Mother Earth Terrorizes Environmentalists



Forget terror in the Middle East. As all of the victims of terror know "there is no terrorist threat"... except from Mother Nature: Exclusive: The methane time bomb.

The first evidence that millions of tons of a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere from beneath the Arctic seabed has been discovered by scientists. ...

In the past few days, the researchers have seen areas of sea foaming with gas bubbling up through "methane chimneys" rising from the sea floor. ...

"We had a hectic finishing of the sampling programme yesterday and this past night," said Dr Gustafsson. "An extensive area of intense methane release was found. At earlier sites we had found elevated levels of dissolved methane. Yesterday, for the first time, we documented a field where the release was so intense that the methane did not have time to dissolve into the seawater but was rising as methane bubbles to the sea surface. These 'methane chimneys' were documented on echo sounder and with seismic [instruments]."

At some locations, methane concentrations reached 100 times background levels. These anomalies have been seen in the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea, covering several tens of thousands of square kilometres, amounting to millions of tons of methane, said Dr Gustafsson. "This may be of the same magnitude as presently estimated from the global ocean," he said. "Nobody knows how many more such areas exist on the extensive East Siberian continental shelves.
And wouldn't you know? All the methane comes from the millions of tons of dinosaurs and vegetation which dominate the Arctic ice caps: Steve Connor: The ultimate gas leak that scientists have long dreaded.

Methane is produced naturally by the decay of water-logged vegetation. Over thousands of years it has accumulated under the ground at northern latitudes and has effectively been taken out of circulation by the permafrost acting as an impermeable lid.
Apparently the millions of tons of vegetation migrated to the North Pole to die. Curiously, however, they avoided decaying in the Southern latitudes which makes sense if you think about it. Why would vegetation want to die in the Southern latitudes? The Arctic climate is so much more hospitable for millions of tons of vegetation.

OMFG ... there is methane being released into the earth's atmosphere. I'm on my way to Dr. Kevorkians now so I can find a way to deal with this.
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This should be in Earth science in my opinion, because it's an interesting phenomena that occurs every once in a while.

The truth is, while we're aware of what's happening. We're rather unaware of what changes for methane to be released like this. It just happens every once in a while with no warning signs, leaves without warning signs, and happens in no detectable pattern.
And wouldn't you know? All the methane comes from the millions of tons of dinosaurs and vegetation which dominate the Arctic ice caps: Steve Connor: The ultimate gas leak that scientists have long dreaded.

Apparently the millions of tons of vegetation migrated to the North Pole to die. Curiously, however, they avoided decaying in the Southern latitudes which makes sense if you think about it. Why would vegetation want to die in the Southern latitudes? The Arctic climate is so much more hospitable for millions of tons of vegetation.

OMFG ... there is methane being released into the earth's atmosphere. I'm on my way to Dr. Kevorkians now so I can find a way to deal with this.

And, once again, OIM has either misunderstood the article, or is deliberately misrepresenting it.

Note that the article says:

Methane is produced naturally by the decay of water-logged vegetation.

Then in the following sentence states:

Over thousands of years it has accumulated under the ground at northern latitudes and has effectively been taken out of circulation by the permafrost acting as an impermeable lid.

This is an important, yet subtle break.

The article says that Methane is produced by waterlogged vegetation, and accumulates at high lattitudes.

The article however, does not say that Methane is produced only at high lattitudes.

The reason why the Methane accumulates at high lattitudes has to do with the fact that Methane accumulates as a Clathrate hydrate - there are photos around of people burning ice as fuel.

Simply, Clathrate hydrates are a cage like structure that water forms under some circumstances, and this cage like structure is capable of trapping Methane (CO2 also forms clatharates).

Methane Clathrate hydrates tend to form in cooler waters where there is a high vegetative content.

Here's a picture of someone burning a methane clathrate hydrate:

Here's a picture of some Methane Clathrate Hydrate sitting on the ocean floor:


Here's a global map of methane clathrate hydrates and their global distribution:

This is an 'issue' that has been known about for some time, however OIM is grossly misrepresenting the literature on the matter.

