as Methane and Helium can't flow through the crust, or mantle?
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For at least 15,000 years, hundreds of millions of tons of methane have been released into the atmosphere on a daily basis.

British scientists have discovered hundreds more methane "plumes" bubbling up from the Arctic seabed, in an area to the west of the Norwegian island of Svalbard. It is the second time in a week that scientists have reported methane emissions from the Arctic.

Methane is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas and the latest findings from two separate teams of scientists suggest it is being released in significant amounts from within the Arctic Circle.

On Tuesday, The Independent revealed that scientists on board a Russian research ship had detected vast quantities of methane breaking through the melting permafrost under the seabed of the shallow continental shelf off the Siberian coast.

Yesterday, researchers on board the British research ship the James Clark Ross said they had counted about 250 methane plumes bubbling from the seabed in an area of about 30 square miles in water less than 400 metres (1,300 feet) deep off the west coast of Svalbard. They have also discovered a set of deeper plumes at depths of about 1,200 metres at a second site near by. Analysis of sediments and seawater has confirmed the rising gas is methane, said Professor Graham Westbrook of Birmingham University, the study's principal investigator.

"The discovery of this system is important as its presence provides evidence that methane, which is a greenhouse gas, has been released in this climactically sensitive region since the last ice age," Professor Westbrook said. An analysis of sediments taken from the seabed show that the gas is coming from methane hydrates – ice-like crystals where molecules of the gas are captured in "cages" made of water molecules, which become unstable as water pressures fall or temperatures rise.

Professor Westbrook said the area surveyed off the west coast of Svalbard was very different to the area being studied by the Russian vessel because the water was much deeper and does not have a layer of permafrost sealing the methane under the seabed.

It is likely that methane emissions off Svalbard have been continuous for about 15,000 years – since the last ice age
Strawman - at no point have I actually stated my position with regards to biogenesis versus abiogenesis.

You're being dishonest and disingenuous.
You haven't stated your position? Whose position have you been stating?
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You haven't stated your position? Whose position have you been stating?

My position is irrelevant to the discussion.
I have not been stating any position.
I don't need to state a position to demonstrate that your claims are false.