The environmentalists are wrong as usual: Methane Chimneys Are Not Related To Permafrost Thaw

Walter said this summer’s fieldwork indicates that methane hotspots, such as the one she and the crew experienced, can come from various sources, not just thawing permafrost. Her next goal is to identify and quantify the sources of the methane hotspots around Alaska.

“It is unlikely that this methane plume was related to permafrost thaw,” said Walter, adding that the methane boiling out of the lake was more likely related to natural gas seepage.
For more on abiotic methane chimneys see here.
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The environmentalists are wrong as usual: Methane Chimneys Are Not Related To Permafrost Thaw

For more on abiotic methane chimneys see here.

As usual OIM's post is a logical fallacy.

Because some sources may be abiogenic, does not mean all sources are.
Just because some chimneys may not be related to permafost thaw, does not mean that permafrost thaw does not have the potential to be problematic.
Just because all elephants have 4 legs, does not mean that all mice are elephants.
As usual OIM's post is a logical fallacy.

Because some sources may be abiogenic, does not mean all sources are.
Just because some chimneys may not be related to permafost thaw, does not mean that permafrost thaw does not have the potential to be problematic.
Just because all elephants have 4 legs, does not mean that all mice are elephants.
We have already established that you are illiterate: "Methane hotspots [in general], such as the one she and the crew experienced, can come from various sources, not just thawing permafrost."

Apparently the millions of tons of vegetation migrated to the North Pole to die. Curiously, however, they avoided decaying in the Southern latitudes which makes sense if you think about it. Why would vegetation want to die in the Southern latitudes? The Arctic climate is so much more hospitable for millions of tons of vegetation.

You've never heard of continental drift and plate tectonics, have you? Look them up and be enlightened.
You've never heard of continental drift and plate tectonics, have you?
Yes. The irony is that it's geologists who rejected continental drift and plate tectonics just as they reject modern petroleum science.

"Most geologists resisted for several generations the idea that is now a key paradigm of their science, the theory of plate tectonics championed by Alfred Wegener (Oreskes 1999)" -- Vaclav Smil, geologist, 2003

"Geologists engaged in the search for oil and gas fields ought now to begin reappraising the facts at their disposal and analyzing them from positions of crustal fault tectonics." -- Ivan I. Chebanenko, geologist, 1966

Look them up and be enlightened.
It's you who need to look them up. The last time I checked continental and tectonic plates are not fossils or biological organisms.
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As usual OIM's post is a logical fallacy.

Because some sources may be abiogenic, does not mean all sources are.
Just because some chimneys may not be related to permafost thaw, does not mean that permafrost thaw does not have the potential to be problematic.
Just because all elephants have 4 legs, does not mean that all mice are elephants.

We have already established that you are illiterate: "Methane hotspots [in general], such as the one she and the crew experienced, can come from various sources, not just thawing permafrost."

Go back and re-read what I said.

Nowhere did I state that Methane hotspots had to have just one source, in fact, this is more in line with your claims, not mine.

I clearly stated that I believed they had multiple sources and multiple sources, and then went on to say that just because this was true, doesn't mean that thawing permafrost doesn't pose a problem.

Once again, you resort personal attacks and trying to ridicule anyone disagreeing with you, and once again it turns out to be based on a strawman fallacy.
I wonder if the source of oil may not be the strawmen erected by OIMs ancestors. It is certainly more plausible than his abiogenic speculations.
Orphiolite, why do you post?
You never contribute anything other than hatred.
Some people are easy to hate. If you were to waste the time looking through my posts you will find many instances where I provide useful and informative information in response to genuine questions.

I do not tolerate nonsense of the type promoted by OIM. I shall continue to attack it.

You appear to have taken exception to me because I demolished your argument in a thread a week or so ago. As a consequence you then chose to call me an asshole in a completely unrelated thread. I asked for an explanation of your attack both on that thread and by pm. You chose to ignore this request for clarification. Now you choose to make this comment here. Independent readers can form their own conclsion.

Really, come back when you have matured a little. You are currently wasting oxygen. While awaiting your response to my requests I was deliberately avoiding comments on some of your posts. I now withdraw that restraint. Expect to be tackled on each piece of nonsense I see you posting. (That should keep me busy.)